Hillary calls for REPARATIONS for blacks. $125 Billion to start.

Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.

Hey einstein. Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1. Percapita blacks use welfare at a far higher rate than whites. As for AA, it's true that white WOMEN benefit immensely from AA and that must end. THINK
Most blacks cannot read and cannot even learn to read since their IQ is under 80. They are simply hopeless and we need to stop helping them.
I'm black, my IQ is FAR above 80, I can read, write and comprehend the English language very well.


So? That's like saying "one man is 7 feet tall so all men are". Everyone agrees there are smart blacks. But there aren't many,
Let's be clear: You guys are objecting to this:
Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.
Job training and education to help poor individuals get on their feet? REPARATIONS!

oh right, this ONE will for sure WORK THIS TIME. How much more do the taxpayers have be hosed down for all of you so generous people "visions"? every election it's the same promises over and over. take money from some to GIVE to others, by FORCE
That's how desperate, ill and awful Hillary is, she's pandering to blacks

That and barking like a rabid dog...she's lost it
what next? will Hillary claim that all white people are decendents of Slave Owners! and that its time these millions of racists get sued and pay fines, that will wind up back to all black people? hey, isnt that what Democrats have been trying to do for years?
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.

Hey einstein. Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1. Percapita blacks use welfare at a far higher rate than whites. As for AA, it's true that white WOMEN benefit immensely from AA and that must end. THINK

We are not taking the blame or hearing the excuses why white people use up the welfare and the affirmative action while you pretend its black people. Just like we dont want to hear that people are lazy, fucked up etc etc for being on welfare and then when youre reminded again white people use up all of the welfare you change to "Well, people fall on tough times yanno" dumb ass
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action.

Welfare and Affirmative Action are used the most by white people. We're not taking the blame for white people using it up anymore.

Hey einstein. Whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1. Percapita blacks use welfare at a far higher rate than whites. As for AA, it's true that white WOMEN benefit immensely from AA and that must end. THINK

We are not taking the blame or hearing the excuses why white people use up the welfare and the affirmative action while you pretend its black people. Just like we dont want to hear that people are lazy, fucked up etc etc for being on welfare and then when youre reminded again white people use up all of the welfare you change to "Well, people fall on tough times yanno" dumb ass

Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”

No wonder this was the party who started KKK. Full blown racists... this time gone full brown.
I hereby identify as, and declare myself to be, a black woman. Send my reparations to my Starbucks card...coffee be on me yo....
Stupid white people have already given blacks trillions of dollars in reparations in the last 50 years in the form of welfare and affirmative action. Hasn't done a bit of good. 90% of blacks are still miserable failures.


feb 16 2016 In a wide-ranging speech on “ending systemic racism,” Hillary Clinton presented a $125 billion plan to assist poor and minority communities with job training, education and re-entering society after incarceration, part of an effort to speak directly to African-American voters as the Democratic primary contest heads to South Carolina.

Her remarks, delivered in Harlem, were centered around what Mrs. Clinton called a “Breaking Down Barriers” agenda that would disproportionately help in “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” And she particularly named “places like Harlem and rural South Carolina.”

Stupid crooked Hillary thinks that's a winning strategy. Who's votes is she going to win? She's already got the black vote. All she's doing is pissing off every innocent non black person in this country.
i thought blacks were shooting one another in baltimore and chicago being it seems to be legal there

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