Hillary Bus Dumps Human Shit into Street

That's some colostomy bag!
I don't find this remotely amusing.
Then I'll try to keep this a safe space for you :itsok:
It's twice now I've seen you offer to trigger another man. So far you're coming up empty largely because this isn't a site for gay hookups.
Another thing I just noticed....

In 2012, Obama CHOSE to use an historically well-documented/known Socialist Slogan, 'FORWARD', as his own slogan. Even after this was pointed out to him he refused to change it. It was his proverbial thumb in the eye of the ignorant dipshits supporting him, clueless to the Slogan's documented history referencing socialism.

Hillary's own bus is adorned with the SAME reference to Socialism and the SAME socialist reference.
Nobody cares about your tantrum.

I HOPE NOT! They should be more concerned with the fact that Hillary shows a total disregard for the law, continuously breaks the law, then seeks to excuse her actions by denying she did it OR - when caught on video like this time - claims she had no idea what she was doing was / is illegal!

What's coming out of her mouth, like what's coming out of her bus, is pure SHIT!

Sorry, Hillary, you got BUSted! :p

Does Trump keep close tabs on when they dump the shit from his bus? Is that an item on his daily staff meeting?

By god, Its a shitgate scandal! I want to know what she knew and when she knew it! Call Woodward and Bernstein! Follow the money, to get to the bottom of it!
I have it on good authority that Hillary was not the Potty Monitor that particular day.
If my Presidential slogan and face were represented on a vehicle dumping sewage in a neighborhood I would make it a point to be the "Potty Monitor."

I have it on good authority that you are another moron if you accept this.

Well, by god, I hope her leased bus and driver don't have a vehicle accident. If he does, she could be charged with reckless driving!
The sloganForward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. The Obama campaign released its new campaign slogan Monday in a 7-minute video.Apr 30, 2012

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

...and Hillary is following in Barry's Socialist Footsteps:


Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Not only is she publicly embracing Socialism, using a Socialist Slogan as Barry did in her traipse across America, she is also showing how she has a complete disregard for the law, dumping and leaving a trail of feces across the country as she goes.

:clap: Bravo, Hillary!
Follow the money, to get to the bottom of it!

Nah, follow the pipe from the storm drain back up to the bus...

Damn, who knew you couldn't just stop on the street and legally dump your shit all over the road and into a storm drain?

:dunno: :lmao:
Well, by god, I hope her leased bus and driver don't have a vehicle accident. If he does, she could be charged with reckless driving!

COP 1: Isn't that Hillary's Tour bus up ahead?

COP 2: Sure is.

COP 1: What's it doing just sitting there?

COP 2: I dunno, but pull up behind it - something about this stinks!

I have it on good authority that Hillary was not the Potty Monitor that particular day.
If my Presidential slogan and face were represented on a vehicle dumping sewage in a neighborhood I would make it a point to be the "Potty Monitor."

I have it on good authority that you are another moron if you accept this.

Well, by god, I hope her leased bus and driver don't have a vehicle accident. If he does, she could be charged with reckless driving!
She could if her enormous ass favored one side of the bus so it couldn't drive straight. As a truck driver I know to supervise the loading of freight so that it's evenly distributed in the trailer. That applies whether it's 40,000 lbs of canned goods or Hillary's wide load.
Bumper Sticker: 'Warning: Bus makes frequent stops to empty the shitter.'

Follow the money, to get to the bottom of it!

Nah, follow the pipe from the storm drain back up to the bus...

Damn, who knew you couldn't just stop on the street and legally dump your shit all over the road and into a storm drain?

:dunno: :lmao:
Someone so disconnected from Amercan life that they genuinely didn't know that storm drains go directly into rivers and lakes.
Someone so disconnected from Amercan life that they genuinely didn't know that storm drains go directly into rivers and lakes.
Even SHE can't be THAT stupid. IMO, she just doesn't ... wait for it....GIVE A SHIT. (Then again, she apparently does...a LOT...so much that they have to stop the bus and illegally empty the shitter to make more room for her.) :p
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Thanks to Hillary and Obama bringing in so many illegal Mexicans, Hillary can't be blamed for not knowing what a SEWER is. This is what Hillary thinks a SEWER is and why:


Why is everybody getting so excited? It's just another load of the shit we've been getting from Hillary for years.
In America, the sewer pipe is seperate from "storm drain (s)". This dope dumped it near a storm water drain.

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