Hilarious! The right wing has zero clue why Mueller is involving NY's Attorney General


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, only one Republican who voted for Trump in that focus group ever heard of Robert Mueller. They don't really talk about him on Fox. We know why even if they don't.

Now why would he involve the Attorney General of New York all of a sudden. And why that Attorney General?

Remember when Trump had to pay out $25,000,000.00 in the Trump U scam? Remember, I posted the letter from NY's AG to Trump telling him he better not try to pay for the Trump U scam with money from the Trump Foundation scam. That Trump's lawyers had to prove where the money was coming from? Remember that? I do.

So Trump signaled Mueller when he pardoned that racist Sheriff that cost his district a fortune. You know, the guy that was going around snatching up everyone with brown hair and a tan? Opposite of our Constitution? That guy!

Well, Mueller signaled to Trump, You can pardon Federal Crimes, but not State Crimes. Get it? The Sheriff when through the federal courts, not the state court. Mueller can bypass the Federal Courts and go through the courts in the state where the crime was committed and there is nothing Trump can do about it. Not a damn thing. Oops!

Mueller has been called a cyborg with a head, a heart and a brain and now we know why.

It's not a question of whether the circle will be unbroken but how fast it's getting smaller and smaller.

He's not gonna make it.
Wasn't muller supposed to be investing the Russian thingy, what does the sheriff have to do with that.
Just more proof of a witch hunt.

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Wasn't muller supposed to be investing the Russian thingy, what does the sheriff have to do with that.
Just more proof of a witch hunt.

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Oh God. Everything has to be explained.

The Sheriff was convicted in a Federal court.

If Trump's friends and family are convicted in a federal court, Trump can pardon them.
If they are convicted through state law, he can't. He has no power at the state level.

I don't know how else to say it.

Remember, when Trump supporters were asked who Mueller is, they didn't know. That's what happens when you get your news from Fox.
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Yawn, it's CNN...go back to bed
You mean stick your head back up where it's dark.

To me, it's not knowing anything that's scary. Ignorance really isn't bliss.
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Yawn, it's CNN...go back to bed
You mean stick your head back up where it's dark.

To me, it's not knowing anything that's scary. Ignorance really isn't bliss.

Why didn't you just post on the other thread?

This is stupid.
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Yawn, it's CNN...go back to bed
You mean stick your head back up where it's dark.

To me, it's not knowing anything that's scary. Ignorance really isn't bliss.

Why didn't you just post on the other thread?

This is stupid.
I already asked them to be merged. Do catch up.

But I have to admit, sometimes I forget how little Republicans know. If I said the sky was blue, they would want a link. And if it weren't from Fox, they still wouldn't believe it.
At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Yawn, it's CNN...go back to bed
You mean stick your head back up where it's dark.

To me, it's not knowing anything that's scary. Ignorance really isn't bliss.

Why didn't you just post on the other thread?

This is stupid.
I already asked them to be merged. Do catch up.

But I have to admit, sometimes I forget how little Republicans know. If I said the sky was blue, they would want a link. And if it weren't from Fox, they still wouldn't believe it.

Lol look at you trying to be condescending...lmao.

It's amother nothing burger. Dope
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Another idiot. Great. Now, what you have done is insure that Manafort and the rest refuse to answer any questions. You know, even Republicans, even Trump Accolytes have that right under the Fifth Amendment.

So Mueller will convene the Grand Jury and have New York crank one up. Now, because he has involved the State authorities, Mueller can't even use Immunity to compel testimony. Because even if Mueller gets the Court to sign off on Immunity, then Manafort and the rest can shrug and say you'll just run to the States and get me indicted for whatever there. I refuse to answer the question. Or is Mueller going to get every single state to grant immunity to every potential witness to get Trump?

You idiots don't care how underhanded. Trump pardoned Arapio, he might pardon his minions, we'll make sure he doesn't get away with that.

Every little trick Mueller does confirms it is a political witch hunt instead of a serious investigation. Every celebratory post you and the rest of the I hate trump and want him to die morons post, it makes it that much harder to actually get him or his minions.

If you and the other idiots of your ilk had been in the Navy you would have been on the radio screaming at Japan. "Yeah MOFo's we got your number. We're going to whip your ass at Midway. Yeah, just wait bitches." Then the Japanese would gather their forces in one huge fleet, and our planes would come out of the sky into a wall of antiaircaft fire.

But Midway worked because they knew enough to keep their mouths shut. Unlike you, who can't wait to rush about telling all the Trump voters how stupid they were for supporting Trump.
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Another idiot. Great. Now, what you have done is insure that Manafort and the rest refuse to answer any questions. You know, even Republicans, even Trump Accolytes have that right under the Fifth Amendment.

So Mueller will convene the Grand Jury and have New York crank one up. Now, because he has involved the State authorities, Mueller can't even use Immunity to compel testimony. Because even if Mueller gets the Court to sign off on Immunity, then Manafort and the rest can shrug and say you'll just run to the States and get me indicted for whatever there. I refuse to answer the question. Or is Mueller going to get every single state to grant immunity to every potential witness to get Trump?

You idiots don't care how underhanded. Trump pardoned Arapio, he might pardon his minions, we'll make sure he doesn't get away with that.

Every little trick Mueller does confirms it is a political witch hunt instead of a serious investigation. Every celebratory post you and the rest of the I hate trump and want him to die morons post, it makes it that much harder to actually get him or his minions.

If you and the other idiots of your ilk had been in the Navy you would have been on the radio screaming at Japan. "Yeah MOFo's we got your number. We're going to whip your ass at Midway. Yeah, just wait bitches." Then the Japanese would gather their forces in one huge fleet, and our planes would come out of the sky into a wall of antiaircaft fire.

But Midway worked because they knew enough to keep their mouths shut. Unlike you, who can't wait to rush about telling all the Trump voters how stupid they were for supporting Trump.
You don't need the perp to say "I did it" to be convicted. Otherwise, every murderer in the world would never be convicted. You just need enough evidence.

Remember, Flynn offered to testify in exchange for immunity. But they said no. Why say yes when you already have the guy by the balls?
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Another idiot. Great. Now, what you have done is insure that Manafort and the rest refuse to answer any questions. You know, even Republicans, even Trump Accolytes have that right under the Fifth Amendment.

So Mueller will convene the Grand Jury and have New York crank one up. Now, because he has involved the State authorities, Mueller can't even use Immunity to compel testimony. Because even if Mueller gets the Court to sign off on Immunity, then Manafort and the rest can shrug and say you'll just run to the States and get me indicted for whatever there. I refuse to answer the question. Or is Mueller going to get every single state to grant immunity to every potential witness to get Trump?

You idiots don't care how underhanded. Trump pardoned Arapio, he might pardon his minions, we'll make sure he doesn't get away with that.

Every little trick Mueller does confirms it is a political witch hunt instead of a serious investigation. Every celebratory post you and the rest of the I hate trump and want him to die morons post, it makes it that much harder to actually get him or his minions.

If you and the other idiots of your ilk had been in the Navy you would have been on the radio screaming at Japan. "Yeah MOFo's we got your number. We're going to whip your ass at Midway. Yeah, just wait bitches." Then the Japanese would gather their forces in one huge fleet, and our planes would come out of the sky into a wall of antiaircaft fire.

But Midway worked because they knew enough to keep their mouths shut. Unlike you, who can't wait to rush about telling all the Trump voters how stupid they were for supporting Trump.
You don't need the perp to say "I did it" to be convicted. Otherwise, every murderer in the world would never be convicted. You just need enough evidence.

Remember, Flynn offered to testify in exchange for immunity. But they said no. Why say yes when you already have the guy by the balls?
Exactly. This is gonna be epic!
What are you blabbering about?
Don't worry dear, you wouldn't understand.
Ka ching,
I think your muffins are ready. Don't forget a toothpick.

At least provide a link, your OP reads like a third grader wrote it. And save your dear ya tired old toad
Robert Mueller to stop Trump's pardon power on Paul Manafort.

Another idiot. Great. Now, what you have done is insure that Manafort and the rest refuse to answer any questions. You know, even Republicans, even Trump Accolytes have that right under the Fifth Amendment.

So Mueller will convene the Grand Jury and have New York crank one up. Now, because he has involved the State authorities, Mueller can't even use Immunity to compel testimony. Because even if Mueller gets the Court to sign off on Immunity, then Manafort and the rest can shrug and say you'll just run to the States and get me indicted for whatever there. I refuse to answer the question. Or is Mueller going to get every single state to grant immunity to every potential witness to get Trump?

You idiots don't care how underhanded. Trump pardoned Arapio, he might pardon his minions, we'll make sure he doesn't get away with that.

Every little trick Mueller does confirms it is a political witch hunt instead of a serious investigation. Every celebratory post you and the rest of the I hate trump and want him to die morons post, it makes it that much harder to actually get him or his minions.

If you and the other idiots of your ilk had been in the Navy you would have been on the radio screaming at Japan. "Yeah MOFo's we got your number. We're going to whip your ass at Midway. Yeah, just wait bitches." Then the Japanese would gather their forces in one huge fleet, and our planes would come out of the sky into a wall of antiaircaft fire.

But Midway worked because they knew enough to keep their mouths shut. Unlike you, who can't wait to rush about telling all the Trump voters how stupid they were for supporting Trump.
You don't need the perp to say "I did it" to be convicted. Otherwise, every murderer in the world would never be convicted. You just need enough evidence.

Remember, Flynn offered to testify in exchange for immunity. But they said no. Why say yes when you already have the guy by the balls?

Flynn is wisely trying to avoid the "process crime" which if you are unaware, is where you answer a question and later discover the answer was untrue. Lying to Federal Investigators is a Felony. It is what they hung on Scooter Libby after all.

Now, this is why people demand Immunity before testifying at various things. If you don't grant it, I just shrug and say I'm using my Fifth Amendment right to shut the hell up. Now sure you get some evidence, but you don't get conversations that I may have participated in or whatever. You also may not get all the evidence.

Let's say you have a warrant and you search my house from top to bottom and take all the documents and computers. I shrug and stand back and just watch. Later you want to know where the information is on something else, I ask for immunity, and you say no and I shrug and leave it to your hands.

Now, with Mueller confirming to everyone that it is a political witch hunt by rushing to the New York Attorney General to make sure that Trump doesn't Pardon anyone you want punished, he has also insured that any result is going to be properly derided as a political witch hunt. Because remember, Mueller was supposed to find information on Russian collusion or interference in the Election.

So far, the "evidence" of that is an assertion by the DNC. The Servers that were hacked should have been secured as evidence. They were not. They should have been examined by experts from the FBI, and the DOJ. If you want to prosecute someone for that, here is where the system is awesome, they would have to have access to the same evidence, the servers, with their own experts. But that hasn't happened. So even if you got the Russian Hacker in New York City and were ready to prosecute, you could do nothing with it. The evidence is not available for the Defense to examine, and it would be suppressed.

So what can Mueller do now? He can continue on with the witch hunt, and that's what it is. He might get a prosecution in Federal Court, and Trump will pardon them. Then what? The AG of New York is going to prosecute for crimes that took place in Moscow?

Something I realized last night. The nuts on the left, that would be you and several others, are insane. The nuts on the right, that would be the well known Trump can do no wrong idiots, the ones who celebrate the overturning of Obama's ban on Bayonettes and Grenade Launchers for the cops. The racists and other idiots. Are all idiots. Both of you are so desperate to destroy your opponents that nothing is beyond you.

I think I have a solution. We should release all of you into a large area. Say a Military Reservation, or a section of Desert. Somewhere we can fence a holding pen in. Then, we should tell you that only one may leave. Yes, in the end, there can be only one. Let you kill all the Nazi's you hate. Let them kill you all, and wait until there is one left. Then of course I would be the keeper of the key to let that one out, and wouldn't you know, I lost the key.

I think the rest of us would be much happier if the nuts on the left, and the right, killed each other off.

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