Hillary and Margaret Sanger

Yes because she wanted to limit the number of blacks in America. Is this not racist and proof she was a eugenicist?

She like our wonderful Nazi Jewish SC judge Ginsburg stated the need for abortion to limit the number of undesirables. It is most sickening, but the elites and dumb asses like it.

Ginsburg first advocated taxpayer funding of abortions and followed it up by saying she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
Here is the FULL CONTEXT of what Justice Ginsberg actually said back in July 2009 in that NY Times interview with the full question followed by the full response;
Q: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women? ~~ http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/12/magazine/12ginsburg-t.html?_r=0 ~~

JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong. ~~ Ibid ~~
Are you a paid propagandist or is it just a hobby for you?
So, you admit Nazi Ginsburg is a eugenicist.

I guess that makes you an unpaid propagandist.
Really. Her statement clearly indicates she believes in eugenics. Are you a eugenicist too? Do you wish to limit the populations of people we don't want too many of, by killing their unborn babies?

She did, I'm no sure if you are aware but she passed away a few decades ago. Lot's of people were into eugenics then, and fyi, eugenicists were not all racists. Ultimately she wanted everyone to have access to birth control, especially those who couldn't afford it because they were least prepared for large families.

Of course now you're conflating all of this with abortion, probably because your dim and have poor genes. :banana:(see what I did there?)
WTF are you posting about. Ginsburg still sits on the SC.
Here is the FULL CONTEXT of what Justice Ginsberg actually said back in July 2009 in that NY Times interview with the full question followed by the full response;
Are you a paid propagandist or is it just a hobby for you?
So, you admit Nazi Ginsburg is a eugenicist.

I guess that makes you an unpaid propagandist.
Really. Her statement clearly indicates she believes in eugenics. Are you a eugenicist too? Do you wish to limit the populations of people we don't want too many of, by killing their unborn babies?

She did, I'm no sure if you are aware but she passed away a few decades ago. Lot's of people were into eugenics then, and fyi, eugenicists were not all racists. Ultimately she wanted everyone to have access to birth control, especially those who couldn't afford it because they were least prepared for large families.

Of course now you're conflating all of this with abortion, probably because your dim and have poor genes. :banana:(see what I did there?)
WTF are you posting about. Ginsburg still sits on the SC.

Oh, I guess I was giving you too much credit. When you said eugenicist I awkwardly kept to established facts and assumed you were talking about the actual eugenicist. My bad, I keep forgetting how looney you guys are.
So, you admit Nazi Ginsburg is a eugenicist.

I guess that makes you an unpaid propagandist.
Really. Her statement clearly indicates she believes in eugenics. Are you a eugenicist too? Do you wish to limit the populations of people we don't want too many of, by killing their unborn babies?

She did, I'm no sure if you are aware but she passed away a few decades ago. Lot's of people were into eugenics then, and fyi, eugenicists were not all racists. Ultimately she wanted everyone to have access to birth control, especially those who couldn't afford it because they were least prepared for large families.

Of course now you're conflating all of this with abortion, probably because your dim and have poor genes. :banana:(see what I did there?)
WTF are you posting about. Ginsburg still sits on the SC.

Oh, I guess I was giving you too much credit. When you said eugenicist I awkwardly kept to established facts and assumed you were talking about the actual eugenicist. My bad, I keep forgetting how looney you guys are.
I don't you are thinking clearly.

I guess that makes you an unpaid propagandist.
Really. Her statement clearly indicates she believes in eugenics. Are you a eugenicist too? Do you wish to limit the populations of people we don't want too many of, by killing their unborn babies?

She did, I'm no sure if you are aware but she passed away a few decades ago. Lot's of people were into eugenics then, and fyi, eugenicists were not all racists. Ultimately she wanted everyone to have access to birth control, especially those who couldn't afford it because they were least prepared for large families.

Of course now you're conflating all of this with abortion, probably because your dim and have poor genes. :banana:(see what I did there?)
WTF are you posting about. Ginsburg still sits on the SC.

Oh, I guess I was giving you too much credit. When you said eugenicist I awkwardly kept to established facts and assumed you were talking about the actual eugenicist. My bad, I keep forgetting how looney you guys are.
I don't you are thinking clearly.


Yeah, I agree, I'm disappointed in myself for giving you credit you don't deserve.

You should put everybody on ignore, that way you can win an argument.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.

Come on, she wanted to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. She was an elitist and a racist, not much above a Nazi.

So you still insist that poor people having large families is a good thing?
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.

Come on, she wanted to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. She was an elitist and a racist, not much above a Nazi.
And I suppose you are a big fan of Muslims, Mexicans, and Liberals breeding in high numbers, right?

Good one.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion
Yes. Birth Control.

Sanger was anti-abortion.

You've been shown this repeatedly.

Show the readers in the thread you are capable of learning.

she was looking for ways to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. Blacks were among the people she considered inferior. Today's PP has taken her goals to new levels by aborting millions of black babies.

I am very sorry if you cannot grasp the connection.

Since when did PP restrict abortion services only to blacks?

That's the damnedest thing I've heard all year.
You really are a stupid fuck...........and a pathetic one as well. I am embarrassed for you all....LOL!

No, I mistakenly saw your name as the quote I was responding to, realized my error and added the edit. Somehow this is important to you, because you're desperate to prove something and any win you can scrape up is good enough, I guess. Kind of pathetic.
Poor bright boy will take what victories he can. Notice his "need" to pretend he's so much smarter than anyone else? Big time self-esteem problems there.

That post of his is saying a lot of things he didn't intend to.
Dale is completely unaware of what he reveals of himself with his posts.

I hope my message comes through loud and clear. Liberals and leftards are the worst that humanity has to offer and there is a history that backs it up. I am 1,000 times further ahead of what is going on than you and your leftard clown posse.

Arrogance plus Ignorance. A nasty concoction.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.

Come on, she wanted to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. She was an elitist and a racist, not much above a Nazi.

So you still insist that poor people having large families is a good thing?
So you still insist that poor people should murder their unborn babies.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.

Come on, she wanted to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. She was an elitist and a racist, not much above a Nazi.

So you still insist that poor people having large families is a good thing?
So you still insist that poor people should murder their unborn babies.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump started using this crazy argument against Hillary Clinton.

I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted it.

Silly wabbit.

All those black civil rights leaders who praised Sanger were too stupid to know what she actually said, wrote and did.

Hornswaggled. Must be that.

What would people like MLK, Jr. and DuBois and the others know about racism?

Yeah, I am sure that they would have been fine with her ties to the Klan. If I could have my way, I would make abortion a requirement if you are a leftard or a liberal if not sterilization all the way around. Your kind bring nothing but death to a nation.state.

So, to get your way you have to be a contradictory asshole. You would abort fetuses with no political ideologies (because they don't have them) and in your mind commit murder because abortion to you is murder? Clearly you've thought this out.

On a side note, what does Sanger have to do with abortion?

she founded that abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. that's what she had to do with abortion

Abortion was illegal in Sanger's day. She saw birth control as a means of preventing illegal and dangerous abortion as it was in her day.

Come on, she wanted to limit the reproduction of people she considered inferior. She was an elitist and a racist, not much above a Nazi.

Q: Why were there pro-eugenic laws in every state in the nation at the time?
For the evening crowd:

The words of a highly respected pastor:

“There is a striking kinship between [the Civil Rights] movement and Margaret Sanger’s early efforts.

She, like we, saw the horrifying conditions of ghetto life. Like we, she knew that all of society is poisoned by cancerous slums. Like we, she was a direct actionist — a nonviolent resister.

She was willing to accept scorn and abuse until the truth she saw was revealed to the millions.

At the turn of the century she went into the slums and set up a birth control clinic, and for this deed she went to jail because she was violating an unjust law. Yet the years have justified her actions.

She launched a movement which is obeying a higher law to preserve human life under humane conditions. Margaret Sanger had to commit what was then called a crime in order to enrich humanity, and today we honor her courage and vision; for without them there would have been no beginning.

Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her. “

-Martin Luther King, Jr.
the earth has an over population problem. No, I am not a fan or any group that breeds at rates higher than can be sustained. Are you?
Hey, you're the Pro-lifer. I'm some kind of monster for wanting only healthy people to have small planned families, like Sanger.

family planning via abortion on demand------------got it.

Sanger started PP to reduce the black birth rate, today PP does it via abortion----same thing, different times.
No, it was started for White Women, hence the Negro Project. God you are dumb.

I know you worship me, but please don't call me god.
Sanger hated whites, that's why she stared a clinic to get them birth control. Everyone clear now?
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Excellent post. Thank you.
Margaret Sanger "Negroes are human weeds that must be eliminated"

Hillary "I admire Margaret Sanger and the work she has done"

Do you get it, African americans? Do you understand?
Margaret Sanger "Negroes are human weeds that must be eliminated"

Hillary "I admire Margaret Sanger and the work she has done"

Do you get it, African americans? Do you understand?

So Hillary Clinton felt the same way about Margaret Sanger as Martin Luther King Jr. did.

I think African Americans do 'get it'- and Conservatives still are bewildered why African Americans avoid Republicans like you have leprosy.



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And of course Trump is a big admirer of Sanger's organization

In the face of attacks by GOP rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio over the topic in Thursday night's debate, Trump reiterated that he is pro-life and doesn't support abortion services, but said he thinks Planned Parenthood provides other essential services to "millions of women" across the country.

"Donald thinks Planned Parenthood is wonderful," Cruz said, adding that he would investigate it were he elected president.
Right, great woman, the ultimate racist.

So anyone who uses birth control or wants it to be legal and available is a racist?

Of course not, but anyone who declares that blacks are not fully human and should be eliminated is clearly a racist.

She never said that. How many times to you have to be told.

read it, dingleberry

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members"

Cain’s False Attack on Planned Parenthood

Sanger says that a minister could debunk the notion, if it arose, that the clinics aimed to “exterminate the Negro population.” She didn’t say that she wanted to “exterminate” the black population. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University says that this quote has “gone viral on the Internet,” normally out of context, and it “doesn’t reflect the fact that Sanger recognized elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow south, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim.”

It goes on to characterize beliefs such as Cain’s as “extremist.” The project says: “No serious scholar and none of the dozens of black leaders who supported Sanger’s work have ever suggested that she tried to reduce the black population or set up black abortion mills, the implication in much of the extremist anti-choice material.”

Everything is always "out of context" with you people when you are exposed. While she did not want to be associated with Jim Crow, what says you people that she still did not want the same outcome? Further, who put you people in charge of what constitutes "serious scholars"? Self-appointed black leaders who take their orders from party masters is not validation.

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