Hillary, at a minimum, does look much younger after emerging from Chelsea's apt.


Pictures apparently showing Clinton squeezing the woman's fingers also revived much derided rumors that Clinton is suffering from Parkinson's disease

Read more: Do pictures show Hillary Clinton's 'undercover nurse'?
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Chuck Schumer to Hillary's left, just before Hillary collapses....hmmmmm
Oh wow, great catch Frank!!
I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment
Whilst in the apartment, the Witch didst consume the blood of a score of quickening fetuses
Yet 2 hours later she's bouncing around like a mexican jumping bean, bending.. laughing, almost skipping giddy like..

Drugs can do a lot of things to a person.

I don't think it was a body double, I think it was a banana-bagged, pumped up w/drugs mrs bill who came out of there. Her behavior was just .... odd coming out of there. No ss at her side (they were there just a few steps away) shows she was 'steady on her feet'. No Chelsea is weird if you ask me.
Cheek bones are the same, different angle.

The "double" has higher cheek bones and rounder face. Her smile is different as well. She's a very GOOD double... I'll give 'em that... they found someone who can certainly pass for Hillary at a distance. But that is NOT the same woman.
I do portraits and say that it is.

Well I do portraits too and I think you must be blind if you think that's the same person.
Cheek bones are the same, different angle.

The "double" has higher cheek bones and rounder face. Her smile is different as well. She's a very GOOD double... I'll give 'em that... they found someone who can certainly pass for Hillary at a distance. But that is NOT the same woman.
I do portraits and say that it is.

Well I do portraits too and I think you must be blind if you think that's the same person.
I think your portraits must be a bit off then. You are comparing different angles, cheek bones are the same.

Plus the main problem is that the SS would have to be in on it and everyone close to her too blind to tell. Not buying it.
Probably received an injection of b12 as well, it performs miracles.

Do I think there is something more wrong with her? Yes, but don't think this is a body double.
Cheek bones are the same, different angle.

The "double" has higher cheek bones and rounder face. Her smile is different as well. She's a very GOOD double... I'll give 'em that... they found someone who can certainly pass for Hillary at a distance. But that is NOT the same woman.
I do portraits and say that it is.

Well I do portraits too and I think you must be blind if you think that's the same person.
Someone pumped some serious shit into Hillary when she was in the apartment receiving emergency treatment.
The problem is when she 'came down' she'd REALLY be sick.
My prediction stands. She'll NEVER debate Trump and she'll leave the race for 'health reasons'.
Anyone notice the color of her jacket was different.
Cheek bones are the same, different angle.

The "double" has higher cheek bones and rounder face. Her smile is different as well. She's a very GOOD double... I'll give 'em that... they found someone who can certainly pass for Hillary at a distance. But that is NOT the same woman.
I do portraits and say that it is.

Well I do portraits too and I think you must be blind if you think that's the same person.
I think your portraits must be a bit off then. You are comparing different angles, cheek bones are the same.

Plus the main problem is that the SS would have to be in on it and everyone close to her too blind to tell. Not buying it.

The cheekbones are NOT the same, not at all..
Hell, it looks like she lost 50 pounds in her hips alone - in less than 4 hours.
And no security personnel? Surely, she didn't tell all of them to fuck off.
Maybe that's Chelsea made up as Hillary.
Hell, it looks like she lost 50 pounds in her hips alone - in less than 4 hours.
And no security personnel? Surely, she didn't tell all of them to fuck off.
Maybe that's Chelsea made up as Hillary.

I don't care what anyone says.. those two people are not the same.. Even Bernie supporters are demanding answers... Where were the Secret Service?
She's wearing dark glasses getting off a plane......at night??


"I am 50 year old woman with PD. My greatest problem with my PD used to occur when trying to walk (or breathe) in bright afternoon sunlight. I tried the blue filters and now have a pair of my prescription glasses tinted blue. I have dramatic improvement in my movement while wearing blue glasses. I have a dramatic reduction in my rigidity, and fine motor skills when wearing the blue glasses. Do not know what is causing the change in movement. I have discussed this with several neurologists as of yet we have no answers. Try dark blue."

Blue tints are recommended for people with Parkinson's

About Those Mysterious Blue Sunglasses Hillary Was Wearing At The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony • Now The End Begins
I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment
Turz, as an old EMT, the dehydration claim makes sense to me. I used to volunteer at the med tent at the end of a 10 K road race, and her reported symptoms are exactly what I saw in dehydrated racers. The cure is to cool down and drink water. The body will replenish the missing electrolytes in a short time. I helped a lot of wobbly, blabbering folks to a cot. A couple fainted on me before we could get to a cot. And I ended up wearing a lot of barfed Gatorade. Of course, these were exhausted racers, and I have no idea about Hillary's schedule or habits, but the diagnosis of dehydration does fit the stories as told by witnesses.
She walked to a podium.
Hardly a 10K race.
Temperature in NYC at the time: 77 degrees with a light breeze.
Are you a moron?

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