Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.
And yet we are. We're in charge of the White House. We're in charge of the House. We're in charge of the Senate. We're in charge of an astounding 33 states.

The American people have spoken snowflake. They unilaterally reject your bat-shit crazy progressive ideology.
Like I said, you liberals are better off dumb on this subject, it allows the smart people to elect our leaders and relegate you to what you are. A pawn.

Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.

Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!

Me too, it will just make Trump and the Repug Party look like a bigger joke than they already are. The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.

Clinton won by a decisive margin and this election has been stolen from her.

Not according to the rules that were in play and agreed to by Clinton, but hey, I like your hate and faux outrage, I find it very entertaining and funny.

So Clinton isn't winning by 2.5 million votes?

You're fucking stupid.

No it is you that is stupid. Clinton lost the electoral votes, that is how our country chooses its Presidents, not by popular vote. Everyone was well aware of how the system worked. That is why Mrs. Clinton did not feel the need to campaign in New York, California, Oregon, Washington and other states where she knew she had the electoral votes wrapped up.

So spare me your sad little tears and your diaper wetting, the election was decided by the electoral college and not the popular vote. I know you don't understand this and it hurts you little feelings but I really don't care nor do most Americans. You are a minority.
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And you base that on what exactly? Your own desire for it to be true?

This was such a contentious race that I know of people on both sides that thought better of putting bumper stickers on their cars because they feared having it vandalized. This election will be studied for years by political scientists trying to figure out why the pollsters got it as wrong as they did. My take on it was that there were a lot of people standing in voting booths choosing someone they didn't want because their choices sucked...choices foisted on them by a main stream media who attempted to play "king makers" with the election process and pollsters who had agendas.

No, the simple fact is you can't prove that mass amounts of Trump supporters lied at the exit polls, goober.

You simply got nothing. You Repug fuck holes love to make shit up, but the exit polls do not lie.

Quite obviously, exit polls are not as accurate as you seem to think! The polls in general in this election were wrong both on the Democratic and Republican side all through this election cycle. Why do you think the exit polls should have been any different?

Because exit polls are much more accurate than telephone polls, as I've explained several times.

The fact that you are even asking that question tells me that you know very little about exit polls.

"Cuz iz sayz so"

Just don't cut it

No, because academics say so.

Idiot, you do realize that many exit polls are by telephone.

I can't figure out whether you are a Republican stirring up shit for fun or you are really that freakin stupid.

You do give me a laugh at your stupidity everyday. So I guess I really don't care.
Hitlery Clinton got her ass kicked. The breakdown by counties is staggering...


These numbers should quiet liberals about the Electoral College once and for all
Did you realize that you are a little Repug peasant bitch? And it's your little Repug peasant duty to suck the cock of your rich Repug feudal masters like Trump?

Of course you didn't.
Let it all out my gentle lil snowflake.... :itsok:

That's what you said to Fucktard the Clown while you were on your knees a little while ago.

Two pathetic Repug peasants wanking each other while dreaming about Trump's feudal cock in their little peasant mouths.

What a ghastly spectacle.

Ignore Patriot. Today he actually advocated for genocide against all Muslims. He's a sick demon. An alt-right degenerate piece of shit. Literally one of the worst posters on this forum. His entire mission on this forum seems to be to get it officially branded as a hate site.

Truly a disgusting, pathetic, sorry excuse for a human.

Yep, that mother fucker is a total racist lump of shit. His existence is totally meaningless. Fuck him and all the racist Trumpkins on this board.
Hitlery Clinton got her ass kicked. The breakdown by counties is staggering...

View attachment 100488

These numbers should quiet liberals about the Electoral College once and for all

Yeah, except for one small problem....Hillary kicked the shit ouf of Trump by 2.5 million votes and counting.

And Hillary also won the electoral college, according to the exit polls.

You Nazi fucks stole the election, which is what you Nazi Repug mother fuckers do. Hillary Clinton is the rightful President-Elect of the United States.

So suck on that, racist Repug pussy.
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Yep, the smart people chose Clinton....by 2.5 million votes and counting.

More than JFK's victory over Nixon.

More than Carter's victory over Ford.

Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!

Me too, it will just make Trump and the Repug Party look like a bigger joke than they already are. The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.

Clinton won by a decisive margin and this election has been stolen from her.

Not according to the rules that were in play and agreed to by Clinton, but hey, I like your hate and faux outrage, I find it very entertaining and funny.

So Clinton isn't winning by 2.5 million votes?

You're fucking stupid.

No it is you that is stupid. Clinton lost the electoral votes, that is how our country chooses its Presidents, not by popular vote. Everyone was well aware of how the system worked. That is why Mrs. Clinton did not feel the need to campaign in New York, California, Oregon, Washington and other states where she knew she had the electoral votes wrapped up.

So spare me your sad little tears and your diaper wetting, the election was decided by the electoral college and not the popular vote. I know you don't understand this and it hurts you little feelings but I really don't care nor do most Americans. You are a minority.

See my previous post, ass wipe. Clinton won by 2.5 million votes and counting.

Nobody except for you pathetic Repugs take Trump and the Repug Party seriously. Most Americans and the entire world view you worthless Repug fucks as a total, incompetent fucking joke.

Just yesterday, 2,300 scientists, including 23 nobel prize winners, wrote a letter to Trump and Repugs urging them to pay attention to science when making decisions. How fucking pathetic is it that a letter like that is even necessary? Thousands of respected scientists forced to talk to Trump and the Repug Party like they are a bunch of idiot 5 years olds. Trump and the Repug Party are a total stain on humanity and only fuck tards like you take them seriously.
So people lie to pollsters, happened all the way through the election and primaries. You lost, get over it already.
The pre-election poll error rate is 4% because many of them may not actually vote, change mind, unsure or lie to pollsters who call them before elections.

But they do not bias lie by that large of a percent to exit pollsters. Voters lie in both parties, so it only creates negligible error. Lying to exit pollsters is absolutely not the reason the exit polls were wrong!!!

Exit pollsters either improperly selected witch precincts to exit poll or the election was stolen. If these errors only happened in the key states that threw the elections, the exit polls must be compared directly to the precincts covered by the exit pollsters. If they are off then a recount should be started at those precincts to see if there was fraud or an error in voting process.

The problem I found in my state was not exit poll discrepancy, but that 10% of actual voters in democrat areas I worked were purged from the rolls or stayed home. Nearly 10% in my precinct had to vote by affidavit or provisional. It is absolutely stunning how so many were denied their constitutional right to vote! They were & rightfully should be pissed off!
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The American people overwhelmingly rejected the corrupt, pathological liar Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology...

psst..dumbass....she won more American votes than Trump. In what fucking universe does that add up to "overwhelmingly rejected"?

Trump received over 30% more EC votes.

By very narrow margins. Still, fact remains that most relevant measure of acceptance or rejection among Americans is popular vote. And by that measure Trump is the reject, not Hillary.
Good, I hope she wins by 60 million! You go girl!

Me too, it will just make Trump and the Repug Party look like a bigger joke than they already are. The majority of Americans simply don't want you crazy fascist mother fuckers in charge.

Clinton won by a decisive margin and this election has been stolen from her.

Not according to the rules that were in play and agreed to by Clinton, but hey, I like your hate and faux outrage, I find it very entertaining and funny.

So Clinton isn't winning by 2.5 million votes?

You're fucking stupid.

No it is you that is stupid. Clinton lost the electoral votes, that is how our country chooses its Presidents, not by popular vote. Everyone was well aware of how the system worked. That is why Mrs. Clinton did not feel the need to campaign in New York, California, Oregon, Washington and other states where she knew she had the electoral votes wrapped up.

So spare me your sad little tears and your diaper wetting, the election was decided by the electoral college and not the popular vote. I know you don't understand this and it hurts you little feelings but I really don't care nor do most Americans. You are a minority.

See my previous post, ass wipe. Clinton won by 2.5 million votes and counting.

Nobody except for you pathetic Repugs take Trump and the Repug Party seriously. Most Americans and the entire world view you worthless Repug fucks as a total, incompetent fucking joke.

Just yesterday, 2,300 scientists, including 23 nobel prize winners, wrote a letter to Trump and Repugs urging them to pay attention to science when making decisions. How fucking pathetic is it that a letter like that is even necessary? Thousands of respected scientists forced to talk to Trump and the Repug Party like they are a bunch of idiot 5 years olds. Trump and the Repug Party are a total stain on humanity and only fuck tards like you take them seriously.

Was it really necessary or was it a show? Lol! You are such a drama queen. Your temper tantrums are really funny, keep up the good work, I enjoy laughing at you. The Electoral College is what counts, otherwise the candidates would have campaigned differently. Learn and then go write your Congressman about the Electoral College, then change the laws, other than that you are a whiny little kid who crapped his pants and is sitting it crying cause that all you can do. You are funny, pathetic but most certainly funny.
The American people overwhelmingly rejected the corrupt, pathological liar Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology...

psst..dumbass....she won more American votes than Trump. In what fucking universe does that add up to "overwhelmingly rejected"?

Trump received over 30% more EC votes.

By very narrow margins. Still, fact remains that most relevant measure of acceptance or rejection among Americans is popular vote. And by that measure Trump is the reject, not Hillary.

Hope that comforts you for the next four years.
The American people overwhelmingly rejected the corrupt, pathological liar Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology...

psst..dumbass....she won more American votes than Trump. In what fucking universe does that add up to "overwhelmingly rejected"?

Trump received over 30% more EC votes.

By very narrow margins. Still, fact remains that most relevant measure of acceptance or rejection among Americans is popular vote. And by that measure Trump is the reject, not Hillary.

Hope that comforts you for the next four years.

Thanks, I find plenty of comfort sticking to the facts.

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