Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

People attack Trump personally and that's ok with liberals but when he attacks back, he's a despicable person.

Yabbut the thing is... Serge Kovaleski is not a public figure. If you can't handle being called out for spewing bullshit, then .... you shouldn't be spewing bullshit.

And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.

Or their congenital condition.
Or their language.
Or their religion.
Or their physical appearance.

You get the idea.
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss
Hillary Clinton's former boss says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a "liar" and "unethical"-Truth! & Fiction!
Hillarys Bold Lie Omission FIRED Staff Position | Video | C-SPAN.org
And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.
And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the phsical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss
Hillary Clinton's former boss says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a "liar" and "unethical"-Truth! & Fiction!
Hillarys Bold Lie Omission FIRED Staff Position | Video | C-SPAN.org

Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss
Hillary Clinton's former boss says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a "liar" and "unethical"-Truth! & Fiction!
Hillarys Bold Lie Omission FIRED Staff Position | Video | C-SPAN.org
Zeifman is a KNOWN LIAR, all that he has said lately are BIG FAT LIES....

he didn't fire her, he couldn't, he was not her boss nor on the same committee as Hillary

hillary didn't create the idea of Nixon not having council, she was ORDERED by her boss to write this brief....not to do so, would have been insubordination.

But as noted above, Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked. (That authority rested with Special Counsel John Doar and, ultimately, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino.) Quite tellingly, Zeifman made absolutely no mention of having "fired" or "terminated" Hillary Rodham, nor of telling her that he "could not recommend her for any further positions," in his 1995 book; he only started claiming so much later. Back in 1995 he noted that Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded:

Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married.

And again in 1998, Zeifman was quoted in a Scripps Howard News Service article as unambiguously confirming that not only did he not "fire" Hillary, but that it was not even within his power to do so:

Jerome Zeifman, chief Democratic counsel on the House Judiciary Committee in 1974 ... does not have flattering memories of Rodham's work on the committee. "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her," he said.
Zeifman made no bones about having an ax to grind with Hillary Clinton (putting out the anti-Clinton paperback Hillary's Pursuit of Power in 2006), and as its blade grew sharper over the years, he quite obviously shifted his recollections of events from the
1973-74 timeframe to conform to his current point of view rather than the other way around.

Back in April 2008, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign site responded to Zeifman's claims by asserting:

In a column circulating on the internet Jerry Zeifman alleges that Hillary was fired from her job on the House Judiciary Committee in the 1970s.

This is false. Hillary was not fired.

They also noted that the Washington Post's reviewer found (as we did) much of Zeifman's book to be mere repetition of speculation with little or no evidence to substantiate it:

[The book] will surely excite conspiracy buffs on the lookout for sinister coverups in high places. But those wary of such unsubstantiated theories (myself included) will find Zeifman's book an unconvincing, if imaginative, tale of intrigue.

The lack of evidence makes his theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source — his diary — contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies.

much much much more to read here:

And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the phsical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?
None of your examples indicate a generalization of ALL women. The ones you mentioned ALL personally attacked Trump first. Are you suggesting he is not permitted to respond to their personal attacks with personal attacks himself because they are women?
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss
Hillary Clinton's former boss says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a "liar" and "unethical"-Truth! & Fiction!
Hillarys Bold Lie Omission FIRED Staff Position | Video | C-SPAN.org
Zeifman is a KNOWN LIAR, all that he has said lately are BIG FAT LIES....

he didn't fire her, he couldn't, he was not her boss nor on the same committee as Hillary

hillary didn't create the idea of Nixon not having council, she was ORDERED by her boss to write this brief....not to do so, would have been insubordination.

But as noted above, Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked. (That authority rested with Special Counsel John Doar and, ultimately, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino.) Quite tellingly, Zeifman made absolutely no mention of having "fired" or "terminated" Hillary Rodham, nor of telling her that he "could not recommend her for any further positions," in his 1995 book; he only started claiming so much later. Back in 1995 he noted that Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded:

Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married.

And again in 1998, Zeifman was quoted in a Scripps Howard News Service article as unambiguously confirming that not only did he not "fire" Hillary, but that it was not even within his power to do so:

Jerome Zeifman, chief Democratic counsel on the House Judiciary Committee in 1974 ... does not have flattering memories of Rodham's work on the committee. "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her," he said.
Zeifman made no bones about having an ax to grind with Hillary Clinton (putting out the anti-Clinton paperback Hillary's Pursuit of Power in 2006), and as its blade grew sharper over the years, he quite obviously shifted his recollections of events from the
1973-74 timeframe to conform to his current point of view rather than the other way around.

Back in April 2008, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign site responded to Zeifman's claims by asserting:

In a column circulating on the internet Jerry Zeifman alleges that Hillary was fired from her job on the House Judiciary Committee in the 1970s.

This is false. Hillary was not fired.

They also noted that the Washington Post's reviewer found (as we did) much of Zeifman's book to be mere repetition of speculation with little or no evidence to substantiate it:

[The book] will surely excite conspiracy buffs on the lookout for sinister coverups in high places. But those wary of such unsubstantiated theories (myself included) will find Zeifman's book an unconvincing, if imaginative, tale of intrigue.

The lack of evidence makes his theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source — his diary — contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies.

much much much more to read here:

Snopes is not a credible source, and calling Jerry Zeifman a "known liar" does not make your case.
And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the physical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?

None of your examples indicate a generalization of ALL women. The ones you mentioned ALL personally attacked Trump first. Are you suggesting he is not permitted to respond to their personal attacks with personal attacks himself because they are women?

Actually, since they all involve aspects of being women, and/or physical appearance (and by the same token none refer to any actual issue), they all involve a generalization of all women. See how that works?

Moreover the instances cited were not responses to "personal attacks" -- they were themselves personal attacks, from Rump, in response to political issues or pointed questions.

Again, the behaviour of a ten-year-old, from which Rump apparently never evolved.
Hillary Clinton's lying is well known all around the world. Long lists of her lies have been published. Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee, to her recent lies about not having classified information on her emails (which are undoubtedly now in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, etc).

So it's no surprise that she would lie again in connection with her current run for the presidency. It is a bit surprising though that with very high unfavorable ratings and low trustworthiness ratings, she would undertake such a foolish lie (that a video of Trump was given to ISIS), that could easily be refuted.

In order for Hillary to display an ounce of decency, and show even a modicum of trustworthiness, and not have her trust numbers sink even lower, she MUST now apologize to Donald Trump, and to the entire Republican Party, for spreading yet another video lie (while we're still reeling from the Benghazi one). If she doesn't do that, she openly admits her lack of integrity, and the stark contrast between her deceitfulness, and the clear honesty and forthrightfulness of Donald Trump.

Everything from her 1973 Watergate days, when she was kicked off a committee

gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss
Hillary Clinton's former boss says he fired her from an investigative position because she was a "liar" and "unethical"-Truth! & Fiction!
Hillarys Bold Lie Omission FIRED Staff Position | Video | C-SPAN.org
Zeifman is a KNOWN LIAR, all that he has said lately are BIG FAT LIES....

he didn't fire her, he couldn't, he was not her boss nor on the same committee as Hillary

hillary didn't create the idea of Nixon not having council, she was ORDERED by her boss to write this brief....not to do so, would have been insubordination.

But as noted above, Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked. (That authority rested with Special Counsel John Doar and, ultimately, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino.) Quite tellingly, Zeifman made absolutely no mention of having "fired" or "terminated" Hillary Rodham, nor of telling her that he "could not recommend her for any further positions," in his 1995 book; he only started claiming so much later. Back in 1995 he noted that Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded:

Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married.

And again in 1998, Zeifman was quoted in a Scripps Howard News Service article as unambiguously confirming that not only did he not "fire" Hillary, but that it was not even within his power to do so:

Jerome Zeifman, chief Democratic counsel on the House Judiciary Committee in 1974 ... does not have flattering memories of Rodham's work on the committee. "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her," he said.
Zeifman made no bones about having an ax to grind with Hillary Clinton (putting out the anti-Clinton paperback Hillary's Pursuit of Power in 2006), and as its blade grew sharper over the years, he quite obviously shifted his recollections of events from the
1973-74 timeframe to conform to his current point of view rather than the other way around.

Back in April 2008, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign site responded to Zeifman's claims by asserting:

In a column circulating on the internet Jerry Zeifman alleges that Hillary was fired from her job on the House Judiciary Committee in the 1970s.

This is false. Hillary was not fired.

They also noted that the Washington Post's reviewer found (as we did) much of Zeifman's book to be mere repetition of speculation with little or no evidence to substantiate it:

[The book] will surely excite conspiracy buffs on the lookout for sinister coverups in high places. But those wary of such unsubstantiated theories (myself included) will find Zeifman's book an unconvincing, if imaginative, tale of intrigue.

The lack of evidence makes his theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source — his diary — contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. The book's jacket cover, which promises readers "truths even more startling than those brought out in Oliver Stone's movies 'Nixon' and 'JFK', " does not help matters. Perhaps the book's publicists forgot that "Nixon" and "JFK" were, after all, only Hollywood movies.

much much much more to read here:

Snopes is not a credible source, and calling Jerry Zeifman a "known liar" does not make your case.

Poisoning the Well is not a credible argument. Your task would be to disprove the points themselves.
And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the physical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?

None of your examples indicate a generalization of ALL women. The ones you mentioned ALL personally attacked Trump first. Are you suggesting he is not permitted to respond to their personal attacks with personal attacks himself because they are women?

Actually, since they all involve aspects of being women, and/or physical appearance (and by the same token none refer to any actual issue), they all involve a generalization of all women. See how that works?

Moreover the instances cited were not responses to "personal attacks" -- they were themselves personal attacks, from Rump, in response to political issues or pointed questions.

Again, the behaviour of a ten-year-old, from which Rump apparently never evolved.
When you can be honest, we can discuss it.
Politifact isn't Politifact. it is PolitiFALSE. I just wrote an OP just 2 days ago exposing them, for the frauds they are. What a laughingstock using Politifact as a source.

Politifact Is a Joke

Okay. I read your remarks found at the USMB link you provided above. In that post you wrote, " from a couple of reviews I saw recently it looks bad for Politifact's own credibility." Please share the details that will allow me to also read the two reviews to which you refer.

Syrian Refugee Vetting:
I looked into one of the things about which you, in the post you linked in the quote above, claim Politifact is wrong: the ability to vet Syrian refugees. You paraphrased (without providing a link to the content you paraphrased) a remark Politifact made about vetting Syrian refugees. You wrote, "Despite FBI director James Comey saying Syrain refugees can't be vetted, Politifct said Syrian refugees CAN be vetted." Now I don't know what exactly Politifact said because you didn't provide a link to the article/post in which they made the claim you say they did.

I can say that looking at other sources to find what the FBI Director said, I found multiple ones reporting FBI Director Comey as saying following on that topic:
Those remarks indicate to me that it is hard to vet some Syrian refugees, not that it is impossible to vet them.

Further detail on the matter can be found at CNN. In their article about the process by which Syrian refugees are vetted, they provided a high level overview of multiple elements that go into the vetting process. One of those elements consists of querying a database. With regard to using that database as part of the process of vetting Syrian Refugees, the FBI Director stated the obvious, "If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them."

I think you have misinterpreted what it means to vet someone. The term means to make a careful and critical examination of something/someone; a synonym is "investigate." It does not mean arrive at a specific conclusion; it also is not a specific conclusion at which one arrives . It means examine the available information and after having done so, determine what conclusion should be arrived at. One way to understand the distinction is to recognize the difference between a verb and a noun; in the context we (and the FBI Director is using), "vet" is a verb. Thus it means determine whether to approve the refugees for admittance, resident status, or whatever. It does not mean approve them for any such status. Based on the information above, it appears that for Syrian refugees, the vetting process is difficult to conduct and information difficult to obtain. Thus, saying that Syrian refugees "cannot" be vetted is an inaccurate paraphrasing of what FBI Director Comey said.

Vetting is something that is as careful and critical as it can possibly be so long as it includes and considers all the relevant information that is available. That is a very different thing from not being able to perform the vetting process at all (i.e., cannot vet). If the people conducting the vetting process cannot obtain nature and extent of information they deem necessary to make a well informed decision about whether to approve one or more Syrian refugees, it would be correct and accurate to disapprove a refugee's application for resident status, for example, because the vetting process yielded insufficient information. That is not the same as not vetting them, or being unable to vet them.
Last edited:
And the other thing is... Megyn Kelly may be more of a public figure but you don't attack someone on the basis of their gender.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the physical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?

None of your examples indicate a generalization of ALL women. The ones you mentioned ALL personally attacked Trump first. Are you suggesting he is not permitted to respond to their personal attacks with personal attacks himself because they are women?

Actually, since they all involve aspects of being women, and/or physical appearance (and by the same token none refer to any actual issue), they all involve a generalization of all women. See how that works?

Moreover the instances cited were not responses to "personal attacks" -- they were themselves personal attacks, from Rump, in response to political issues or pointed questions.

Again, the behaviour of a ten-year-old, from which Rump apparently never evolved.
When you can be honest, we can discuss it.

We just did.

I won.
She was not attacked on the basis of her gender. That is dishonest.

Perhaps you hadn't heard.

“There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” (here, and a million other places)

Followed by:


Then of course there's the physical appearance comments on .... Carly Fiorina... Arianna Huffington... Rosie O'Donnell....

Then there's ...
>> Referring to Trump's bankruptcy rumours, New York Times journalist Gail Collins called Trump a "financially embattled thousandaire" in print.

In reponse, Trump allegedly sent Collins a copy of her column, with her face circled and the words "Face of a dog!" written over it << (here)

Then there was...


Not to mention having the hots for his own daughter....

Mind you, this is only the sexism department. Not even going into the xenophobia, the mocking of the handicapped, the blanket statements, the religious bigotry, or the contempt for the Constitution in general.

Now if a petulant child-man can't handle a pointed question from a TV talking head, from a friendly source no less ---- how the hell is he going to handle foreign affairs -- where they play for real?

None of your examples indicate a generalization of ALL women. The ones you mentioned ALL personally attacked Trump first. Are you suggesting he is not permitted to respond to their personal attacks with personal attacks himself because they are women?

Actually, since they all involve aspects of being women, and/or physical appearance (and by the same token none refer to any actual issue), they all involve a generalization of all women. See how that works?

Moreover the instances cited were not responses to "personal attacks" -- they were themselves personal attacks, from Rump, in response to political issues or pointed questions.

Again, the behaviour of a ten-year-old, from which Rump apparently never evolved.
When you can be honest, we can discuss it.

We just did.

I won.
If that makes you happy, fine. Merry Christmas.
Come on. All the things Strump has said about Muslims? You think they haven't heard them? You think they don't use them for recruitment? Coming from the leading US presidential candidate?

Grow up.
Come on. All the things Strump has said about Muslims? You think they haven't heard them? You think they don't use them for recruitment? Coming from the leading US presidential candidate?

Grow up.

They have not used Trump in their recruiting....they have actually used both bill clinton, the rapist, and barak obama, hilary's boss in their actual videos......blame them....not Trump.
Come on. All the things Strump has said about Muslims? You think they haven't heard them? You think they don't use them for recruitment? Coming from the leading US presidential candidate?

Grow up.
Then you should be able to post a recruitment video with Trump in it.
gosh, it's so hard to keep up with all of the lies put out there by right wingers that you guys swallow up!

Hillary was NOT fired from the Watergate Commission committee she was on....

Goodness gracious, the committee she was on DISSOLVED, because Nixon had finally resigned.
So this is the :bsflag:your liberal masters are programming you with, huh ? Not surprising. Liberal media is a constantly flowing river of lies.

On April 2, 1998 Zeifman was asked in an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz, "You fired her [Clinton], didn't you?" Zeifman responded, "Let me put it this way, I terminated her along with other staff members who we no longer needed. And I said that I could not recommend her for any further positions."

In a February 5 Accuracy in Media column, Zeifman expressed "regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations."

Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee

Hillary fired from Watergate Committee for lying

Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss

Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior

Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Committee for Fraud, Ethics Violations

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