Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
NO, no he didn't find a way to fire her or terminate her...

IT WAS NOT his decision to make.... he was NOT her boss. Her boss, was also his boss, but they did not work on the same committee.

Everyone on her committee were finished with their job, once Nixon resigned.

And she did not do anything unethical....she wrote a brief that her BOSS asked her to write. Whether she agreed with her boss or not, on the brief he asked her to write... she HAD to write it...
It would have been insubordination for her to not follow his orders and do her own thing.

She had no power, she was a peon....
Furthermore, there's no evidence her brief was either wrong or unethical. That was merely Zeifman's personal opinion. And keep in mind, he's been caught in multiple lies over the matter. He claims he fired her, when he did not. He now claims she confiscated records he then claimed were taken by John Doar.
yeah, I know,

he's trying to make a buck, through his phony dementia! :lol:
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
NO, no he didn't find a way to fire her or terminate her...

IT WAS NOT his decision to make.... he was NOT her boss. Her boss, was also his boss, but they did not work on the same committee.

Everyone on her committee were finished with their job, once Nixon resigned.

And she did not do anything unethical....she wrote a brief that her BOSS asked her to write. Whether she agreed with her boss or not, on the brief he asked her to write... she HAD to write it...
It would have been insubordination for her to not follow his orders and do her own thing.

She had no power, she was a peon....
Furthermore, there's no evidence her brief was either wrong or unethical. That was merely Zeifman's personal opinion. And keep in mind, he's been caught in multiple lies over the matter. He claims he fired her, when he did not. He now claims she confiscated records he then claimed were taken by John Doar.
yeah, I know,

he's trying to make a buck, through his phony dementia! :lol:

Maybe his waning mental state isn't phony? It's even possible that he had begun to suffer the effects of dementia back in 1999 and it's only gotten worse since then? Whatever the case may be, there are non-human animals that I think are more credible sources of information than is Mr. Zeifman.
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
he didn't get rid of her position, he was not her boss.... how many times do we have to tell you that? HE'S LYING about that...you were the fool to believe him.
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
Of course you're back pedaling. Who do you think you're fooling? You posted links to three separate articles about how he fired her. Now you're admitting he didn't fire her. That's back pedaling.

As to what you're claiming now ... no, he did not get rid of her. He couldn't have even had he wanted to. He said so himself before changing his story to its current naratuve. She did not report to him and the person to whom she did report shared her position.
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.
-- John C. Maxwell​

Zeifman didn't eliminate the position; Nixon did when he resigned. There is no need at all for a team of attorneys who are part of a special investigation/special prosecutor's team to examine the underpinnings of impeachment when the person who is being considered for impeachment opts to resign before being impeached. That is exactly what Mrs. Clinton's role was on the Watergate investigation team; she was one of several people tasked with looking into the history and legal precedents associated with impeachment.

Zeifman played no active or decisive role in Mrs. Clinton's no longer participating in the Watergate investigation. Taxpayers funded the investigation. The government's fiduciary responsibility required that the team of people doing what Mrs. Clinton was doing be dismissed. It'd have been a waste of taxpayer money to have continued to fund that portion of the investigation once Nixon resigned. You will recall that a whole day didn't go by between Nixon announcing his intent to resign and his resignation taking effect. On the evening of August 8, 1974, President Nixon said, "I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow."

So, what other creative/revisionist angles have you to present? I think you'd be better off overall, certainly you'd show more integrity, were you to just say you misunderstood the details of Mrs. Clinton's role in the Watergate investigation and be done. There's no great fault associated with misunderstanding something, but there is plenty associated with continually trying to find some oblique angle that will seem to make one's position appear justified.

Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with insight and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way.
-- Allan Rufus, The Master's Sacred Knowledge
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He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
he didn't get rid of her position, he was not her boss.... how many times do we have to tell you that? HE'S LYING about that...you were the fool to believe him.
It doesn't matter if he's her boss or not. If he makes her position "no longer necessary", she is gone. Same damn thing. Point is, she's a liar who acted unethically and she was removed from the panel. It doesn't matter how it was done.
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
he didn't get rid of her position, he was not her boss.... how many times do we have to tell you that? HE'S LYING about that...you were the fool to believe him.
It doesn't matter if he's her boss or not. If he makes her position "no longer necessary", she is gone. Same damn thing. Point is, she's a liar who acted unethically and she was removed from the panel. It doesn't matter how it was done.

That is the point, Richard M. Nixon is the person who made her position no longer necessary. Nobody else.
He didn't fire her, he just terminated her along with others who were "no longer needed". The point is Hillary is a liar and was acting unethically (big surprise, huh?) and Zeifman found a way to remove her. Same thing as firing her.
WTF?? Now you're calling yourself an idiot. Aren't these the links YOU posted earlier...???

... why yes, yes they were. Now you're back pedaling as fast as you can. :lmao:
I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
he didn't get rid of her position, he was not her boss.... how many times do we have to tell you that? HE'S LYING about that...you were the fool to believe him.
It doesn't matter if he's her boss or not. If he makes her position "no longer necessary", she is gone. Same damn thing. Point is, she's a liar who acted unethically and she was removed from the panel. It doesn't matter how it was done.

That is the point, Richard M. Nixon is the person who made her position no longer necessary. Nobody else.
They weren't all let go.
He FIRED her. And she deserved it. We could put all the gory details af all the things she did to DESERVE firing. Want to hear them ???
Furthermore, there's no evidence her brief was either wrong or unethical. That was merely Zeifman's personal opinion. And keep in mind, he's been caught in multiple lies over the matter. He claims he fired her, when he did not. He now claims she confiscated records he then claimed were taken by John Doar.
This is a LIE. There's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired. If you want a rap sheet of it, just say the word. Rap sheet on request.
He FIRED her. And she deserved it. We could put all the gory details af all the things she did to DESERVE firing. Want to hear them ???
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.

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