Hillary Clinton MUST Apologize to Trump!

I'm not back peddling. He got rid of her. Eliminating her position is no different than firing her. It happens often, if you don't like somebody but are not able to fire them, you can achieve the same objective by making them "unnecessary". Some employers will combine two job duties into one so only one employee is needed. One of them has to go. But do continue with your hair splitting and parsing, it's fun to watch someone defend an unscrupulous liar such as Hillary.
he didn't get rid of her position, he was not her boss.... how many times do we have to tell you that? HE'S LYING about that...you were the fool to believe him.
It doesn't matter if he's her boss or not. If he makes her position "no longer necessary", she is gone. Same damn thing. Point is, she's a liar who acted unethically and she was removed from the panel. It doesn't matter how it was done.

That is the point, Richard M. Nixon is the person who made her position no longer necessary. Nobody else.
They weren't all let go.

Please provide documentation that corroborates that assertion.

The report I've seen indicates they were.

Zeifman had no authority to "terminate" Hillary. They were members of different staffs, and Zeifman had no hiring or firing authority over members of the Impeachment Inquiry staff for which Hillary worked. (That authority rested with Special Counsel John Doar and, ultimately, with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino.) Quite tellingly, Zeifman made absolutely no mention of having "fired" or "terminated" Hillary Rodham, nor of telling her that he "could not recommend her for any further positions," in his 1995 book; he only started claiming so much later. Back in 1995 [Zeifman] noted that Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded.​
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.
She doesn't have a "rap sheet" at all, so stop lying.
And the far left drone proves my comments!

He FIRED her. And she deserved it. We could put all the gory details af all the things she did to DESERVE firing. Want to hear them ???
He said he didn't fire her. Why would I believe a moron like you over him?

Jerry Zeifman said:
Furthermore, there's no evidence her brief was either wrong or unethical. That was merely Zeifman's personal opinion. And keep in mind, he's been caught in multiple lies over the matter. He claims he fired her, when he did not. He now claims she confiscated records he then claimed were taken by John Doar.
This is a LIE. There's a ton of things she did wrong to deserve to be fired. If you want a rap sheet of it, just say the word. Rap sheet on request.
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.
Yeah sure, after all the lies you've told about Hillary, do you really think an honest person will believe that exaggerated bullshit?
Well yes, you probably are that stupid.

The case fell apart because of contradictory statements by the complainant and prosecutorial incompetence in bungling the case by destroying evidence.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.
Yeah sure, after all the lies you've told about Hillary, do you really think an honest person will believe that exaggerated bullshit?
Well yes, you probably are that stupid.

The case fell apart because of contradictory statements by the complainant and prosecutorial incompetence in bungling the case by destroying evidence.
There really is no level too low for you to stoop to defend that disgusting hag, is there?
Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.

I don't know about her having "defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim." I'd like to learn more about it. Please share your source of information about the event so that I can consider it using the same information you had in your mind when you wrote the remarks above.

Even as I do not know about Mrs. Clinton's noted act, I do know that I am not the writer of the words you've attributed to me in post #126. I understand that it's not hard to mistakenly delete the wrong "stuff" when making these posts, but I ask that you please either edit post #126 to give the correct attribution or make a new post in which you take ownership of the mistake. It is with that understanding that I, for now, abide by the idea that the misquote is an accident, not an intentional misrepresentation of my comments.
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.

I don't know about her having "defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim." I'd like to learn more about it. Please share your source of information about the event so that I can consider it using the same information you had in your mind when you wrote the remarks above.

Even as I do not know about Mrs. Clinton's noted act, I do know that I am not the writer of the words you've attributed to me in post #126. I understand that it's not hard to mistakenly delete the wrong "stuff" when making these posts, but I ask that you please either edit post #126 to give the correct attribution or make a new post in which you take ownership of the mistake. It is with that understanding that I, for now, abide by the idea that the misquote is an accident, not an intentional misrepresentation of my comments.
Take your pick.

Other: I wasn't quoting you, I was quoting Protectionist. No need for me to edit anything.
Did the site's "powers that be" move this thread to the Politics subforum? I would have sworn, until now, that it was in CDZ. I haven't in weeks so much as browsed the threads in the Politics subforum; I browse and post in CDZ and Structured Debate, Op-Ed, and U.S. Constitution Legal Philosophy.

I'm sorry, S.J., I made post #129 before noticing the change in forum for this thread. I will attempt to continue the discussion with you, but the instant it becomes uncivil, vulgar, "whatever," (by your remarks or others') I will cease to do so. I nonetheless ask that you kindly effect the correction/retraction pertaining to misquoting me (post #126).
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.

I don't know about her having "defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim." I'd like to learn more about it. Please share your source of information about the event so that I can consider it using the same information you had in your mind when you wrote the remarks above.

Even as I do not know about Mrs. Clinton's noted act, I do know that I am not the writer of the words you've attributed to me in post #126. I understand that it's not hard to mistakenly delete the wrong "stuff" when making these posts, but I ask that you please either edit post #126 to give the correct attribution or make a new post in which you take ownership of the mistake. It is with that understanding that I, for now, abide by the idea that the misquote is an accident, not an intentional misrepresentation of my comments.
Take your pick.

Other: I wasn't quoting you, I was quoting Protectionist. No need for me to edit anything.

I see now that it is he who caused the problem. You were merely unwittingly perpetuated it. Apologies.
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.

The remarks attributed to me in your post #113 are not mine. Please edit the post or issue a retraction. I apologize for not noticing it sooner.
Did the site's "powers that be" move this thread to the Politics subforum? I would have sworn, until now, that it was in CDZ. I haven't in weeks so much as browsed the threads in the Politics subforum; I browse and post in CDZ and Structured Debate, Op-Ed, and U.S. Constitution Legal Philosophy.

I'm sorry, S.J., I made post #129 before noticing the change in forum for this thread. I will attempt to continue the discussion with you, but the instant it becomes uncivil, vulgar, "whatever," (by your remarks or others') I will cease to do so. I nonetheless ask that you kindly effect the correction/retraction pertaining to misquoting me (post #126).
I will treat you with civility as long as you do the same. That's always been my approach. Some, however, are habitual flamers and I've gotten to know who they are and I don't try to consider their feelings anymore.
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.
She was fired, and her bad behavior leading up to it, is the real story, not how she left the job.. Wanna hear the details ?

And as I said before, this is a red herring. Hillary has a long, long rap sheet, and the Watergate firing is only one blemish on her, among dozens.

she has no rap sheet at all you insane sociopath.
He FIRED her. And she deserved it. We could put all the gory details af all the things she did to DESERVE firing. Want to hear them ???
NOPE, simply not true. YOU CHOSE to believe a man who's a liar by his own words.

She was NOT fired from Watergate committee.

but that's never stopped the sociopaths from repeating the lie.
Hillary has done a lot of unethical things in her life but the most despicable thing (at least what we KNOW of) was probably when she defended the child rapist in the 70s by attacking his 12 year old victim.
Yeah sure, after all the lies you've told about Hillary, do you really think an honest person will believe that exaggerated bullshit?
Well yes, you probably are that stupid.

The case fell apart because of contradictory statements by the complainant and prosecutorial incompetence in bungling the case by destroying evidence.
There really is no level too low for you to stoop to defend that disgusting hag, is there?
Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says
There is no lie too low for the lying scum Right to stoop to about Clinton.

The girl was caught lying both in the past and in her statements as well as after the case was ended. Furthermore, nowhere in the interview that the liar claims triggered her lies in your article, does Clinton laugh at the alleged victim. Clinton laughs when she describes her client’s polygraph results and the prosecutors fucking up the case by destroying evidence.
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