High school girl addresses school board

If it had been Trump, it would have been "nudge, nudge, wink, wink."

Former Teen Pageant Contestants Claim Trump Would Walk In On Them While Changing
So that makes it ok, what's happening today? The answer should be an emphatic NO! Leave aside that this claim of yours is suspect by nature of being an attack on him running for POTUS, it shouldn't matter if "Timmy did it too!" We learned that from the time of understanding....Somehow today though, that seems to be the excuse for poor policy behavior, and it's infantile....
I've stated why it can be argued. Now I do not support either sides of that argument. If you wish to go back and address what I said, great. I'll repeat what I've already said again.

I did address what you said. Whether or not some people have given adulterers a pass is irrelevant. Adultery is grounds for divorce in this country. It has not been given a pass by our legal system and yet a man that thinks he is a woman or wants to be a women or just claims such, has be given a pass to use women’s restrooms.
So that makes it ok, what's happening today? The answer should be an emphatic NO! Leave aside that this claim of yours is suspect by nature of being an attack on him running for POTUS, it shouldn't matter if "Timmy did it too!" We learned that from the time of understanding....Somehow today though, that seems to be the excuse for poor policy behavior, and it's infantile....

If it's an emphatic NO, you don't elect one who brags on doing it for the highest office in the country.
No, he bragged about doing it.

Because the fact is there are people of all walks of life that will abuse children. It's not just a certain segment.

True, the segment of that population that you were discussing were gay. Not sure why you keep bringing them up. Really doesn’t help your argument.

Oh, and you have no idea what political party they affiliated with either. Nail number two.
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True, the segment of that population that you were discussing were gay. Not sure why you keep bringing them up. Really doesn’t help your argument.

Oh, and you have no idea what political party they affiliated with either. Mail number two.

I never mentioned party.
If it's an emphatic NO, you don't elect one who brags on doing it for the highest office in the country.
Like I said pknopp, what you are giving here is a completely adolescent answer....You're saying because someone else did something, or said something, that excuses the current deplorable, and shameful behavior concerning policy....I reject that...Just as I would reject it coming from a 6 year old in trouble for doing something wrong...

Like I said of Trump, these were accusations that were never proven out, nor verified....They were political attacks met to tarnish him....And the proof of that is that these kinds of claims only surface when the left needs an attack...They didn't happen at the time did they? NO....So spare me...
Like I said pknopp, what you are giving here is a completely adolescent answer....You're saying because someone else did something, or said something, that excuses the current deplorable, and shameful behavior concerning policy....I reject that...Just as I would reject it coming from a 6 year old in trouble for doing something wrong...
No, it's far more than that. Trump brags about it, people don't reject that. They still elect him to the highest office in the country and you expect others to listen you when you tell them it's wrong?

Like I said of Trump, these were accusations that were never proven out, nor verified....They were political attacks met to tarnish him....And the proof of that is that these kinds of claims only surface when the left needs an attack...They didn't happen at the time did they? NO....So spare me...

As has been noted many times. It came about because Trump bragged about doing it and the women there verified it happened.

But you continue to make excuses for your hypocrisy.
Like I said pknopp, what you are giving here is a completely adolescent answer....You're saying because someone else did something, or said something, that excuses the current deplorable, and shameful behavior concerning policy....I reject that...Just as I would reject it coming from a 6 year old in trouble for doing something wrong...

Like I said of Trump, these were accusations that were never proven out, nor verified....They were political attacks met to tarnish him....And the proof of that is that these kinds of claims only surface when the left needs an attack...They didn't happen at the time did they? NO....So spare me...
What else does he have to justify democrats? And as he does so it shows is moral vacuum as well.

I feel sorry for him.
As I have noted with many of you, all it is about is politics.
Yes, it is about politics.

It is about insisting that boys use bathrooms and change clothes with girls. That is the politics of the DNC that is effecting every girl and boy in schools across the country.

And as the girl in this OP is crying her eyes out in shame over the incident, you want to look into her eyes and say, "But Trump went into a girls locker room, so deal with it"

Trump is not even President.

You're insane.
No, it's far more than that. Trump brags about it, people don't reject that. They still elect him to the highest office in the country and you expect others to listen you when you tell them it's wrong?

As has been noted many times. It came about because Trump bragged about doing it and the women there verified it happened.

But you continue to make excuses for your hypocrisy.
Nonsense....You are possibly pulling statements about this out of context for political purposes...

If what you are saying is true, then why were there no charges of citizen Trump never brought? NYC is arguably one of the most liberal places in the country. Then why in the world would something like this happen at beauty pageants without someone blowing the whistle then? Or is something like this completely normal within that ecosystem? And, you are trying to wedge this into something based on political ideology, and animosity?

I don't know enough about the pageant system to know if thses sorts of things go on regularly. If I had to guess, I'd say that in the adult pageants at least there is an amount of male presence in the changing area....And that this is just smear...

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