Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?


It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

The solution is whining on the INTERNET making sure that every stinking independent knows and understands how Mrs. Tuzla lies and escaped once again.

Time for white America to rise up and vote her out. that said not to exclude anyone but blacks seem not to be conducive to changing their loyalty to the party that has done so much to hurt them.
The bottom line is that Comey painted a picture of a reckless, incompetent person. Not CINC material by any means. Just admit that...focus on that...cast your vote on that reality.
Portions were redacted dumbass.
Oh, so we don't know if they were really secret stuff or not, then.

So a Republican FBI director looked into this and found... nothing. Thanks for playing.

Keep telling yourself that Cletus: Comeys own words. My B/U

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.

FBI Director Comey’s full remarks on Clinton email probe

Thanks for playing.
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.

He lied about something that wasn't anyone's business.

That the judge ruled was irrelevent to the case.

In a case that she dismissed as having NO MERIT.

None of which had anything to do with Ken Starr's investigation into a failed land deal.
From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.

Yawn, Cleetus. So you had 2000 e-mails that no one thought were a big deal at the time they were sent, but Clinton was supposed to know 52 of them contained information that another agency thought was classified, even though people in her agency didn't think they were. .

And Comey totally walked that shit back when Congress pressed him on it.

The funny thing is you guys keep thinking you are going to get the Clintons on some legal technicality because you can't beat them at the ballot box with your awful ideas.
Wow, you're doggedly persistent in holding on to wrong beliefs, I'll grant you that. Check the articles of impeachment and get back to me when you find "blow job" in there.

I did. They impeached him for lying about a blow job. It's horseshit and everyone saw it as horseshit.

Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

i think you are getting a little confused here. There were two seperate legal actions. One was the investigation by Ken Starr (the guy who didn't stop systematic rape of students at a university he ran) of Whitewater and the civil suit by lying trailer trash Paula Jones that the saw a penis once.

While the judge in the Paula "eek a penis" Jones case allowed the questioning, she ruled the issue as irrelevent to the case and then she threw the case out of court. Which should have been a end to the matter.

However, Ken Starr, unable to prove Clinton did anything crooked in a land venture where he lost money, decided to illegally tape someone talking about their sex life in order to get the President on something, dammit!!!!

Okay, so what are we to take from that post? It sounds an awful lot like you're saying that Bubba should not be prosecuted for lying while under oath because BUSH!?!?!?! I'll tell you why Bush wasn't impeached for Iraq. If they had tried, a lot of democrats would have been under fire as well and they didn't want that. He didn't pull an Obama and do it just on one party's support.

I'm saying we have our priorities screwed up if lying about a blow job is a criminal offense, but lying about a war isn't.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.

Yawn, Cleetus. So you had 2000 e-mails that no one thought were a big deal at the time they were sent, but Clinton was supposed to know 52 of them contained information that another agency thought was classified, even though people in her agency didn't think they were. .

And Comey totally walked that shit back when Congress pressed him on it.

The funny thing is you guys keep thinking you are going to get the Clintons on some legal technicality because you can't beat them at the ballot box with your awful ideas.

It will be the bitches lies and obstruction that will sink her. Good riddance.
As for you pathetic apologist, you can go to hell.
It will be the bitches lies and obstruction that will sink her. Good riddance.
As for you pathetic apologist, you can go to hell.

Yeah, you guys have been saying that for 25 years now. I'm surprised you even believe it anymore.

It will be hilarious to watch when she's president and you get to sputter.

I never sputter you lying piece of shit, unlike you I actually have a moral compass. It's alway you sociopaths that are always blaming others for your moral failures. The bitch will be brought down, one way or another.
I never sputter you lying piece of shit, unlike you I actually have a moral compass. It's alway you sociopaths that are always blaming others for your moral failures. The bitch will be brought down, one way or another.

Guy, I hate to break this to you, but the Clintons have been outsmarting you guys for a quarter century.

seriously, maybe you should make your new avi THIS guy....

I never sputter you lying piece of shit, unlike you I actually have a moral compass. It's alway you sociopaths that are always blaming others for your moral failures. The bitch will be brought down, one way or another.

Guy, I hate to break this to you, but the Clintons have been outsmarting you guys for a quarter century.

seriously, maybe you should make your new avi THIS guy....


And you can't dance free forever, eventually you have to pay the piper. I think perjury and obstruction of congress might be the piper.

Did it to use one device. LIE
Didn't send or receive classified information. LIE
Had permission for the server. LIE
Turned over all work related emails. LIE

The bitch made ever one of those statements under oath to congress and she lied.
And you can't dance free forever, eventually you have to pay the piper. I think perjury and obstruction of congress might be the piper.

Did it to use one device. LIE
Didn't send or receive classified information. LIE
Had permission for the server. LIE
Turned over all work related emails. LIE

The bitch made ever one of those statements under oath to congress and she lied.

Okay- let's look at those.

One device- yes, she only used one device at a time. Just like the rest of us she upgraded devices as new ones became available. - so not a lie.

Didn't send classified information that was marked as such. Sorry. Not flying, either.

Had permission- she was the boss of the department. Not a lie.

Turned over all work related e-mails... that's on her lawyers, not her, if they missed something.

You guys aren't 'paying the piper', you are "crying wolf". No one takes yous seriously anymore
The pattern of predatory sexual behavior the prosecutor was establishing.
Pattern my ass. It was one woman, and a blow job. And remind me again, what, precisely, did that blow job have to do with Whitewater, which was the only purview of that special prosecutor's authority?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor" whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Pattern my ass. It was one woman, and a blow job. And remind me again, what, precisely, did that blow job have to do with Whitewater, which was the only purview of that special prosecutor's authority?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor" whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Portions were redacted dumbass.
Oh, so we don't know if they were really secret stuff or not, then.

So a Republican FBI director looked into this and found... nothing. Thanks for playing.

FBI Director James Comey Testifies Hillary | Video | C-SPAN.org

CHAFFETZ: How did the Department of Justice, or how did the FBI view the incident in which Hillary Clinton instructed Jake Sullivan to take the markings off of a document that was to be sent to her?

COMEY: Yes, we looked at that pretty closely. There was some problem with their secure fax machine and there was an e-mail in which she says in substance, take the headers off of it and send it as a non- paper and as we've dug into that more deeply, we've come to learn that at least this one view of it that is reasonable, that a non-paper in State Department parlance (ph) means a document that contains things we could pass to another government. So essentially take out anything that's classified and send it to me.

Now it turned out that didn't happen, we actually found that the classified fax was then sent
, but that's our best understanding of what that was about.

CHAFFETZ: So this was a classified fax?

COMEY: Correct.

CHAFFETZ: So Hillary Clinton sends to Jake Sullivan, Jake -- well let me go back, Jake Sullivan says they say they had issues sending secure fax, they're working on it. Hillary Clinton sends to Jake Sullivan, if they can't, turn into non-paper with no identifying heading and send non-secure. So you're telling me it's a classified piece of information, she's taking off the header and she's instructing them to send it in a non-secure format. Is that not intent?

COMEY: Well that actually caught my attention when I first saw it and what she explained to us in her interview was, and other witnesses too as well, is what she meant by that is make it into a non-classified document, that's what a non-paper is in their world, and send it to us because I don't need the classified stuff I just need the...

CHAFFETZ: Then why take off the heading if it's going to be turned into a non-classified document, why take off the heading?

COMEY: I assume because it would be non-classified anymore so you wouldn't have a classified header on it
. Because what she said during her interview...

CHAFFETZ: Because she wanted to be technically correct, is that what you're saying, that you're...

COMEY: No, I think what she said during the interview is I was telling him in essence, send the unclassified document, take the header off, turn it into a non-paper, which is a term I had never heard before but I'm told by people I credit that in diplomatic circles something we can pass to another government.

CHAFFETZ: You are very generous in your accepting of that. Did any unclear individuals receive any classified information over Hillary Clinton's server?

COMEY: Did any uncleared (ph) people receive classified information? I don't think any of the correspondents on the classified e-mails were uncleared people. These were all people with clearances working, doing State Department business, on the unclassed (ph) system."

so...as Comey says, he investigated it pretty thoroughly, and it isn't at all what the RW bloggers and Fox's and other *uhOh* media had been screaming about for months.

It was noted in other places as well about what happened with these headers...

CNN.com - Transcripts

CNN.com - Transcripts

CNN.com - Transcripts
And you can't dance free forever, eventually you have to pay the piper. I think perjury and obstruction of congress might be the piper.

Did it to use one device. LIE
Didn't send or receive classified information. LIE
Had permission for the server. LIE
Turned over all work related emails. LIE

The bitch made ever one of those statements under oath to congress and she lied.

Okay- let's look at those.

One device- yes, she only used one device at a time. Just like the rest of us she upgraded devices as new ones became available. - so not a lie.

Didn't send classified information that was marked as such. Sorry. Not flying, either.

Had permission- she was the boss of the department. Not a lie.

Turned over all work related e-mails... that's on her lawyers, not her, if they missed something.

You guys aren't 'paying the piper', you are "crying wolf". No one takes yous seriously anymore

You know what's worse, one that lies to others or those that lie to themselves. You've got to be the most gullible SOB on earth or one of the most prolific liars.
You know what's worse, one that lies to others or those that lie to themselves. You've got to be the most gullible SOB on earth or one of the most prolific liars.

No, I;ll tell youwhat is worse.

Someone who goes into historonics over lying about a blow job or using the wrong e-mail, but is totally good with a lie that caused a war and killed hundreds of thousands of people

Did anyone DIE because Hillary used the wrong E-mail? Not that anyone has claimed.
You know what's worse, one that lies to others or those that lie to themselves. You've got to be the most gullible SOB on earth or one of the most prolific liars.

No, I;ll tell youwhat is worse.

Someone who goes into historonics over lying about a blow job or using the wrong e-mail, but is totally good with a lie that caused a war and killed hundreds of thousands of people

Did anyone DIE because Hillary used the wrong E-mail? Not that anyone has claimed.

Damn you're a good little regressive, get painted in a corner and try to change the subject. Fuck off child, I'm done with your lying ass.

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