Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

By very narrow margins. Still, fact remains that most relevant measure of acceptance or rejection among Americans is popular vote. And by that measure Trump is the reject, not Hillary.

Hope that comforts you for the next four years.

Thanks, I find plenty of comfort sticking to the facts.

Good, glad you do, I am good with the election as I have been for decades, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. As long as the rules are followed, that is the way it is.

The EC voters can vote any way they please. Since Clinton was the decisive winner, they should vote for her.

Those are the real rules intended by the Founding Fathers. The vote totals in each state were never intended to determine the overall winner.

Yes they can and since the winning party in the state selects the Electoral College members California will proudly vote for Clinton and I will be proud of them.

However your wet dream will not come true as most Americans are a lot smarter than you.

Keep the laughs coming numb nut.

Says the dumb fuck who supports a party that denies climate change.

Most Americans are smarter than your stupid fucking ass, which is why they voted more for Clinton by 2.5 million votes and counting.

Enjoy your stupid "victory", Repug pussy. Most of the country and the world is laughing at you stupid Repug mother fuckers because Trump and the Repug Party are a total fucking joke.
So people lie to pollsters, happened all the way through the election and primaries. You lost, get over it already.
The pre-election poll error rate is 4% because many of them may not actually vote, change mind, unsure or lie to pollsters who call them before elections.

But they do not bias lie by that large of a percent to exit pollsters. Voters lie in both parties, so it only creates negligible error. Lying to exit pollsters is absolutely not the reason the exit polls were wrong!!!

Exit pollsters either improperly selected witch precincts to exit poll or the election was stolen. If these errors only happened in the key states that threw the elections, the exit polls must be compared directly to the precincts covered by the exit pollsters. If they are off then a recount should be started at those precincts to see if there was fraud or an error in voting process.

The problem I found in my state was not exit poll discrepancy, but that 10% of actual voters in democrat areas I worked were purged from the rolls or stayed home. Nearly 10% in my precinct had to vote by affidavit or provisional. It is absolutely stunning how so many were denied their constitutional right to vote! They were & rightfully should be pissed off!

46 million sat this one out, also exit polls have a history of being wrong. Personally I don't think exit polls should be reported until polls are closed. The MSM tries to use them to effect the vote.

The problem is the "Exit Polls" were not true exit polls. They were not all from pollsters standing outside polling places asking real voters how they just voted!

One firm, Edison Research, conducts exit polling for all major news outlets. Edison only recently started polling voters by phone prior to election day, to get statistics on early voting results. But the popularity of early and mail-in voting has exploded and Edison’s methods can’t keep up.

“The exit poll understands the huge role early voters will play — pollsters estimated to Pew that 35 to 40 percent of all voting will happen early this year — but it’s not clear that their polling can accurately capture who those people are,” explained Dara Lind of Vox.com in an article published last week. “It runs into the problems any phone poll has — namely, that it’s difficult to poll people who only have mobile phones. And because this year saw such a huge surge in early voting, it’s hard to use past years to predict how representative a sample is.”
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So people lie to pollsters, happened all the way through the election and primaries. You lost, get over it already.
The pre-election poll error rate is 4% because many of them may not actually vote, change mind, unsure or lie to pollsters who call them before elections.

But they do not bias lie by that large of a percent to exit pollsters. Voters lie in both parties, so it only creates negligible error. Lying to exit pollsters is absolutely not the reason the exit polls were wrong!!!

Exit pollsters either improperly selected witch precincts to exit poll or the election was stolen. If these errors only happened in the key states that threw the elections, the exit polls must be compared directly to the precincts covered by the exit pollsters. If they are off then a recount should be started at those precincts to see if there was fraud or an error in voting process.

The problem I found in my state was not exit poll discrepancy, but that 10% of actual voters in democrat areas I worked were purged from the rolls or stayed home. Nearly 10% in my precinct had to vote by affidavit or provisional. It is absolutely stunning how so many were denied their constitutional right to vote! They were & rightfully should be pissed off!

46 million sat this one out, also exit polls have a history of being wrong. Personally I don't think exit polls should be reported until polls are closed. The MSM tries to use them to effect the vote.

The problem is the "Exit Polls" were not true exit polls. They were not all from pollsters standing outside polling places asking real voters how they just voted!

One firm, Edison Research, conducts exit polling for all major news outlets. Edison only recently started polling voters by phone prior to election day, to get statistics on early voting results. But the popularity of early and mail-in voting has exploded and Edison’s methods can’t keep up.

“The exit poll understands the huge role early voters will play — pollsters estimated to Pew that 35 to 40 percent of all voting will happen early this year — but it’s not clear that their polling can accurately capture who those people are,” explained Dara Lind of Vox.com in an article published last week. “It runs into the problems any phone poll has — namely, that it’s difficult to poll people who only have mobile phones. And because this year saw such a huge surge in early voting, it’s hard to use past years to predict how representative a sample is.”

Yep, this year was like no other and the media hires pollsters, tells them what questions to ask and when it comes to exit polls, what precincts to canvas. All that's well and good when every thing is going normally, throw in a few hiccups and the whole thing goes squirrelly. Of course the media over sampling dems also threw their numbers off because many dems flipped this year.
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

Hope that comforts you for the next four years.

Thanks, I find plenty of comfort sticking to the facts.

Good, glad you do, I am good with the election as I have been for decades, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. As long as the rules are followed, that is the way it is.

The EC voters can vote any way they please. Since Clinton was the decisive winner, they should vote for her.

Those are the real rules intended by the Founding Fathers. The vote totals in each state were never intended to determine the overall winner.

Yes they can and since the winning party in the state selects the Electoral College members California will proudly vote for Clinton and I will be proud of them.

However your wet dream will not come true as most Americans are a lot smarter than you.

Keep the laughs coming numb nut.

Says the dumb fuck who supports a party that denies climate change.

Most Americans are smarter than your stupid fucking ass, which is why they voted more for Clinton by 2.5 million votes and counting.

Enjoy your stupid "victory", Repug pussy. Most of the country and the world is laughing at you stupid Repug mother fuckers because Trump and the Repug Party are a total fucking joke.

Lol! You are a Republican playing a Democrat, there is no Democrat I have met that is as stupid as you are pretending to be. You are the board clown, we got it. Lol!
Hope that comforts you for the next four years.

Thanks, I find plenty of comfort sticking to the facts.

Good, glad you do, I am good with the election as I have been for decades, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. As long as the rules are followed, that is the way it is.

The EC voters can vote any way they please. Since Clinton was the decisive winner, they should vote for her.

Those are the real rules intended by the Founding Fathers. The vote totals in each state were never intended to determine the overall winner.

Yes they can and since the winning party in the state selects the Electoral College members California will proudly vote for Clinton and I will be proud of them.

However your wet dream will not come true as most Americans are a lot smarter than you.

Keep the laughs coming numb nut.

Says the dumb fuck who supports a party that denies climate change.

Most Americans are smarter than your stupid fucking ass, which is why they voted more for Clinton by 2.5 million votes and counting.

Enjoy your stupid "victory", Repug pussy. Most of the country and the world is laughing at you stupid Repug mother fuckers because Trump and the Repug Party are a total fucking joke.

Says the dumb fuck who supports a party that denies climate change.

How many trillions should we spend on windmills so that the climate never changes?
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I agree that voter suppression is the bigger problem. In reality, Clinton would have won this election by at least 5 million votes if you factor in voter suppression.
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I agree that voter suppression is the bigger problem. In reality, Clinton would have won this election by at least 5 million votes if you factor in voter suppression.

I know, they tried to suppress the fuck out the dead voters, the illegal alien voters and the felon voters who supported the corrupt old criminal your party nominated. They'll do a better job of stopping you cheating fuckers next time.

You may not see another Dem House, Senate or President for the rest of your miserable life.
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I have been working the polls for 20 years & never found dead people voting. However every 4 years Voter caging is rampant.
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I agree that voter suppression is the bigger problem. In reality, Clinton would have won this election by at least 5 million votes if you factor in voter suppression.

I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!
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