Hillary, at a minimum, does look much younger after emerging from Chelsea's apt.

WTH is wrong with you lol? Change the channel, hater dupe. You are GOP, right?- hard to understand lol...

Hey, don't get uptight. Politics and American government are serious business. So is national security, the national debt, the economy, etc.

It may just be we American people are sick and tired of being played the fool by our president, other political leaders and the media. Maybe we care more about the well being of this nation than they do. Yes, I am sure we do because they are just in it for the power, money and ego.
Evidently your faith in the current American system of government is in the crapper. EVERYONE is corrupt, there are no honest federal workers, and your belief in Trump shows them all to be in the tank for all who oppose him. It's a sad thing, turz, to have lost faith. I suppose there are a lot of people who can sympathize with your loss, such as those who looked to government to enforce the rights they had been denied for generations, and who now, today, according to a survey, are thought to be lazier than other ethnic groups. Do you actually think Trump is less corrupt than you think of Hillary? What do you know about his foundation and it's donors, his charitable giving which he boldly claims are play for pay, his contracts for constructions he is reputed to have stiffed, his Emails among advisors, his deals with foreign manufacturers for the products he sells in America, his medical records, and his income taxes?
I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment
Turz, as an old EMT, the dehydration claim makes sense to me. I used to volunteer at the med tent at the end of a 10 K road race, and her reported symptoms are exactly what I saw in dehydrated racers. The cure is to cool down and drink water. The body will replenish the missing electrolytes in a short time. I helped a lot of wobbly, blabbering folks to a cot. A couple fainted on me before we could get to a cot. And I ended up wearing a lot of barfed Gatorade. Of course, these were exhausted racers, and I have no idea about Hillary's schedule or habits, but the diagnosis of dehydration does fit the stories as told by witnesses.
She walked to a podium.
Hardly a 10K race.
Temperature in NYC at the time: 77 degrees with a light breeze.
Are you a moron?
"Are you a moron?" I don't think so, but I would be if everything were as simplistic to me as they are to you? For instance, I cited the 10K race as a reason dehydration made sense to me. Do I think a 10 K race is the ONLY way to become dehydrated? This happens to no one else on a grueling schedule? Even if it catches up with you in 77F weather? IS this a knee-jerk response in defense of The Great Procrastinator?
I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment
Turz, as an old EMT, the dehydration claim makes sense to me. I used to volunteer at the med tent at the end of a 10 K road race, and her reported symptoms are exactly what I saw in dehydrated racers. The cure is to cool down and drink water. The body will replenish the missing electrolytes in a short time. I helped a lot of wobbly, blabbering folks to a cot. A couple fainted on me before we could get to a cot. And I ended up wearing a lot of barfed Gatorade. Of course, these were exhausted racers, and I have no idea about Hillary's schedule or habits, but the diagnosis of dehydration does fit the stories as told by witnesses.
She walked to a podium.
Hardly a 10K race.
Temperature in NYC at the time: 77 degrees with a light breeze.
Are you a moron?
"Are you a moron?" I don't think so, but I would be if everything were as simplistic to me as they are to you? For instance, I cited the 10K race as a reason dehydration made sense to me. Do I think a 10 K race is the ONLY way to become dehydrated? This happens to no one else on a grueling schedule? Even if it catches up with you in 77F weather? IS this a knee-jerk response in defense of The Great Procrastinator?
WTH is wrong with you lol? Change the channel, hater dupe. You are GOP, right?- hard to understand lol...

Hey, don't get uptight. Politics and American government are serious business. So is national security, the national debt, the economy, etc.

It may just be we American people are sick and tired of being played the fool by our president, other political leaders and the media. Maybe we care more about the well being of this nation than they do. Yes, I am sure we do because they are just in it for the power, money and ego.
Evidently your faith in the current American system of government is in the crapper. EVERYONE is corrupt, there are no honest federal workers, and your belief in Trump shows them all to be in the tank for all who oppose him. It's a sad thing, turz, to have lost faith. I suppose there are a lot of people who can sympathize with your loss, such as those who looked to government to enforce the rights they had been denied for generations, and who now, today, according to a survey, are thought to be lazier than other ethnic groups. Do you actually think Trump is less corrupt than you think of Hillary? What do you know about his foundation and it's donors, his charitable giving which he boldly claims are play for pay, his contracts for constructions he is reputed to have stiffed, his Emails among advisors, his deals with foreign manufacturers for the products he sells in America, his medical records, and his income taxes?

Absolutely. No way do I think Donald Trump or most other political leaders would try to be as corrupt as Hillary or Obama if they were in positions of the president of the USA. Hillary and Barack stand out. So does Bill Clinton. (The body count and corruption lists is highly disturbing to me. It is not all republican made up stories.)

Now having said that, to give you an idea of what I think of Trump you can read this from today, post #8 When it's Over You'll Have Nothing That you Want

IOW, he does not impress me at all. But back to the basic discussion. People suffer. Tens of millions or more in this nation because of political greed and corruption, vote pandering, and doing favors for their corporate benefactors. I know there are tens of thousands of good people who enter politics with good intentions. But by the time they have become senators or cabinet members or even some judges, many, if not most, have sold out. Yes, I am guessing, but I see how bad off this world is and this nation and I do not see any brave souls sounding the alarm. They are all protective of their careers and their families financial future or something like that. Even these republican congressional hearings never yield a single conviction!! That alone is highly disturbing.

I am a Christian and I am a cynic --- bad combo, I know. But it still is not terrible because someone needs to cry foul since the media won't. Trump might, but I am not keen on his intelligence. I am not worried about some of his shady past business dealings, he is entering a whole different arena here and garnering power or money is not his game. He wants to change America instead of America and Americans continuing to get used and screwed.
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I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment

You are another victim suffering from OCDS (obsessive Clinton Derangement syndrome) brought on by 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Hillary Clinton is recovering from walking pneumonia which sneaks up on you, causes coughing fits, wears you down and you look tired, gives you a fever, then you're diagnosed with it and the cure is antibiotics and a couple days rest. I know I have had it a couple of times myself. You can get this at any age no matter how healthy you are, and UNHEALTHY people typically die from it.

She is feeling better, so of course she looks "younger" & better.

OMG you people are fucking retarded

Hey, that's my line.
gets told to you a lot, ey?

I can be of assistance to your upbringing, or you can reject the wisdom of the ages. Free will is double edged.

TN needs extensive counseling for the rare occasion he wins a bet. The break-dancing and taunting doesn't sit well with certain elements...imagine doing that to an Italian named "Fat Tony" something or other...your help could one day save his bacon. Good luck.
OMG you people are fucking retarded

Hey, that's my line.
gets told to you a lot, ey?

I can be of assistance to your upbringing, or you can reject the wisdom of the ages. Free will is double edged.

TN needs extensive counseling for the rare occasion he wins a bet. The break-dancing and taunting doesn't sit well with certain elements...imagine doing that to an Italian named "Fat Tony" something or other...your help could one save his bacon. Good luck.
I dont speak welsh. Sorry
I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment

You are another victim suffering from OCDS (obsessive Clinton Derangement syndrome) brought on by 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Hillary Clinton is recovering from walking pneumonia which sneaks up on you, causes coughing fits, wears you down and you look tired, gives you a fever, then you're diagnosed with it and the cure is antibiotics and a couple days rest. I know I have had it a couple of times myself. You can get this at any age no matter how healthy you are, and UNHEALTHY people typically die from it.

She is feeling better, so of course she looks "younger" & better.

Or she got an injection of cocaine (-:
Probably received an injection of b12 as well, it performs miracles.

Do I think there is something more wrong with her? Yes, but don't think this is a body double.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.
Probably received an injection of b12 as well, it performs miracles.

Do I think there is something more wrong with her? Yes, but don't think this is a body double.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

I am not saying that is a Hillary double that emerged. (I'm not.) All I am saying is it appears very bizarre to me.
And if it is a double, then I prefer that double to be our president, not Ms. Clinton.


People are convinced Hillary Clinton is using a body double to hide illness

'Hillary's body double' trends after previously limp Clinton spryly pops out of daughter's apartment

You are another victim suffering from OCDS (obsessive Clinton Derangement syndrome) brought on by 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Hillary Clinton is recovering from walking pneumonia which sneaks up on you, causes coughing fits, wears you down and you look tired, gives you a fever, then you're diagnosed with it and the cure is antibiotics and a couple days rest. I know I have had it a couple of times myself. You can get this at any age no matter how healthy you are, and UNHEALTHY people typically die from it.

She is feeling better, so of course she looks "younger" & better.


She's been coughing for at least six months. But the pneumonia 'snuck up on her'. The person who is monitored daily and has a medical professional she can access 24/7 ... had pneumonia 'sneak up on her'.

<blink, blink>

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You dupes will buy anything.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
and lighter with a different hairline and different ears. yep I'll agree, that was some 90 minutes. Oh and she dropped about 50 pounds. I want that 90 minute diet.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.

Yup. A banana bag full of goodies, B12 shot, makeup can absolutely make you look fresher/younger/better. Maybe she took a couple of shots of tequila while she was 'resting'!
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
and lighter with a different hairline and different ears. yep I'll agree, that was some 90 minutes. Oh and she dropped about 50 pounds. I want that 90 minute diet.

Naw. Clinton has lost weight since she was SoS, where she was fucking uuuge. The blue pantsuit she had on at 9/11 was a more fitted outfit. The big, shapeless, boxy stuff she wears makes her look bigger; something more fitted, by comparison, will make her look slimmer. I don't think it was anyone other than mrs. bill who emerged from Chelsea's apt.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
and lighter with a different hairline and different ears. yep I'll agree, that was some 90 minutes. Oh and she dropped about 50 pounds. I want that 90 minute diet.

Naw. Clinton has lost weight since she was SoS, where she was fucking uuuge. The blue pantsuit she had on at 9/11 was a more fitted outfit. The big, shapeless, boxy stuff she wears makes her look bigger; something more fitted, by comparison, will make her look slimmer. I don't think it was anyone other than mrs. bill who emerged from Chelsea's apt.
I don't buy it. I watched her fall flat on her face into a car with no leg support. No one, and I mean no one recovers that fast. Sorry charlie.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
and lighter with a different hairline and different ears. yep I'll agree, that was some 90 minutes. Oh and she dropped about 50 pounds. I want that 90 minute diet.

I know... it does seem hard to swallow.

But Ladygunslinger in post #102 on this thread sent this link.
Hillary Clinton's shielded medical gets new scrutiny

Look at the video when she emerges. That is her voice.

I remain completely perplexed. But that is a very strong resemblance with the voice.
or it wasn't her. Just learned hitlery does in fact have a paid stand in double. the name is Theresa Barnwell and is a paid Hillary Clinton look alike. And she was in NY.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!! The Woman In These Pictures ISN'T HILLARY!!! It's Her Double. SHE EVEN ADMITTED IT! - American Journal

check it out.

That is probably not true.

That woman is not close enough to who emerged from Chelsea's apt.

I think it is Hillary because of the video they show her talking. But the pictures of her are shocking! They did a ton of makeup and drugs in 90 minutes so she could emerge into the public, and look peppy, and so on. Big time makeover! But her voice sure sounds like Hillary.

That is my take. My other take is this woman is chronically and very seriously illl, and it is not pneumonia. Something more akin to a strain of Parkinsons or PINES or something neurological. It will soon be more revealed.
and lighter with a different hairline and different ears. yep I'll agree, that was some 90 minutes. Oh and she dropped about 50 pounds. I want that 90 minute diet.

Naw. Clinton has lost weight since she was SoS, where she was fucking uuuge. The blue pantsuit she had on at 9/11 was a more fitted outfit. The big, shapeless, boxy stuff she wears makes her look bigger; something more fitted, by comparison, will make her look slimmer. I don't think it was anyone other than mrs. bill who emerged from Chelsea's apt.
I don't buy it. I watched her fall flat on her face into a car with no leg support. No one, and I mean no one recovers that fast. Sorry charlie.

The pneumonia line is likely a lie, just more b.s. for cover. They've been propping her up for awhile. IV fluids, B12, makeup can all have a big effect on appearance and remember, she only showed her face for 2 mins. That's all that was needed then she was whisked away in the car. We won't see her for a few days. I've passed out, cold on the floor from being sick and a few hours later was much improved and, had I been given what she was given, could have faked "being well" for two mins.

I'm not buying the body double. Not because I wouldn't put it past them but because I've looked at all the pics and to me, it's her in all of them.
Hell, it looks like she lost 50 pounds in her hips alone - in less than 4 hours.
And no security personnel? Surely, she didn't tell all of them to fuck off.
Maybe that's Chelsea made up as Hillary.

I don't care what anyone says.. those two people are not the same.. Even Bernie supporters are demanding answers... Where were the Secret Service?

A couple of friends who still work in law enforcement and have access to face recognition software ran the two photos. They are two totally different people. The facile software looks at critical angles of the nose, eyes, mouth, ears creating a point plot.. They do not match.

The other odd thing, that was pointed out on Hannity, today was the bracing that fell out of Hillary's pant leg. Its an orthopedic brace for the legs, ankles and knees. This is used in patients who have had strokes or in advanced Parkinson's patients who have lost muscle tone and can no longer stand without assistance.

If Hillary is having recurring strokes or blood clots it would explain a lot of things.. the constant neurological assessments make me think she is having further blood clots. The recurring cough, dizziness, thought freezes, blank stares, loss of thought pattern all point to sever brain damage or in process strokes. It also closely resembles advanced Parkinson's disease...

WIthout a hands on exam its a tough call... But she is very ill...
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Hell, it looks like she lost 50 pounds in her hips alone - in less than 4 hours.
And no security personnel? Surely, she didn't tell all of them to fuck off.
Maybe that's Chelsea made up as Hillary.

I don't care what anyone says.. those two people are not the same.. Even Bernie supporters are demanding answers... Where were the Secret Service?

A couple of friends who still work in law enforcement and have access to face recognition software ran the two photos. They are two totally different people. The facile software looks at critical angles of the nose, eyes, mouth, ears creating a point plot.. They do not match.

The other odd thing, that was pointed out on Hannity, today was the bracing that fell out of Hillary's pant leg. Its an orthopedic brace for the legs, ankles and knees. This is used in patients who have had strokes or in advanced Parkinson's patients who have lost muscle tone and can no longer stand without assistance.

If Hillary is having recurring strokes or blood clots it would explain a lot of things..

Thank you for that information.. I knew it! You'd have to be drunk to put those two photo's as the same person and secondly, NO ONE AROUND- she was all alone, no secret service, no Chelsea.. no one.. if it doesn't make sense, it's a lie as Judge Judy likes to say :)

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