Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?

The Republicans have spent years on witch hunts that have amounted to nothing. Now they are stuck with a nominee who is too busy attacking his own party to focus on Hillary while she pounds him with millions of dollars in ads. 2016 isn't looking good for the Republican party.

Wow, and even a liberal sees that, that's highly irrelevant. Thanks for that non-contribution to the discussion
Damn you're a good little regressive, get painted in a corner and try to change the subject. Fuck off child, I'm done with your lying ass.

yes, Im sure you don't like your hypocrisy and foolishness exposed.

I am going to laugh when Hillary is president and you completely lose your shit.
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor" whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor" whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.
Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.

But of course there's a difference between being charged and found not guilty by a jury and not being charged at all.

Nice try though. Comparing Clinton to a double murderer no doubt works on some of your weaker minded brethren.
You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

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I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .

No, I admit police bias against criminals, no one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates as high as 5 times their representation in the population or other blacks to protect them.
I know how HILLARY can fix things . All she has to do is be deputized as a police officer!

Then the conservatives would have no problems with anything she did !

Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .

No, I admit police bias against criminals, no one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates as high as 5 times their representation in the population or other blacks to protect them.

They get arrested more because of a bias system. And you are admiting that cops are profiling them.

What was that guy in Minnesota doing? He was a licensed gun permit holder. You'd think conservatives would be all over that .
Another liar pops up to spew more shit. Name one conservative that backed a police officer, that the facts proved they fucked up. No hurry.

Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .

No, I admit police bias against criminals, no one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates as high as 5 times their representation in the population or other blacks to protect them.

They get arrested more because of a bias system. And you are admiting that cops are profiling them.

What was that guy in Minnesota doing? He was a licensed gun permit holder. You'd think conservatives would be all over that .

If you bothered to pay attention, I've already said from what I know at this point the police in MN over reacted and committed manslaughter. I won't call it murder, because I don't think the police stopped the guy with the intent of killing him. The officer in MN was latino, which is not surprising considering that black and latino officers are more likely to shoot a black person than a white officer. But that fact doesn't fit the regressive and BLM narrative so you ignore it.
Well that 16 yr old gun down in Chicago comes to mind . That shit was buried . Just one example .

Consrtvatives can't even say that PDs are ever wrong . They attack BLM for protesting police brutality!

Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .

No, I admit police bias against criminals, no one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates as high as 5 times their representation in the population or other blacks to protect them.

They get arrested more because of a bias system. And you are admiting that cops are profiling them.

What was that guy in Minnesota doing? He was a licensed gun permit holder. You'd think conservatives would be all over that .

If you bothered to pay attention, I've already said from what I know at this point the police in MN over reacted and committed manslaughter. I won't call it murder, because I don't think the police stopped the guy with the intent of killing him. The officer in MN was latino, which is not surprising considering that black and latino officers are more likely to shoot a black person than a white officer. But that fact doesn't fit the regressive and BLM narrative so you ignore it.

BLM doenst distinguish tween the race of the individual cop. It's well know that minority cops can be as bad as and bad white cop.
Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?
If there was justice in the world, Donald Trump would be El Chapo's butt buddy, and Hillary Clinton would be a sex worker in Harlem.

So don't be a putz by voting for one of them. Write in someone else's name.
Buried, hardly, the officer was cleared of any wrong doing if it's the case I'm thinking of. Of course you were't specific as to the case. You ever thought that blacks are bringing the attention to themselves through their propensity for criminality and violence? If blacks started to cooperate with police, they could rid themselves of the criminal elements and things would change. BLM like you seem to be ignoring reality.

So you admit the police are bias against blacks .

No, I admit police bias against criminals, no one is forcing blacks to commit crimes at rates as high as 5 times their representation in the population or other blacks to protect them.

They get arrested more because of a bias system. And you are admiting that cops are profiling them.

What was that guy in Minnesota doing? He was a licensed gun permit holder. You'd think conservatives would be all over that .

If you bothered to pay attention, I've already said from what I know at this point the police in MN over reacted and committed manslaughter. I won't call it murder, because I don't think the police stopped the guy with the intent of killing him. The officer in MN was latino, which is not surprising considering that black and latino officers are more likely to shoot a black person than a white officer. But that fact doesn't fit the regressive and BLM narrative so you ignore it.

BLM doenst distinguish tween the race of the individual cop. It's well know that minority cops can be as bad as and bad white cop.

Yet all you see them talking about is white police killing blacks, hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?
If there was justice in the world, Donald Trump would be El Chapo's butt buddy, and Hillary Clinton would be a sex worker in Harlem.

So don't be a putz by voting for one of them. Write in someone else's name.

I wonder if we could get a majority to write in "none of the above"?

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