Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?

yes, we should totally impeach a guy over a blowjob. Clearly, the founders didn't like Oral.
Dude, you're obviously not paying attention, because that's not what got him impeached and I'm sure it's been pointed out to you multiple times. But hey, keep up the faith if it helps you feel better.
You're right. He was impeached over "lying". Remind me again...what did he lie about?
The pattern of predatory sexual behavior the prosecutor was establishing.
Pattern my ass. It was one woman, and a blow job. And remind me again, what, precisely, did that blow job have to do with Whitewater, which was the only purview of that special prosecutor's authority?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor' whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Dude, you're obviously not paying attention, because that's not what got him impeached and I'm sure it's been pointed out to you multiple times. But hey, keep up the faith if it helps you feel better.

What got him impeached was that even though 67% of Americans were against it, the Republicans insisted on going through with it anyway.

Impeached for a blow job. Just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted. Maybe if Tommy Jefferson could get Sally Hemmings to do oral, he'd have put the blow job in the bill of rights.
Wow, you're doggedly persistent in holding on to wrong beliefs, I'll grant you that. Check the articles of impeachment and get back to me when you find "blow job" in there.
Dude, you're obviously not paying attention, because that's not what got him impeached and I'm sure it's been pointed out to you multiple times. But hey, keep up the faith if it helps you feel better.

What got him impeached was that even though 67% of Americans were against it, the Republicans insisted on going through with it anyway.

Impeached for a blow job. Just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted. Maybe if Tommy Jefferson could get Sally Hemmings to do oral, he'd have put the blow job in the bill of rights.
Wow, you're doggedly persistent in holding on to wrong beliefs, I'll grant you that. Check the articles of impeachment and get back to me when you find "blow job" in there.
Yeah, you're not better than Joe, trying to justify an entirely inappropriate question in the middle of an investigation whose sole purview was the alleged financial malfeasance regarding Whitewater.

So, tell me, whose lie was more damaging? The one that involved a man's private behaviours behind closed doors, or the one that sent thousands of boys to die for a war that never should have happened? Yet, Clinton was perfectly justified in being impeached, and Bush doesn't so much as get a slap on the proverbial wrist. Yeah...no partisan double standard there...
Dude, you're obviously not paying attention, because that's not what got him impeached and I'm sure it's been pointed out to you multiple times. But hey, keep up the faith if it helps you feel better.
You're right. He was impeached over "lying". Remind me again...what did he lie about?
The pattern of predatory sexual behavior the prosecutor was establishing.
Pattern my ass. It was one woman, and a blow job. And remind me again, what, precisely, did that blow job have to do with Whitewater, which was the only purview of that special prosecutor's authority?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor' whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.
Dude, you're obviously not paying attention, because that's not what got him impeached and I'm sure it's been pointed out to you multiple times. But hey, keep up the faith if it helps you feel better.

What got him impeached was that even though 67% of Americans were against it, the Republicans insisted on going through with it anyway.

Impeached for a blow job. Just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted. Maybe if Tommy Jefferson could get Sally Hemmings to do oral, he'd have put the blow job in the bill of rights.
Wow, you're doggedly persistent in holding on to wrong beliefs, I'll grant you that. Check the articles of impeachment and get back to me when you find "blow job" in there.
Yeah, you're not better than Joe, trying to justify an entirely inappropriate question in the middle of an investigation whose sole purview was the alleged financial malfeasance regarding Whitewater.

What did the court say when the inquiry was made? Did Bubba's lawyers object and get it thrown out? I don't remember that happening. Maybe Bubba should sue them for malpractice. I mean, internet keyboard jockeys say he shouldn't have been asked about it.

Women getting harassed doesn't mean anything. After all, these are the Clintons!

So, tell me, whose lie was more damaging? The one that involved a man's private behaviours behind closed doors, or the one that sent thousands of boys to die for a war that never should have happened? Yet, Clinton was perfectly justified in being impeached, and Bush doesn't so much as get a slap on the proverbial wrist. Yeah...no partisan double standard there...

Okay, so what are we to take from that post? It sounds an awful lot like you're saying that Bubba should not be prosecuted for lying while under oath because BUSH!?!?!?! I'll tell you why Bush wasn't impeached for Iraq. If they had tried, a lot of democrats would have been under fire as well and they didn't want that. He didn't pull an Obama and do it just on one party's support.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

Well, as a voter, my first priority is to protect my food stamps, welfare benefits Obama Hellcare and my Zionist friends. So , I will be voting for Hillary.


It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com


It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

You're right. He was impeached over "lying". Remind me again...what did he lie about?
The pattern of predatory sexual behavior the prosecutor was establishing.
Pattern my ass. It was one woman, and a blow job. And remind me again, what, precisely, did that blow job have to do with Whitewater, which was the only purview of that special prosecutor's authority?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How utterly shocking it is that a prosecutor establishes a pattern of behavior to bolster a sexual harassment case. Apparently, Bubba lacked your blasé approach to the subject, because he felt it necessary to lie under oath about it.
How utterly ridiculous to suggest that one blowjob under the desk is a "pattern". Of course he felt the need to lie! He was asked if he had an affair, with his fucking wife in the room!!! What do you think the natural response to such would be?!?! Have you ever heard the song, "Wasn't Me"?!?!

Ever hear a judge say to a witness under oath, "Now, we know it might be embarrassing, so lying is okay for this question"? If the question is valid to ask and is asked of a witness who is under oath, the witness can either:

Tell the truth and take whatever consequences come.
Take the 5th Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination.
Lie and hope to not get caught. Obviously, that was Bubba's choice, and he got caught.

And you still have not addressed how the question was any of the business of a "prosecutor" whose sole purview was supposed to be alleged financial malfeasance with Whitewater.
Apparently, the court disagrees with you, since no one with the authority to do so blocked the inquiry. Perhaps your question would be better addressed to the court.

As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction.

You meant the three-judge-panel all appointed by Republicans. Yeah...I'm sure there was no political motivation there. "As we often see in politics, the coverup does a heck of a lot more damage than the original infraction." - TRANSLATION: once empanelled, we can bring up anything we want to try to embarrass you.

Look. He lied. I always said that was stupid. There were two perfectly reasonable responses, he could have made that would have made it a dead issue.

He could have said, "Yup. I did get a blow-job in the Oval Office. It's one of the perks of the office. You should run," The advantage to this response is it would have made the question a punchline, and taken all of its teeth away. The disadvantage was that it would have been admitting in front of his wife that he had an affair.

Alternatively, he could have simply said, "Ya know what? That's none of yer damn business. Moving on," Then it would have required Starr to defend with the panel why Clinton's personal sex life, with a woman who was in no way connected to the Clinton campaign, or to Whitewater, was in any way relevant to the case.

But, he lied. Bush lied. Clinton's lie cost us nothing. Bush's lie cost us thousands of dollars, a war of aggression, strengthened the resolve of terrorist organizations, and ultimately made us less safe as a nation. Why was Clinton's lie so much more worthy of impeachment than Bush's?

Actually I can answer that: Because DEMOCRATS are more reasonable than Republicans. Democrats don't feel the need to rush off to "investigations", and "hearing", and "impeachment" at every opportunity, just for political advantage.

But, hey! Hillary's a screaming bitch, and should never get near the White House. You go ahead, and vote for Trump. What's the worst that can happen, right?

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?
Only THREE were marked classified. Hundreds contained classified or top secret info.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?
Only THREE were marked classified. Hundreds contained classified or top secret info.
Two. And they were mismarked.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"


New York Times

■ Of 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton handed over to the State Department, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them. Of those, Mr. Comey said, “a very small number” bore markings that identified them as classified. This finding is at odds with Mrs. Clinton’s repeated assertions that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them. The F.B.I. did not disclose the topics of the classified emails, but a number of the 110 are believed to have involved drone strikes.

■ The F.B.I. discovered “several thousand” work-related emails that were not in the original trove of 30,000 turned over by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department. Three of those contained information that agencies have concluded was classified, though Mr. Comey said he did not believe Mrs. Clinton deliberately deleted or withheld them from investigators.
I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"


New York Times

■ Of 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton handed over to the State Department, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them. Of those, Mr. Comey said, “a very small number” bore markings that identified them as classified. This finding is at odds with Mrs. Clinton’s repeated assertions that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them. The F.B.I. did not disclose the topics of the classified emails, but a number of the 110 are believed to have involved drone strikes.

■ The F.B.I. discovered “several thousand” work-related emails that were not in the original trove of 30,000 turned over by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department. Three of those contained information that agencies have concluded was classified, though Mr. Comey said he did not believe Mrs. Clinton deliberately deleted or withheld them from investigators.
Claims he then recanted under direct testimony. Picture that...

It's much easier to make bogus bullshit claims at a press conference, than it is during an actual Senate Hearing, where you are then going to be expected to support your claims with your evidence, isn't it?

Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"


New York Times

■ Of 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton handed over to the State Department, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them. Of those, Mr. Comey said, “a very small number” bore markings that identified them as classified. This finding is at odds with Mrs. Clinton’s repeated assertions that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them. The F.B.I. did not disclose the topics of the classified emails, but a number of the 110 are believed to have involved drone strikes.

■ The F.B.I. discovered “several thousand” work-related emails that were not in the original trove of 30,000 turned over by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department. Three of those contained information that agencies have concluded was classified, though Mr. Comey said he did not believe Mrs. Clinton deliberately deleted or withheld them from investigators.
Claims he then recanted under direct testimony. Picture that...

It's much easier to make bogus bullshit claims at a press conference, than it is during an actual Senate Hearing, where you are then going to be expected to support your claims with your evidence, isn't it?

If he lied and then recanted he should NOT be the director of the FBI

and if he did not lie then

he should NOT be the director of the FBI because is not up to him to issue pardons

Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"
Doesn't matter. She had hundreds with classified information and as the top dog she knew the shit was classified and she lied about it. AS USUAL
Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"


New York Times

■ Of 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton handed over to the State Department, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them. Of those, Mr. Comey said, “a very small number” bore markings that identified them as classified. This finding is at odds with Mrs. Clinton’s repeated assertions that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them. The F.B.I. did not disclose the topics of the classified emails, but a number of the 110 are believed to have involved drone strikes.

■ The F.B.I. discovered “several thousand” work-related emails that were not in the original trove of 30,000 turned over by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department. Three of those contained information that agencies have concluded was classified, though Mr. Comey said he did not believe Mrs. Clinton deliberately deleted or withheld them from investigators.
Claims he then recanted under direct testimony. Picture that...

It's much easier to make bogus bullshit claims at a press conference, than it is during an actual Senate Hearing, where you are then going to be expected to support your claims with your evidence, isn't it?

If he lied and then recanted he should NOT be the director of the FBI

and if he did not lie then

he should NOT be the director of the FBI because is not up to him to issue pardons

I don't disagree. My reasons are just different from yours on the right. You want everyone to believe he gave Clinton a "pass". Me? I agree with the Judicial Watch guy. I want Comey to have to release his investigation. I mean since he spewed all that crap at the press conference - especially in light of his contradictory testimony before Congress - I think he should be required to release his investigation findings.

The thing is, I don't think you guys really want him to do that. Because, once he does, there will be no question left what a tempest in a teapot all this really was, and you guys will lose all your innuendo ammunition in your email accusations.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I agree with you in point that both Benghazi & emails was a total waste of time, but I don't believe that she "escaped justice." Clearly in Comey's comments--when asked to compare Hillary Clinton's emails to what a 4 star General & head of the CIA did. It truly makes the Clinton case look like an extremely weak argument for recommendation of any charges.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com



Search the details and you will find out that you are 1000% wrong.

Really? 55,000 e-mails, and only two contained "classified" information, and those two had been misclassified. Tell us again how this was so much worse than Petraeus?

After maintaining for more than a year that she did not send or receive classified information through her unauthorized private email system, she acknowledged in a string of interviews on Friday she may have at least unwittingly done so, three days after the FBI concluded this happened at least 110 times.
The FBI didn't confirm that. In fact, during the hearing, Comey admitted they only found two references to information that was marked "confidential", and further investigation from the State Department determined that those two were mismarked!!!"
Doesn't matter. She had hundreds with classified information and as the top dog she knew the shit was classified and she lied about it. AS USUAL
Classic. "She knew. She lied. We know what we know. Please do not try to confuse us with facts."

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

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