Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?

Bubba is a lawyer. He knew the consequences of lying under oath and did it anyway. Bush doesn't even enter into the discussion, so to compare the two is ridiculous.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Oh my Gawd:



Sure ya are. You just keep believing that.
Of course not, because it exposes the absurd hypocritical double standard over loosing one's shit about a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while just shrugging off guy's lies that started a war and killed thousands of American soldiers, and set the stage to create an even more complicated terrorist network than the one that attacked us on 9/11.

And, by the way, Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow-job, not Hillary. I love how you guys on the left all want to us Bill's indiscretions to, somehow, impugn Hillary's character.
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
Hmm, yea, let's see. The choices:

A man who has had literally thousands of lawsuits against him who has swindled an unknown number out of their life savings? And man who has had three wives, made vows and then cheated on every one? A man who has stiffed thousands and declared bankruptcy 6 times?


A woman who has fought the GOP for thirty years and won every single time? A woman with a history of helping other women and getting health care for millions of children.

Wow, difficult choice. Eeeny meeny my knee mo........
Hillary's involvement is her trashing the very women she now claims have a right to be heard and believed.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Bill Clinton has an interesting perspective on that:

Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Bill Clinton has an interesting perspective on that:

That's the problem when you're an established liar. No one believes you.
If you say so. I notice you have chosen to completely pass over your hypocrisy over losing your shit over a guy who lied about getting a blow-job, while giving the guy who lied about weapons of mass destruction, created an unnecessary war, killed thousands of Americans, and created the environment for the explosion of ISIS a complete pass.
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes were based? That's right - the specter of saryn gas being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

And he does as far as I'm concerned. I never cared that Bill lied about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Two completely different circumstances. I guess we could get outraged about every president's malfeasance while we're at it.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
Definitely. I don't think Comey wanted to be in the position of changing the course of political history. He saw the bile spewed at the SC for stopping Algore's re-re-re-counting and didn't want it headed his way, so, as is done so often for the Clinton's, he bent over backward to find a way to avoid indicting.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
So, you're suggesting that she should have ignored what she believed to be accurate up to date intelligence, and cotes based on information she knew to be, at least, 3 years old.

Now you're just grasping as straws to make Hillary complicit in Bush's lies.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
Bill harassed Monica?!? It was my understanding that Monica practically flung herself to her knees, while unzipping Bills pants.

He'll, she bragged about it to her flatmate! That's how it ended up becoming public. I don't think it's called "harassment" when they're eager.

And, again, you're conflating history. The "lie under oath" didn't occur during the sexual harassment question - that judge declared the "Monica Lewinski Incident" to be irrelevant to the case.

The question about his blow job was presented by Mr. Starr, during the Senate Whitewater hearings, which had nothing to do with sexual harassment, making the question entirely inappropriate.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
So, you're suggesting that she should have ignored what she believed to be accurate up to date intelligence, and cotes based on information she knew to be, at least, 3 years old.

Now you're just grasping as straws to make Hillary complicit in Bush's lies.

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They were awfully confident that he had WMD's and was a real threat while Bubba was in office. Let's put it this way. What do you think could have changed the situation in 3 years time from "Saddam has WMD's" to "Saddam doesn't have WMD's"? And, of course, this doesn't have anything to do with Hillary's actions re the women that accused Bubba of harassment and rape, women she now insists have the right to be heard and believed.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

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And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
Bill harassed Monica?!? It was my understanding that Monica practically flung herself to her knees, while unzipping Bills pants.

He'll, she bragged about it to her flatmate! That's how it ended up becoming public. I don't think it's called "harassment" when they're eager.

And, again, you're conflating history. The "lie under oath" didn't occur during the sexual harassment question - that judge declared the "Monica Lewinski Incident" to be irrelevant to the case.

The question about his blow job was presented by Mr. Starr, during the Senate Whitewater hearings, which had nothing to do with sexual harassment, making the question entirely inappropriate.

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Boy, what ARE they teaching kids in school today? Of course Bubba didn't harass Monica, he harassed a bunch of other women, one of whom was taking him to court over it. During the course of that case, the prosecutor was establishing Bubba's pattern of sexual predation when Monica entered the picture. No wonder you're confused.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
Your right. Completely different circumstances. In the former, no one for hurt, save, arguably, Hillary, and a guy got his dick sucked.

In the latter, thousands of innocents were killed, and we, as a nation, were made less safe.

So, of course, the former is the one we should lose our shit over.

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Nixon was bad. Let's get upset about that. FDR tried to stack the courts. Let's get upset about that. As long as you play the game of "somebody else did something too", all you're doing is deflecting.
Nice deflection. It's not that "someone else did something". It's that someone else did exactly the same thing - lied - and the results were far, far more egregious, and you guys did...?

That's right. Nothing. And still insist on doing nothing, even though he is still subject to prosecution for his fraud on the American People. I'll tell you what. I will get outraged over Bill Clinton lying about getting his dick sucked, right about the same time I see G.W. hauled in for defrauding America, and being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. So long as the "outrage" over a president lying continues to be partisan, and one-sided, Bill's lie about getting his dick sucked, and subsequent impeachment will earn a great big, "Meh" from me.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Bill Clinton has an interesting perspective on that:

That's the problem when you're an established liar. No one believes you.

You believe Trump.

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