Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?

"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
The law that was updated two years after she left office?
Hillary was never going to be charged with a crime. This has been nothing but the typical Washington DC mini-series, mere theater for the masses giving the illusion that the elite politicians are held to the same standard as the common citizen. Here's how it works, if you have enough dirt on DC you can break pretty much any law that you choose short of something like murder and even some have gotten away with that.
What's this "You guys" crap? The reason no one went after Bush for Iraq was all the democrat votes authorizing it. You do realize, don't you, that had they really gone after him, Bubba would have been drawn in, because of all his statements over the years, and Hillary as well, since she was privy to Bubba's info (don't even try to tell me she wasn't) and voted to authorize anyway. And, regardless, Bubba doesn't get off the hook because "BUT BUUUUSSSHHHH".
Oh what a crock of shit. Democrats authorizing the war only makes Bush's lie worse!!! Because guess on what those authorization votes we're based? That's right - the specter of saryn bass being dropped on all of us. And where did Democrats get that idea? From Bush's lies!!!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And Bubba said the same things, and Hillary, privy to Bubba's info, voted to authorize. The democrats did absolutely zero to stop the war or to investigate whether anyone lied or if our intel services were rendered incompetent by budget cuts. So, go ahead and complain all you want about Bush, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Bubba's lying under oath and filing false affidavits.
Except she didn't. She had access to the "official" Security reports that Bush put out, spinning the narrative he wanted.

And again, I never gave a shit about Clinton's "lying under oath" about getting his dick sucked, because I never cared that he got his dick sucked.
She had access to Bubba's info while he was POTUS, because I don't for a moment think she stayed out it. That means that she knew, up until Bush took office, what the intelligence services were saying about Iraq, and she voted to authorize military intervention. If she knew Bush was lying, why would she do that?

And it's irrelevant if you don't care about Bubba sexually harassing women and Hillary's making it difficult for them to get justice, because the thread is about Hillary and her actions, not about Bush. You can play the "somebody else did something too" game, but it doesn't change anything.
Bill harassed Monica?!? It was my understanding that Monica practically flung herself to her knees, while unzipping Bills pants.

He'll, she bragged about it to her flatmate! That's how it ended up becoming public. I don't think it's called "harassment" when they're eager.

And, again, you're conflating history. The "lie under oath" didn't occur during the sexual harassment question - that judge declared the "Monica Lewinski Incident" to be irrelevant to the case.

The question about his blow job was presented by Mr. Starr, during the Senate Whitewater hearings, which had nothing to do with sexual harassment, making the question entirely inappropriate.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk


Most corporations would fire you if you had an affair with a subordinate It was an inappropriate affair. The Clinton's, Gore and Kerry all believed Iraq had WMDs, Your twist on history is pretty special.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
The law that was updated two years after she left office?

Nice try.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
Your ignorance is beyond belief on this...???? Just mind boggling!

Why FBI didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton on Email Issue - CNN Video

NO ONE but 1 person in the near 100 years that this gross negligence law under the Espionage act has been charged.... Comey said there were absolutely no instances where anyone was charged with this crime unless they were grossly negligent AND it was evident they were trying to commit espionage. No one who broke rules such as Hillary with her server use, was ever charged and you can bet your booty, right now, there are probably 100 senators and congress critters who have classified info on their 'personal devices'', we already know Senator Kerry sent classified info on his blackberry to Hillary and tens and tens of diplomats have sent confidential info to Hillary on their unclassified devices....that's where all the classified unmarked info came from that Hillay received, and Colin Powell and his staff and Condi Rice's staff.....NO ONE was prosecuted, not even laymen in the lowly levels..... so spare me your BS on this....you must be reading only right wing rags?

Comey said in his hearing the R's brought on, that:

SHE DID NOT LIE to the FBI....
so again, stop trying to baffle me or the country, with your BS....it might work in your R circles, but not mine or with anyone who has done their research.

SHE BROKE NO LAW, ignorant or not....

she broke some rules, comey made it clear she did not break any laws. there are no laws for these rules she broke, there are no statutes for these rules she broke that he could charge her with....

Comey tried to harm Hillary with his scathing song and dance, even though he KNEW she broke no laws that he could prosecute her for.... that was scummy of him.... you should be HAPPY he slipped in to 'unethical land'....

Can you imagine if it were you that he was investigating and found no laws that you broke that he could charge you with but he came out and gave a press conference and defamed you anyway in the public, just like he did with Hillary?

I tell you what, the problem is you all, yes you all believe the Clintons should be held to a HIGHER standard level of the law than any other normal human being....THAT is UNJUST.

Comey tried to have his cake and eat it too....
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You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.

Still waiting for you to cite the case of the "average" American who was charged under these statues...

"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
The law that was updated two years after she left office?

Nice try.
Try nothing:

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.


What is especially hilarious about this is that Colin Powell used an AOL account. So how many emails did he turn over?

Can you guess?


That's right, none. See, when he left office, he terminated his account so it was just erased. Not a single email was saved. Seems Hillary's mistake was actually being honest and turning over emails when no Republican ever did. See what I mean? Hilarious!

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

Very true-- I was shocked to see what a 4 star General and Director of the CIA, David Petreaus did. Of course Republicans defended him. Here he was giving classified documents to his mistress, then hid them up in his attic, then lied to the FBI, and then admitted everything when there was no other way out.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton's emails pail in comparison to what General Petreaus did. This is why he was charged and she wasn't. INTENT. She didn't intend to break protocol over having a private server, (that was set up an maintained by a Senior IT staffer working at the State Department) and those emails were not marked as classified when she received them. Colin Powell had the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts



It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?
Only THREE were marked classified. Hundreds contained classified or top secret info.

No there were only 22 emails that the State Department wouldn't release to the public.

"The State Department on Friday said for the first time that “top secret” material had been sent through Hillary Clinton’s private computer server, and that it would not make public 22 of her emails because they contained highly classified information.

The department announced that 18 emails exchanged between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama would also be withheld, citing the longstanding practice of preserving presidential communications for future release. The department’s spokesman, John Kirby, said that exchanges did not involve classified information.

Mr. Kirby said that none of the emails had been marked at any level of classification at the time they were sent through Mrs. Clinton’s computer server."
Last edited:
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

You are wrong, if this had been an average American and not an elitist bureaucrat, they would have been charged and prosecuted.
NO, you are wrong.

No one in 99 years but 1 person was charged with GROSS Negligence under the Espionage act, and the 1 person charged was truly grossly negligent and also had intent to harm the USA.

Although it was wrong she broke no laws by having a personal server so there was nothing he could charge her for.... she did not commit espionage, so there was nothing he could charge her for....

IF Comey had charged her with a felony of Gross Negligence under the Espionage Act, it would have been UNFAIR and an INJUSTICE, when no one else with similar deeds, ever in our history has been charged with this crime.

YOU GUYS want to use the law to harm Clinton's political run....it has NOTHING at all to do with Justice.

"YOU GUYS" BS, I don't care if Hillary runs or wins, our other choice is also in the privileged class. She was ignorant of the laws and last I saw ignorance is no excuse. She lied to the FBI and to Congress, yet that will go by the wayside, just because of who she is. I don't think she willing did anything, I don't think she is that smart, she relies on people to advise her. I have more of a problem with the constant lies she tells, I don't she could tell the truth if her life depended on it. She tried to cover up the email BS, It's old news for the Clintons.
Your ignorance is beyond belief on this...???? Just mind boggling!

Why FBI didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton on Email Issue - CNN Video

NO ONE but 1 person in the near 100 years that this gross negligence law under the Espionage act has been charged.... Comey said there were absolutely no instances where anyone was charged with this crime unless they were grossly negligent AND it was evident they were trying to commit espionage. No one who broke rules such as Hillary with her server use, was ever charged and you can bet your booty, right now, there are probably 100 senators and congress critters who have classified info on their 'personal devices'', we already know Senator Kerry sent classified info on his blackberry to Hillary and tens and tens of diplomats have sent confidential info to Hillary on their unclassified devices....that's where all the classified unmarked info came from that Hillay received, and Colin Powell and his staff and Condi Rice's staff.....NO ONE was prosecuted, not even laymen in the lowly levels..... so spare me your BS on this....you must be reading only right wing rags?

Comey said in his hearing the R's brought on, that:

SHE DID NOT LIE to the FBI....
so again, stop trying to baffle me or the country, with your BS....it might work in your R circles, but not mine or with anyone who has done their research.

SHE BROKE NO LAW, ignorant or not....

she broke some rules, comey made it clear she did not break any laws. there are no laws for these rules she broke, there are no statutes for these rules she broke that he could charge her with....

Comey tried to harm Hillary with his scathing song and dance, even though he KNEW she broke no laws that he could prosecute her for.... that was scummy of him.... you should be HAPPY he slipped in to 'unethical land'....

Can you imagine if it were you that he was investigating and found no laws that you broke that he could charge you with but he came out and gave a press conference and defamed you anyway in the public, just like he did with Hillary?

I tell you what, the problem is you all, yes you all believe the Clintons should be held to a HIGHER standard level of the law than any other normal human being....THAT is UNJUST.

Comey tried to have his cake and eat it too....

She claimed she only used one cell phone, lie!

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.

Forseen by whom?

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.

Forseen by whom?

America has been the light of the world. That light must be extinguished in order for evil to prosper. Welcome to the End Times. You've got a front row seat.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.

Forseen by whom?

America has been the light of the world. That light must be extinguished in order for evil to prosper. Welcome to the End Times. You've got a front row seat.

Ahh the God bullshit.....


That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air

There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.

Forseen by whom?

America has been the light of the world. That light must be extinguished in order for evil to prosper. Welcome to the End Times. You've got a front row seat.

Ahh the God bullshit.....


It's very entertaining knowing the future and watching the events occur. You can blow it off, it's all going to happen anyway.
That's what BLM says too. Personally I think it's all blustery hot air
There will be revolution. All is proceeding as foreseen.
Forseen by whom?
America has been the light of the world. That light must be extinguished in order for evil to prosper. Welcome to the End Times. You've got a front row seat.
Ahh the God bullshit.....

It's very entertaining knowing the future and watching the events occur. You can blow it off, it's all going to happen anyway.
Preach it brutha!

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