Hillary escaped justice. Those are the facts we face. Now what are we gonna do?

"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
Look bozo, the law reads that she must of had intent to do harm ... there wasn't any harm done over her emails to the country there wasn't any intent to do harm ... the law says that she would have to have handed over the classified documents to a person who isn't allowed to read classified documents ... that too didn't happen ... read the god damn law before you keep making a fool of yourself ... nobody ever got into her private server to violate the law in question, she would have to have bee hack ... the head of the FBI said she wasn't ever hacked... the only thing she was guilty of is using poor judgment by using a private server... she learned her lesson ... but for you to imply she is guilty like OJ was is you fishing ...
Look bozo I am not going to debate what the law says. IN MY OPINION she showed a serious lapse in judgment at the very least. And for what? To hide shit from the right. So her paranoia could have caused breeches in our national security. That is incompetence in its purest form. AND SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT.
Part of defeating her is to highlight the words of the FBI director...which identify her as incompetent. It is not over. Bury her in the pile of shit she has been found in...don't ignore it.

No, no, no. See, this is where you dumb fucks always mess things up. You think the key to success is tearing someone down. And it's why you're not real conservatives. You're fucking liberals. Liberals can't get rich on their own, so they want to tear down what successful people have accomplished.

The key to success is to build yourself up. So instead of getting your panties in a bunch over this and trying to use it to tear down Clinton, the focus needs to be on building up the Republican candidate and showing all the good things about him.

*looks around*

Yep, we're fucked this year. We should have nominated someone who has merits to build up. Oh well, there's always 2020.

It's over. Time to stop whining about the decision & put your efforts into defeating her. Whining on the internet is NOT A SOLUTION. Put your efforts into a solution rather than a tempertantum in need of a diaper change.

And by the way I'm not a liberal. I don't support Hillary in any fashion. I am disappointed in the outcome but i am just a MATURE ADULT WHO ACTUALLY DEALS IN REALITY.

That last part was for the confused dumbfucks among us.

I would like to see the do nothing Congress actually do something here. It is BEYOND obvious that justice was not served yesterday.

I have NO faith in Congress though. I think both parties are in the racket together. Oh sure, they'll spend money on investigations, but never actually find anyone at fault for anything.

Congress should EASILY pass a bill censuring Clinton and barring her from ever holding any position that grants access to classified material for the rest of her life, including the Presidency.

Of course , the moronic American people should also stand up and say "no , you aren't above the law Clinton, we're done looking at your face"
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.

Justice was not served , there are people in prison right now for FAR less than what Hillary was not even indicted for. Can you seriously not put your politics aside ?
comey said:

Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

It would have been an INJUSTICE if she was prosecuted while all others in her position with similar circumstance were not.... is what I believe he was saying?

You know, I tried to be patient with you and explain how things work, but I just have to face reality. You're either stupid or just willing to overlook what Clinton did based on her political party and or gender.

What she did is NOT the same as what either Rice or Powell did. This is a matter of record. Powell and Rice did NOT have private servers that they controlled what was deleted and what was not , AND they did not send classified material via private email. There were a couple of instances where they RECEIVED classified material via their private email, but zero evidence that they ever sent any. Unlike Hillary who sent hundreds.

Sending the emails on a private server is illegal, receiving them is not (though storing them there is, but we don't know whether Rice or Powell did that)

If this were a Republican, I've NO doubt that you idiots who are cheering about this would be screaming bloody murder (and no doubt some of the idiots screaming about it would be defending said Republican) this isn't , or rather shouldn't be, about politics, it's about someone essentially being above the law.

And many of yall are just fine with that. Pathetic.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
Look bozo, the law reads that she must of had intent to do harm ... there wasn't any harm done over her emails to the country there wasn't any intent to do harm ... the law says that she would have to have handed over the classified documents to a person who isn't allowed to read classified documents ... that too didn't happen ... read the god damn law before you keep making a fool of yourself ... nobody ever got into her private server to violate the law in question, she would have to have bee hack ... the head of the FBI said she wasn't ever hacked... the only thing she was guilty of is using poor judgment by using a private server... she learned her lesson ... but for you to imply she is guilty like OJ was is you fishing ...
Look bozo I am not going to debate what the law says. IN MY OPINION she showed a serious lapse in judgment at the very least. And for what? To hide shit from the right. So her paranoia could have caused breeches in our national security. That is incompetence in its purest form. AND SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT.
look bozo, maybe you should look at the law first, BEFORE MAKING A FIRST CLASS FOOL OF YOUR SELF !!!! could have, and did are two different things.. all she did was put emails on her private server to try and keep republicans away from her emails ... look at all the times the republicans have gone after her and came up with goose eggs ...now you want to try and call her paranoia ??? really ??? being paranoia means when you think people are after you with out any bases to it ... heres the difference FOOL, the republicans were looking for anything they could find to try and drag down Hillary's numbers ... thats not being paranoia thats facing reality ... thats a fact, something you don't deal in ... nobody was able to hack her emails, no country was ever able to hack her emails, but you feel she violated the law that she was careless, again an opinion of the FBI not her's, or mine ...you can say all the should have's, could have's the facts are facts ... she was never hacked ... nobody with out security was ever able to read anything that was sent ...just because of your could have's and might haves makes the point here moot...
Last edited:
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
Look bozo, the law reads that she must of had intent to do harm ... there wasn't any harm done over her emails to the country there wasn't any intent to do harm ... the law says that she would have to have handed over the classified documents to a person who isn't allowed to read classified documents ... that too didn't happen ... read the god damn law before you keep making a fool of yourself ... nobody ever got into her private server to violate the law in question, she would have to have bee hack ... the head of the FBI said she wasn't ever hacked... the only thing she was guilty of is using poor judgment by using a private server... she learned her lesson ... but for you to imply she is guilty like OJ was is you fishing ...
Look bozo I am not going to debate what the law says. IN MY OPINION she showed a serious lapse in judgment at the very least. And for what? To hide shit from the right. So her paranoia could have caused breeches in our national security. That is incompetence in its purest form. AND SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT.
look bozo, maybe you should look at the law first, BEFORE MAKING A FIRST CLASS FOOL OF YOUR SELF !!!! could have, and did are two different things.. all she did was put emails on her private server to try and keep republicans away from her emails ... look at all the times the republicans have gone after her and came up with goose eggs ...now you want to try and call her paranoia ??? really ??? being paranoia means when you think people are after you with out any bases to it ... heres the difference FOOL, the republicans were looking for anything they could find to try and drag down Hillary's numbers ... thats not being paranoia thats facing reality ... thats a fact, something you don't deal in ... nobody was able to hack her emails, no country was ever able to hack her emails, but you feel she violated the law that she was careless, again an opinion of the FBI not her's, or mine ...you can say all the should have's, could have's the facts are facts ... she was never hacked ... nobody with out security was ever able to read anything that was sent ...just because of your could have's and might have the point here is moot...

You just keep yammering.

  • Hillary is guilty of extreme carelessness = Gross Negligence - Against the Statute
  • Hillary had Secrets on her personal unsecured server - Against the Statute & she lied
  • Hillary tried to and deleted emails related to the "State Department" - Against the Statute & She lied
  • She used multiple devices which were insecure - Against the Statute & She lied
So you will support a Liar, some one who put our country in Danger, and she is Reckless and Careless. AND YOU WILL VOTE FOR HER.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
She won't escape justice if she is denied the White House.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
Look bozo, the law reads that she must of had intent to do harm ... there wasn't any harm done over her emails to the country there wasn't any intent to do harm ... the law says that she would have to have handed over the classified documents to a person who isn't allowed to read classified documents ... that too didn't happen ... read the god damn law before you keep making a fool of yourself ... nobody ever got into her private server to violate the law in question, she would have to have bee hack ... the head of the FBI said she wasn't ever hacked... the only thing she was guilty of is using poor judgment by using a private server... she learned her lesson ... but for you to imply she is guilty like OJ was is you fishing ...
Look bozo I am not going to debate what the law says. IN MY OPINION she showed a serious lapse in judgment at the very least. And for what? To hide shit from the right. So her paranoia could have caused breeches in our national security. That is incompetence in its purest form. AND SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT.
look bozo, maybe you should look at the law first, BEFORE MAKING A FIRST CLASS FOOL OF YOUR SELF !!!! could have, and did are two different things.. all she did was put emails on her private server to try and keep republicans away from her emails ... look at all the times the republicans have gone after her and came up with goose eggs ...now you want to try and call her paranoia ??? really ??? being paranoia means when you think people are after you with out any bases to it ... heres the difference FOOL, the republicans were looking for anything they could find to try and drag down Hillary's numbers ... thats not being paranoia thats facing reality ... thats a fact, something you don't deal in ... nobody was able to hack her emails, no country was ever able to hack her emails, but you feel she violated the law that she was careless, again an opinion of the FBI not her's, or mine ...you can say all the should have's, could have's the facts are facts ... she was never hacked ... nobody with out security was ever able to read anything that was sent ...just because of your could have's and might have the point here is moot...

You just keep yammering.

  • Hillary is guilty of extreme carelessness = Gross Negligence - Against the Statute
  • Hillary had Secrets on her personal unsecured server - Against the Statute & she lied
  • Hillary tried to and deleted emails related to the "State Department" - Against the Statute & She lied
  • She used multiple devices which were insecure - Against the Statute & She lied
So you will support a Liar, some one who put our country in Danger, and she is Reckless and Careless. AND YOU WILL VOTE FOR HER.
sorry my friend you are wrong ... Hillary was not guilty of extreme carelessness = Gross Negligence - Against the Statute thats and opinion of the FBI not a proven fact in a court of law

sorry my friend you are wrong ... Hillary had Secrets on her personal unsecured server - her server had security her server wasn't approved by the government ... to say it was insecure is inaccurate ... Against the Statute & she lied at the time she did it it wasn't against the statue to have a private server ... thats republican misinformation

sorry my friend you are wrong once again ... Hillary tried to and deleted emails related to the "State Department" - Against the Statute & She lied ... you seem to love to ,buy into the right wing bull shit... hillary deleted her emails with lawyers in her presents to make sure she didn't delete anything that was considered government documents ... there isn't any law that says you can't delete your personal emails all .the emails found were emails from the servers she gave them ... the FBI recovered all of her her emails that was deleted and she didn't lie those emails that were deleted didn't contain any classified information ... if you took the time to look at what you are trying to say then you wouldn't have a case ... right now your case is just hate anything DEM/LIBERAL ...

sorry my friend you are finally wrong once again ...She used multiple devices which were insecure - Against the Statute & She lied
No she used multiple devices that weren't authorized to be used by the government ... to say they were insecure is just more republican disinformation ... you need to do some god damn research before make such ignorant remarks ... again they weren't against the statue and she didn't lie ... thats just republican banter

and you will vote for trump who is 10 time worse then hillary ever could be ... that I call putting our country in Danger, and being Reckless and Careless ... yes I will vote for hillary ...and your opinion of what she did is wrong, in mine its just right wing opinions, period !!!
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
She won't escape justice if she is denied the White House.
if she is denied the white house then we all lose ... WHY??? that would mean trump won... that would mean the start of the downfall of the united states of america as we know it ...
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
She won't escape justice if she is denied the White House.
if she is denied the white house then we all lose ... WHY??? that would mean trump won... that would mean the start of the downfall of the united states of america as we know it ...
It might actually mean the bottom of the curve, and starting back up again. Like I said, a Trump presidency would be a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would just be crap.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
I don't know if OJ was guilty. And, guess what? Neither. Do. You. Unless you were in the house that night, you don't know. You can believe all you want. Guess what? Belief is not relevant. The facts are that the man was tried, and acquitted. Period. So, he has been found innocent.

HIllary was investigated, and, beyond offering up gifts to his Republican friends, the fact remains that Comey determined Clinton did not break any laws. You can relitigate that determination all you like. You can spend the next 6 months running a campaign constantly telling the American voters that the FBI didn't do their job, and Hillary was really guilty. In fact I sincerely encourage you all to do that. After all, we have historical record of what happens when a candidate runs their entire campaign on character "issues" instead of real issues - they lose. So, by all means, do keep this dead e-mail issue front and center in Trump's campaign against Clinton. I look forward to the results that will have.
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
I don't know if OJ was guilty. And, guess what? Neither. Do. You. Unless you were in the house that night, you don't know. You can believe all you want. Guess what? Belief is not relevant. The facts are that the man was tried, and acquitted. Period. So, he has been found innocent.

HIllary was investigated, and, beyond offering up gifts to his Republican friends, the fact remains that Comey determined Clinton did not break any laws. You can relitigate that determination all you like. You can spend the next 6 months running a campaign constantly telling the American voters that the FBI didn't do their job, and Hillary was really guilty. In fact I sincerely encourage you all to do that. After all, we have historical record of what happens when a candidate runs their entire campaign on character "issues" instead of real issues - they lose. So, by all means, do keep this dead e-mail issue front and center in Trump's campaign against Clinton. I look forward to the results that will have.
Belief is the basis for support & subsequent vote for a candidate. Belief is VITAL if you expect to be voted for president.
Stick your head back in the sand.
It's time for EVERYONE who is sick and tired of this elite DC establishment to have a fucking gut check.

Here's the raw truth. We have 2 choices.

Vote FOR that bullshit....or....vote against it.

Yes. Trump is the "against it". He's a shitty candidate. But he's it. It's that simple. I pray he picks a great VP pick.

But this is the "moment of truth" for American voters. Are we gonna stand for this and allow Crooked Hillary to keep power in the DC club??? Are some gonna stubbornly sit it out and proclaim "Never Trump"?

My 2 cents.....anyone who decides to NOT vote for the populist in this election....may as well be as guilty as libs lining up and foaming at the mouth to vote Hillary.....and as guilty as the COWARD James Comey.

Trump is hardly 'against it'. He's everything every elite DC establishment politician is,

only difference being he's played his game in the private sector (in cahoots with government).
"Hillary escaped justice."


The fact is this is a lie.

Justice was served, our systems works, citizens are presumed innocent, and can only be subject to prosecution when the facts warrant.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.
I don't know if OJ was guilty. And, guess what? Neither. Do. You. Unless you were in the house that night, you don't know. You can believe all you want. Guess what? Belief is not relevant. The facts are that the man was tried, and acquitted. Period. So, he has been found innocent.

HIllary was investigated, and, beyond offering up gifts to his Republican friends, the fact remains that Comey determined Clinton did not break any laws. You can relitigate that determination all you like. You can spend the next 6 months running a campaign constantly telling the American voters that the FBI didn't do their job, and Hillary was really guilty. In fact I sincerely encourage you all to do that. After all, we have historical record of what happens when a candidate runs their entire campaign on character "issues" instead of real issues - they lose. So, by all means, do keep this dead e-mail issue front and center in Trump's campaign against Clinton. I look forward to the results that will have.
Belief is the basis for support & subsequent vote for a candidate. Belief is VITAL if you expect to be voted for president.
Stick your head back in the sand.
Okay. You go with that thought. You guys should absolutely make the e-mail non-scandal the centerpiece of your 2016 presidential bid. Like Ayers was the 2008 centerpiece, and "Socialism" was critical in both the 2005, and the 2012 bids. Remind me again, how'd this "character" stuff work out for you guys? Add to that who your candidate is this time around, are you really sure you want to make "character" the centerpiece of this election?

But, hey. You guys are old hat at this. By all means, run your campaign this way. I'm sure it'll work out fine...
We know that with hilly we would get an even more selfish and egotistical obama. Although one that doesn't hate the country as much as he does. She makes up for it with contempt.

When she loses will democrats finally take it to the next level civil war or settle down and take it?
Yes. Trump is the "against it". He's a shitty candidate. But he's it. It's that simple. I pray he picks a great VP pick.

But this is the "moment of truth" for American voters. Are we gonna stand for this and allow Crooked Hillary to keep power in the DC club??? Are some gonna stubbornly sit it out and proclaim "Never Trump"?

My 2 cents.....anyone who decides to NOT vote for the populist in this election....may as well be as guilty as libs lining up and foaming at the mouth to vote Hillary.....and as guilty as the COWARD James Comey.

Here's the thing. Hillary, for all her flaws, can run the country.

NaziTrump can't. The man can't govern himself.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty? I sure as hell do despite the "system" findings.

Glad to know you're a robot without your own opinion.

Uh, not really comparable. In the OJ Case, two people died.

In Hillary's cases, some e-mails ended up in the wrong inbox.

I just can't get worked up about that.

Now if you could prove that she sent some secret information to someone that resulted in Americans getting killed, then you MIGHT have an argument.

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