Hillary finally does the right thing, turns over server

That's not a wink

That's a fucking STROKE!!!
Bell's Palsy. :lol:
My wife had that about five years ago
(head was lousy)
Why are people so obsessed with hillary's servers and benghazi? Oh, partisan hacks.
Why are people so obsessed with hillary's servers and benghazi? Oh, partisan hacks.

You do understand that there have been more then just Benghazi attacks on Obama's watch ? No, I suppose you don't. Seems to me there have been more domestic acts of terror under Obama none of which he gets the blame.

Benghazi is different, it didn't have to happen. They messed up, which anyone can do, but then they lied about it, which is what sleaze bags do.
She turned over the server, that had been professionally wiped. The FBI is still going to see if they can get something off of it. Anyone else, and they would already be in prison.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer
For some strange reason, the Clinton's always fight congress teeth and toenail over handing over any material even though there's isn't really much there. By the time they hand it over, the opposition has won their case in the media without ever seeing all the material.

Had Nixon come clean on Watergate and Clinton the Lewinsky scandal as soon as the story began to leak, these transgressions would have been a minor footnote in history. Instead it cost Nixon the presidency and Clinton an impeachment. Politicians never seem to learn. It's not the transgression that kills you, it's hiding and lying about it.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

The two reasons she gave away server to feds is because its wiped clean and just in case it's not clean, they'll still protect her.
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

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