Hillary Clinton most popular U.S. politician

Sixty-one percent of American voters approve of Clinton, a possible U.S. presidential candidate for 2016

Hillary Clinton most popular U.S. politician, poll shows | Reuters

That should sting you righties a bit :razz:

Not as much as this.......



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Popularity... Not much different in school as it is now... it really has nothing to do with ability, substance, achievement, honor, or anything else... and it is why the country is in the shithole it is in

I would argue that Hillary has quite a bit of ability (political skill), substance (stands by her beliefs; ex: supporting universal healthcare in the 90's when it was hugely unpopular), achievement (she nearly became the 1st woman President and imo should have), and is certainly not dishonorable.
Popularity... Not much different in school as it is now... it really has nothing to do with ability, substance, achievement, honor, or anything else... and it is why the country is in the shithole it is in

I would argue that Hillary has quite a bit of ability (political skill), substance (stands by her beliefs; ex: supporting universal healthcare in the 90's when it was hugely unpopular), achievement (she nearly became the 1st woman President and imo should have), and is certainly not dishonorable.

And I would laugh at your argument.. she may have political savvy, but support of a government overreach program, and almost winning another popularity contest (not an 'achievement') is hardly something to truly stand on.. and as for honor?? :rolleyes:
Hillary Clinton is famous for being famous. She has made a career out of doing nothing. She didn't do anything to be elected Senator. She advanced no important legislation while she was senator. She was an unremarkabe secretary of state. There were no peace agreements, no vital trade agreements. She was in the news more for drinking and dancing that business. She is a popular celebrity because the media said so. She's like Lindsay Lohan, Snookie or Honey Boo Boo.
Popularity... Not much different in school as it is now... it really has nothing to do with ability, substance, achievement, honor, or anything else... and it is why the country is in the shithole it is in

I would argue that Hillary has quite a bit of ability (political skill), substance (stands by her beliefs; ex: supporting universal healthcare in the 90's when it was hugely unpopular), achievement (she nearly became the 1st woman President and imo should have), and is certainly not dishonorable.

And I would laugh at your argument.. she may have political savvy, but support of a government overreach program, and almost winning another popularity contest (not an 'achievement') is hardly something to truly stand on.. and as for honor?? :rolleyes:

She was senator for 8 years. She has a law degree from Yale. She was secretary of state. She was fist lady and nearly became president herself.

Say all you'd like, but Hillary Clinton is still successful.
Popularity... Not much different in school as it is now... it really has nothing to do with ability, substance, achievement, honor, or anything else... and it is why the country is in the shithole it is in
Ya' gotta quit listening to Porky Limbaugh.

You've (already) forgotten how (back in '99) he said Hillary would "NEVER be elected as a Senator, for New York!!!"

I would argue that Hillary has quite a bit of ability (political skill), substance (stands by her beliefs; ex: supporting universal healthcare in the 90's when it was hugely unpopular), achievement (she nearly became the 1st woman President and imo should have), and is certainly not dishonorable.

And I would laugh at your argument.. she may have political savvy, but support of a government overreach program, and almost winning another popularity contest (not an 'achievement') is hardly something to truly stand on.. and as for honor?? :rolleyes:

She was senator for 8 years. She has a law degree from Yale. She was secretary of state. She was fist lady and nearly became president herself.

Say all you'd like, but Hillary Clinton is still successful.

There have been lots of senators and lots of people who went to college.... she got appointed to S.O.S. without really any qualifying experience... She was married to a politician.. and was an also-ran...

Yeah.. real qualifications

As I said.. it is no different than school popularity... just a different set of 'clicks'
I really don't like Hillary. It's hard to like or admire an opportunistic carpetbagger that is so nakedly covetous of power.

Now Bill, I love. He's one of our nations great comic actors and preeminent cooze hounds. He has the "sincere lip bite" , the highly emotive "finger wag" and he's seen more ass than the back of a saddle! He gave an Oscar worthy performance during his 8 year run at 1600 Penn! Especially loved his righteous indignation during the "Starr" interviews! He showed us the true depth of his acting method with such classic lines as ; "are we ever really alone?" and , "what does "is" mean?"....yes, those were the good old days.....sigh....we really could use another "leader" like Bubba.

Lol you guys are just sad that the only women you have representing your side are crazy Bachmann and poor pathetic little Sarah

are you 12 years old?
Palin worked her way from mayor of a city to being governor of a state, Hillary rode into politics off the back of her husband being President and then was APPOINTED SoS

so no, she hasn't done anything to EARN this, but you people are the American idol crowd these day, so we will be stuck with another person with not much experience in anything except being a politician,just like Obama
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Lol you guys are just sad that the only women you have representing your side are crazy Bachmann and poor pathetic little Sarah

are you 12 years old?
Palin worked her way from mayor of a city to being governor of a state, Hillary rode into politics off the back of her husband being President and then was APPOINTED SoS

so no, she hasn't done anything to EARN this, but you people are the American idol crowd these day, so we will be stuck with another person with not much expiring in anything except being a politician,just like Obama

Ah to be 12 years old again... before the days of having to be terrified that the right sings praises about Jessica Simpson, oops I mean Sarah Palin

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