Hilary takes stage barking Iike a dog; Seriously...THIS is presidential???

Another pussy con that runs away. Coward.

You were dissed for being a hack moron.

The moron is you because none of you hacks have shown any proof to that and resort to just lying.

Proof of what? That Hillary barked? Video on that idiot. That you are a hack? Again, obvious hack is obvious. You think your a cyber bully? No, that was actually a pussy fail on your part.
Another pussy con that runs away. Coward.

You were dissed for being a hack moron.

The moron is you because none of you hacks have shown any proof to that and resort to just lying.

Proof of what? That Hillary barked? Video on that idiot. That you are a hack? Again, obvious hack is obvious. You think your a cyber bully? No, that was actually a pussy fail on your part.

Again you can't even do simple Reading comprehension. Go back in your moms basement you hack.
The only person who could make the whole DEM campaign up would be Joseph Heller.
Each chapter gets fucking more out there than the next.


With the deepest apologies to Joseph Heller:

“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's campaign in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Hillary was crazy and could be removed. All she had to do was ask; and as soon as she did, she would no longer be crazy and would have to keep campaigning. Sanders would be crazy to campaign and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to campaign. If he campaigned he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to.

Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.

"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.”

You are a true intelligent. Rarely to be found in these parts.
Another pussy con that runs away. Coward.

You were dissed for being a hack moron.

The moron is you because none of you hacks have shown any proof to that and resort to just lying.

Proof of what? That Hillary barked? Video on that idiot. That you are a hack? Again, obvious hack is obvious. You think your a cyber bully? No, that was actually a pussy fail on your part.

Again you can't even do simple Reading comprehension. Go back in your moms basement you hack.

Which of the three questions gave you trouble? Looks like you feel threatened, poor baby.
Another pussy con that runs away. Coward.

You were dissed for being a hack moron.

The moron is you because none of you hacks have shown any proof to that and resort to just lying.

Proof of what? That Hillary barked? Video on that idiot. That you are a hack? Again, obvious hack is obvious. You think your a cyber bully? No, that was actually a pussy fail on your part.

Again you can't even do simple Reading comprehension. Go back in your moms basement you hack.

Which of the three questions gave you trouble? Looks like you feel threatened, poor baby.

Show me where I am being a so called hack and not just your generalizations without proof

Thanks for the late Christmas gift to the REPS Santa.
For sure we will be using it every day until election day or until Hillary is 'perp-walked' out of her mansion.
Maybe I should repost the video.
This is who the DEMs actually believe will win the Presidency. Seriously.

This is what Bill Clinton has been listening to for decades.
Hillary perfected the bark after a few weeks of snorting the cocaine she and Bill were smuggling into AK.
Must have been some pretty fine mother fucking shit.

Thanks for the late Christmas gift to the REPS Santa.
For sure we will be using it every day until election day or until Hillary is 'perp-walked' out of her mansion.

And every time you do people will realize they are dealing with immature retarded middle school dopes.
The only person who could make the whole DEM campaign up would be Joseph Heller.
Each chapter gets fucking more out there than the next.


With the deepest apologies to Joseph Heller:

“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's campaign in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Hillary was crazy and could be removed. All she had to do was ask; and as soon as she did, she would no longer be crazy and would have to keep campaigning. Sanders would be crazy to campaign and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to campaign. If he campaigned he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to.

Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.

"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.”

You are a true intelligent. Rarely to be found in these parts.
What the hell is a true intelligent? Is that some kind of retard language?
What could be more appropriate than Hillary barking like the bitch she is?
The irony is that this dog barking incident makes her look more human than usual.
What could be more appropriate than Hillary barking like the bitch she is?
The irony is that this dog barking incident makes her look more human than usual.
That's her secret weapon when talking to Putin.
The poor bastard will give her anything if she will just shut the fuck up!
What could be more appropriate than Hillary barking like the bitch she is?
The irony is that this dog barking incident makes her look more human than usual.
That's her secret weapon when talking to Putin.
The poor bastard will give her anything if she will just shut the fuck up!
Maybe he can teach her to do tricks. Like beg, roll over and play dead.
To be honest I see no problem here. In context she was trying to be funny...nothing to see here.

She was on stage barking like a dog.

Your video is not accurate.......she didn't do it over and over and she was telling a story. But hypocritical you are....trying to compare her funny imitation of a dog that barks when someone is lying to Trumps' vulgar and crass vocabulary. And his lies.........arf, arf, arf!
You can tell how desperate they are.
The simple fact is the two runners for the GOP are liars as well as Hillary. I don't think Bernie has lied to the same extent as those three, but I don't agree with his views on the direction the country can go.

With that said, why do you support liars in the GOP?
I support Ben Carson, he seems to be honest.

Fair enough. He doesn't really stand a chance and I don't agree with his stances but has for the most part been honest and its good to see someone support that.
All politicians by definition must tell 'lies' to stay in office. No party is any more 'lie free' then the other.
It's what they 'lie' about that's at issue.
It's the gravity of the lie.
For instance. When Obama promised he would close Gitmo the first day if he was elected he knew it was a lie.
He received tens of thousands of DEM votes based on his lie.

So you excuse YOUR side of lies while you complain about the other sides lies. Got it. And people wonder why this country is going downhill. The mentality of "My side isn't at fault" is what is ruining this country.
Are you so high already you can't read? Post #22.
BTW. Learn to use Spellcheck asshole.
Now fuck off.

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