Hillary Bus Dumps Human Shit into Street

The sloganForward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. The Obama campaign released its new campaign slogan Monday in a 7-minute video.Apr 30, 2012

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

...and Hillary is following in Barry's Socialist Footsteps:


Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Not only is she publicly embracing Socialism, using a Socialist Slogan as Barry did in her traipse across America, she is also showing how she has a complete disregard for the law, dumping and leaving a trail of feces across the country as she goes.

:clap: Bravo, Hillary!
global warming.
Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Got a quote?
The sloganForward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. The Obama campaign released its new campaign slogan Monday in a 7-minute video.Apr 30, 2012

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

...and Hillary is following in Barry's Socialist Footsteps:


Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Not only is she publicly embracing Socialism, using a Socialist Slogan as Barry did in her traipse across America, she is also showing how she has a complete disregard for the law, dumping and leaving a trail of feces across the country as she goes.

:clap: Bravo, Hillary!
the clintons' new campaign slogan could be, "where the affluent meet the effluent."
Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Got a quote?
we don't need a quote. the splattering shit is her surrogate, speaks on her behalf, tells us what we need to know.
Got a quote?
Read the article AND THE APOLOGY!

I don't see any direct quotes from Clinton claiming anything. I don't know why anyone would assume the dump was orchestrated by the campaign at all. Most likely it's the company/driver they hired. You guys are getting upset about the strangest things. Like the word 'Forward'.
Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Got a quote?
we don't need a quote. the splattering shit is her surrogate, speaks on her behalf, tells us what we need to know.

That the campaign apologized for the mess? Of course they did, I doubt they made the call to dump though.
The sloganForward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. The Obama campaign released its new campaign slogan Monday in a 7-minute video.Apr 30, 2012

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times

...and Hillary is following in Barry's Socialist Footsteps:


Interestingly enough, and metaphorically appropriate for her campaign, this is the photo of Hillary's bus illegally dumping human bio-hazardous material (shit) into a local storm drain and all over the street. She claims she had no idea doing so was illegal.

Not only is she publicly embracing Socialism, using a Socialist Slogan as Barry did in her traipse across America, she is also showing how she has a complete disregard for the law, dumping and leaving a trail of feces across the country as she goes.

:clap: Bravo, Hillary!
What a pathetic site
I don't blame you. Many people get frantic for something to fight with when they see they are losing so bad. It's pretty pathetic that you are reduced to something so silly.

BD, don't try to spin this SHIT! :p

Even the Clinton Campaign ADMITTED THEY BROKE THE LAW. You telling me Democrats on this board don't have the integrity or 'testicular fortitude' to admit it?!

This whole pattern of denial and / or minimizing Liberal Law Breaking is getting old.

Nobody is denying anything. Somebody on the bus did something stupid. Big deal. Pay the fine and be done with it. It's not that big of a deal.
It's a felony punishable by 5 years in prison. So yes, it is a big deal.

It's not a political big deal. It has nothing to do with politics. If the tank was dumped under the stage at a Trump rally, that would have been a political big deal. Funny too.
They dumped a bunch of Trumps all over the road?

Do you realize how stupid you sound defending this kind of crap..pun intended.

Do you realize how stupid you sound trying to turn this into a big deal?
Dumping sewage in any neighborhood sewer should be a big deal.

I don't care who did it.

Are you defending this?

Of course not. I'm just saying it's pretty pathetic to say this has some political import.
They dumped a bunch of Trumps all over the road?

Do you realize how stupid you sound defending this kind of crap..pun intended.

Do you realize how stupid you sound trying to turn this into a big deal?
Dumping sewage in any neighborhood sewer should be a big deal.

I don't care who did it.

Are you defending this?

Of course not. I'm just saying it's pretty pathetic to say this has some political import.
Human excrement is part-and-parcel of the Beast's campaign.
That the campaign apologized for the mess? Of course they did, I doubt they made the call to dump though.
What - you going to try to blame the bus driver?

You better get your SHIT straight before you accuse anyone else. :p
'That's usually where one would start.'

You obviously know NOTHING about the industry or the drivers. The drivers would NEVER do so if they wanted to keep their jobs, and in the end the bus, the people on the bus, are all Hillary's and her campaign's responsibility. But please keep arguing and justifying why Hillary's team breaking the law should not be blamed / condemned. :p

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