Hillary Could Land A Lethal Blow To Trump's Campaign: An Unconventional Solution

The reality is Donald John Trump has been for years to the left of Hillary and Bill Clinton and all of a sudden he is the darling of those like you just because he want to build a damn wall and profile Muslims...
He was/is a real estate tycoon doing big business and like all big businesses, you get along with the people in power. Or you go home.

His point is that we need to profile everyone coming in, not just Muslims, but especially anyone from a hot spot. It makes no sense not to. Only a liberal could think that was a good idea.
The reality is Donald John Trump has been for years to the left of Hillary and Bill Clinton and all of a sudden he is the darling of those like you just because he want to build a damn wall and profile Muslims...
He was/is a real estate tycoon doing big business and like all big businesses, you get along with the people in power. Or you go home.

His point is that we need to profile everyone coming in, not just Muslims, but especially anyone from a hot spot. It makes no sense not to. Only a liberal could think that was a good idea.
I wish republicans could see that the reason people support Trump...THE REASON....no matter what he does or says, is because he is the ANTI-PC president.

This is his #1 appeal to his diehard fans.
That's ridiculous, it would change no one's vote

Hillary's warm praise of Trump's steadfast support of democratic platforms for decades, clear up until the date of the youtube video in the op this year, might not quite have the effect you were hoping for on Trump's lukewarm supporters...
God you're a fucking idiot!
Trump: "Thanks for confirming to everyone watching that who could be bought back then for a few thousand bucks in contributions to your campaign.
Nothing seems to have changed with you Hillary".
The reality is Donald John Trump has been for years to the left of Hillary and Bill Clinton and all of a sudden he is the darling of those like you just because he want to build a damn wall and profile Muslims...
He was/is a real estate tycoon doing big business and like all big businesses, you get along with the people in power. Or you go home.

His point is that we need to profile everyone coming in, not just Muslims, but especially anyone from a hot spot. It makes no sense not to. Only a liberal could think that was a good idea.
I wish republicans could see that the reason people support Trump...THE REASON....no matter what he does or says, is because he is the ANTI-PC president.

This is his #1 appeal to his diehard fans.
In other words what you are saying is half or more people who will turn out to vote have had a stomach full of fucking snowflake, pansy coward LIBs.
Elections have consequences, so says 'Bonobo'.
That's ridiculous, it would change no one's vote

Hillary's warm praise of Trump's steadfast support of democratic platforms for decades, clear up until the date of the youtube video in the op this year, might not quite have the effect you were hoping for on Trump's lukewarm supporters...
God you're a fucking idiot!
Trump: "Thanks for confirming to everyone watching that who could be bought back then for a few thousand bucks in contributions to your campaign.
Nothing seems to have changed with you Hillary".

Well, the polls show the exact opposite as well. Hillary couldn't get her own supporters to piss on her to put her out if she were on fire while Trump supporters are far more eager to vote.

Silhouette's just in love with the chick candidate, that wipes out all actual processing of information
^^ You might want to visit some of my threads and retract that statement.

In other words what you are saying is half or more people who will turn out to vote have had a stomach full of fucking snowflake, pansy coward LIBs.

I'd say the number is significantly higher than half.
And here's how:
Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems
Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

If Hillary Clinton released an ad generously thanking Donald Trump for all his support over the years of her platforms, his supporters would see that and think about it. If she emphasized he supported her because "that's just good business" to create financial links with anyone, anytime in order to make money...their tiny little pea brains might start clicking.

She should not resort to any scathing remarks of Trump. Her praise of his support of democratic platforms should be genuine, warm and even apologetic (tongue in cheek of course). That's it. And she should run that commercial around the clock.

It would indicate to middle voters that Trump himself supports her platforms (winning them over if they are on the fence about his erratic personality). And it would paint him out as deceitful, shady and willing to sell out the principles he says he stands for.

If she alternated that commercial with one about Trump's snuggling up to Putin in similar fashion "you know, to make a buck, good business!" the cat would be out of the bag to even the dullest of viewers. True, like dingleberries, many of his rock solid supporters would stand fast. It's those that are lukewarm about him that would snap their heads around.

And when Trump fires back that he "stopped supporting the dem platforms years ago!", she can get a pre-emptive strike on him by harvesting soundbites from this youtube video taken I think in May or April this year: (Technically, it wouldn't be her advertising a distaste for his stance, only agreeing with him...think about it... ) Hillary already has the blue vote and the Bernie kids can be rallied around some free handout she promotes for them: legalizing pot? But it's the middle votes Hillary needs to lock down. She has stability of personality where Trump does not. And if all other things are seen as equal in their minds, they will opt for her instead of him.

Retard FOCUS Time:
Trump has BEEN stating that he owns Hillary.
Trump WILL state such at all 3 debates without being prompted to do so.
Yeah, good luck with that ad....
I was thinking about the framework of it, with the debate looming so close.

Well, if I were her, I'd put the "warm thanks to Donald" ad out just prior to the debate. She could start the intro to the ad saying she wants to set the stage for decorum and respect by thanking Donald for his support of her and her platforms all these years, clear up until this one. If his supporters saw the content of the youtube video in the OP, they would flake away like dandruff off a mangy pony.

I mean if you think about it, she has nothing to lose. She could sincerely support what Donald said in the video while pointing out that he agrees. Win win win, right? Except for Donald...
Keep your day job.
The reality is Donald John Trump has been for years to the left of Hillary and Bill Clinton and all of a sudden he is the darling of those like you just because he want to build a damn wall and profile Muslims...
He was/is a real estate tycoon doing big business and like all big businesses, you get along with the people in power. Or you go home.

His point is that we need to profile everyone coming in, not just Muslims, but especially anyone from a hot spot. It makes no sense not to. Only a liberal could think that was a good idea.
I wish republicans could see that the reason people support Trump...THE REASON....no matter what he does or says, is because he is the ANTI-PC president.

This is his #1 appeal to his diehard fans.
Nope. It's a reason but not the sole one. Ditto for kicking the media pukes around now and then too, just another of many things that appeal to folks. And there are many more.
Anxious to see if she'll thank Trump during the debate tonight for supporting her and her platforms, including as recently as May 2016 in Trump's assent and nod to transgenders in women's restrooms in Trump Tower... (OP video)...

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