Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.
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When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.

I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.
When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.
Noncorroboration does not = refutation. I can think of thousands of things that I did in my life in which there was no one to corroborate. That doesn't mean they didn't happen. Plus, lots of people have called talk radio shows from New Jersey and said that they also saw what Trump says he saw.

And the FBI Arabic translators 9-11 celebration party is much more significant.

Not Only Did American Muslims Cheer 9-11, But They Did It In the FBI | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.
Seeing it on television isn't the same as him saying there was a video. You said he said there was a video. You have no proof of that. And there are quadrillions of things for which there is no video. So what ?
When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.
Noncorroboration does not = refutation. I can think of thousands of things that I did in my life in which there was no one to corroborate. That doesn't mean they didn't happen. Plus, lots of people have called talk radio shows from New Jersey and said that they also saw what Trump says he saw.

Oh, I see. "The talk radio shows from New Jersey". Well if that ain't an uniimpeacheable source... by the way, ever hear of something called the "power of suggestion"?

Fine -- then the noncorroboration of DAESH video doesn't mean it doesn't exist either.

Can't have it both ways. Pick one.
I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.
Seeing it on television isn't the same as him saying there was a video. You said he said there was a video. You have no proof of that. And there are quadrillions of things for which there is no video. So what ?

You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".
>> "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," the Republican presidential candidate said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

The next day, ABC This Week host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he misspoke, noting that "the police say that didn't happen."

Trump -- who has said he was in his Manhattan apartment the morning of the attack -- doubled down.

"It was on television. I saw it," Trump said. "It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good." << (here)

"Television" of course, transmits video.
That's a transcript. You want the real video of him talking about the mythological video?

The article concludes by rating Rump's claim "pants on fire". What's that word that usually precedes that phrase?
Television is not necessarily "a video". Not hardly. Television is merely a visual transmission. Videos are things that can be replayed over and over. So you don't have one. I didn't think so. If you can come up with one, we'll be here to check it out. :biggrin:
Fine --- you don't believe the transcript, here it is in ..... what's that word.... VIDEO. That's it.
Starts at 6:40.
And yet --- nobody can come up with that video, with all the documentation of 9/11 coverage.​
Brian Williams is snickering.
I listened to it. NOT ONE WORD from Trump about there being a video of Muslims cheering. Your pants are on fire. You owe USMB an apology. APOLOGIZE.
When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.
"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering. So something’s going on. We’ve got to find out what it is." - Donald Trump

You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".
FALSE!! As i already corrected you. A television news report is just a transmission. It COULD have a video in it, but you have never shown where Trump. at any time, said there was a video (as you said he said) You need to apologize to USMB AND to Trump.
You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".
FALSE!! As i already corrected you. A television news report is just a transmission. It COULD have a video in it, but you have never shown where Trump. at any time, said there was a video (as you said he said) You need to apologize to USMB AND to Trump.

Your position is so pathetic that you're actually trying to deny that television has a video component.


Think about it.
"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering. So something’s going on. We’ve got to find out what it is." - Donald Trump

Yeah ? So what ? Maybe he did. Lots of people have been calling talk radio shows from New Jersey saying they saw this too. Could be true. And we know the Arabic translator Muslims in the FBI were celebrating.

Not Only Did American Muslims Cheer 9-11, But They Did It In the FBI | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Trump never claimed there was a video of thousands of muslims cheering. Why do pogos arguments always come down to hair splitting and technicalities?
Your position is so pathetic that you're actually trying to deny television has a video component.

Think about it.
NO, NO. You don't get away with that. I have repeatedly said right here, that television news certainly does use videos in their reports. But so what ? That has nothing ti do with the fact that you said Trump said there was video of Muslims cheering 9-11, but you cannot (and HAVE NOT) produced a shred of evidence to back up your flimsy claim, which at this point, after all this talk back & forth, it looks like YOU'RE LYING. You've had long enough to come up with evidence of what you said. YOU FAILED.
Trump never claimed there was a video of thousands of muslims cheering. Why do pogos arguments always come down to hair splitting and technicalities?
At this point it looks like he's LYING.
You cannot "see something on television" ----- without it being transmitted and received on video.

Without video it's called "radio".
FALSE!! As i already corrected you. A television news report is just a transmission. It COULD have a video in it, but you have never shown where Trump. at any time, said there was a video (as you said he said) You need to apologize to USMB AND to Trump.
The news records everything they air. News organizations scoured their archives and no one could find it. Prior to Trump's lie, no one had ever made such a claim as there being "thousands upon thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey City.
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When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.

I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.

I had not read your post (#6), but now that I have read it and the content at the links you provided, my belief just changed. Trump didn't say there is video of it, but he did say that the cheering he mentioned was shown on television, which necessarily means there almost certainly must have been video of the event. (I suppose it's possible that someone took a photo of the cheering, and the program he watched showed the photo of the event rather than video of it.)

Seeing as Mr. Trump was in Jersey City, there are only so many television stations/networks he could have been watching. Moreover, the nature of television viewership is such that Mr. Trump was very unlikely to be the only person in Jersey City (or the nation, if he was watching a cable channel) who watched the cheering. Even if the station refrains from producing the alleged video, it's very hard to believe, given all the controversy over Mr. Trump's statement, that no other person who also saw it has piped up to say they saw it too.
Your position is so pathetic that you're actually trying to deny television has a video component.

Think about it.
NO, NO. You don't get away with that. I have repeatedly said right here, that television news certainly does use videos in their reports. But so what ? That has nothing ti do with the fact that you said Trump said there was video of Muslims cheering 9-11, but you cannot (and HAVE NOT) produced a shred of evidence to back up your flimsy claim, which at this point, after all this talk back & forth, it looks like YOU'RE LYING. You've had long enough to come up with evidence of what you said. YOU FAILED.

I cannot believe you're willing to go on a message board and act this degree of stupid.

Again --- Television consists of TWO components for TWO senses: one is AUDIO, for the hearing. The other is ...wait for it... VIDEO. That's why it's called teleVISION. You SEE it. And you see it through the electronic transmission of..... VIDEO.

What you hear on television is an audio transmission. What you SEE is......

C'mon now, this is an open book test.
When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?

When's Rump going to apologize to the population of North Jersey for that video that doesn't exist?Exactly.

Somehow I don't recall Trump ever saying there was a video of that. Do you have a video of him saying there was a video ?

I don't believe Mr. Trump claimed there exists video of people in Jersey City, NJ cheering the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. I don't follow every single thing the man says, but I doubt he made such a claim.

I'm dying to hear Mr. Trump indicate where in Jersey City he was on September 11t, 2001 when he observed that "thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down."

I was in Jersey City that morning, specifically at Exchange Place, where I watched the whole series of events happen from my office window -- from about half a second after the first plane hit (a colleague entering my office to give me a status report saw the first plane hit and screamed, whereupon I turned around) until shortly after both buildings collapsed. I then left and was driven by a coworker to a Hertz car rental "center" -- it was more a desk than anything else -- at a Shell gas station in Morristown, NJ.

Driving through NJ, Jersey City and other parts, I saw no "thousands and thousands" of people cheering about anything, but maybe they were all on rooftops? Jersey City just isn't the sort of place that "thousands and thousands" of people who are there can do anything publicly and not be noticed by more than just one person, yet not one Jersey City resident, not the Mayor of Jersey City, nor any passersby on that day has corroborated Mr. Trump's assertion.

I've come across one video of Mr. Trump remarking about the 9/11 incident. He didn't mention anything about "thousands and thousands" of Arabs or Muslims rejoicing over the calamity. Admittedly he wasn't asked directly about it, but he was asked what he thought should be done, and his reply mentioned nothing about Arabs or Muslims.

I just posted it, twice -- a transcript and then the actual TV feed the transcript came from (posts 6 and 20, respectively). He claimed to have seen it "on television". Yet for all the hundreds of hours of 9/11 news coverage from that time ---- no one can come up with such a video.

It's just ironic for a guy who wants to whine in the other direction now about the same thing.

I had not read your post (#6), but now that I have read it and the content at the links you provided, my belief just changed. Trump didn't say there is video of it, but he did say that the cheering he mentioned was shown on television, which necessarily means there almost certainly must have been video of the event. (I suppose it's possible that someone took a photo of the cheering, and the program he watched showed the photo of the event rather than video of it.)

Seeing as Mr. Trump was in Jersey City, there are only so many television stations/networks he could have been watching. Moreover, the nature of television viewership is such that Mr. Trump was very unlikely to be the only person in Jersey City (or the nation, if he was watching a cable channel) who watched the cheering. Even if the station refrains from producing the alleged video, it's very hard to believe, given all the controversy over Mr. Trump's statement, that no other person who also saw it has piped up to say they saw it too.

The OP is trying to deflect by dancing around with the word "video", trying to pretend it means there's a video recording of the event. And no doubt there is, but the point is that the television transmission itself is a video. He claims to have seen this mythological television transmission, perhaps from Planet Zorg. Yet there is no record of any such transmission.

Let alone, of course, any video of the event, as the television transmission would have shown.

Rump plays the part of Brian Williams far better than Williams himself.
Noncorroboration does not = refutation. I can think of thousands of things that I did in my life in which there was no one to corroborate. That doesn't mean they didn't happen. Plus, lots of people have called talk radio shows from New Jersey and said that they also saw what Trump says he saw.

And the FBI Arabic translators 9-11 celebration party is much more significant.

Not Only Did American Muslims Cheer 9-11, But They Did It In the FBI | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm sure you and many folks can. How many of those things involved the acts of "thousands and thousands" of other people whereby you are the only person who saw those "thousands and thousands" of other people do what you say you saw them do? The point isn't that nobody was cheering, it's that to the extent there was cheering about it, it was a limited event in Jersey City.

I don't believe anyone has asserted that nobody cheered the fall of the World Trade center buildings. The point is that there were not "thousands and thousands" of folks doing so. The point is about the extent of the elation expressed, not that none was expressed. "Dozens of people" does not come close to "thousands and thousands," which must necessarily be at least 2,000.
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