Hillary finally does the right thing, turns over server

hillary is scum

liar and twisted

are Americans voting for that?

may be they will too

they voted for Hussein

they deserve all that it's coming to them

bye bye America
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Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.

If the company given the information is cleared for that information.
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.

Professionally managed and guarded... :boohoo:
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

...I missed nothing...
Well, that's your story, anyway. Mileage may vary, with other folks, including myself.

...There were no Top Secret emails there...

Then what is all the fuss about, with the FBI, and reports of Top Secret emails being processed through her server?

Did the FBI pull that out of thin air?

Were the reports incorrect?

Feel free to serve-up some substance on this, any time you like.

...You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months...
Who are "you idiots"?

I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

I vote Democrat at LEAST as often as I vote Republican.

It's just that Hillary and her open-marriage partner are quite possibly the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag team ever to soil the American political landscape.

She and Bubba can't keep dodging metaphorical investigative bullets and playing the Teflon Dons forever.

Sooner or later Justice is gonna nail them, and her violations of US Government communications protocols and related statute, and lying to Congress about it, may be her undoing.

...over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement...
Whatever it takes, to separate the Truly Corrupt from the Mere Political Hacks.

... :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
I don't know who "you losers" are, but, whatever.

And, just what do you think has happened, in the now-resurrected and newly-escalated (Top Secret communiques) investigation by Justice?

How has she 'body-slammed' those pressing for The Truth of the matter?

And, do you think that (1) lying to Congress, then (2) erasing the evidence, constitute Honor and Integrity and Obedience to the Law?

If so, you require a refresher course in Ethics.
Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

Hillary never had possession of that clintonemail.com server. It was cloud space rented at a server farm that routinely backs up it's systems. She did not have access to wiped or scrubbed it squeaky clean. You people are gullible idiots!
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

However, None Of The Emails Were Marked As "Classified" When They Were Sent." If the emails are not marked as such, then they should be handled as unclassified material.
You hand over a cloud server by giving full access to the party receiving it.

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton s Email And Reports Of Top Secret Materials Research Media Matters for America
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

However, None Of The Emails Were Marked As "Classified" When They Were Sent." If the emails are not marked as such, then they should be handled as unclassified material.
You hand over a cloud server by giving full access to the party receiving it.

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton s Email And Reports Of Top Secret Materials Research Media Matters for America
From 'Media Matters'?

I think I'll wait 'til the FBI report comes out.
"Turns it over"? She said she would not do that. Guess the FBI really does have some pull after all. No way this was voluntary.
So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

So, she conducted US Government business and she processed Top Secret communiques on a phukking CLOUD-based system that was outside the control of both the US Government and her own person and on-the-premises staff?


Hell, that's 100 times as bad as a server that she would have had in her own possession.

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

However, None Of The Emails Were Marked As "Classified" When They Were Sent." If the emails are not marked as such, then they should be handled as unclassified material.
You hand over a cloud server by giving full access to the party receiving it.

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton s Email And Reports Of Top Secret Materials Research Media Matters for America
Because Hillary says so?
Or because a state department spokesman says so?

We've already learned of three top secret emails.
No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

No it's not worse! It's much easier to hack a personal server than a professionally managed & guarded server farm.
I wasn't talking about the level of tech-support and so-called safeguards.

I was talking about the Chain-of-Custody, which is FAR more important, in this instance.

Putting Government Business and Top Secret Communiques into the hands of people and/or companies without the proper controls and security clearances is a Big No-No.

Missed that, didja?

I missed nothing. There were no Top Secret emails there. You idiots have been wetting yourselves for months over incriminating Benghazi emails on her private server stashed away in her basement. :lol: Hillary just body-slammed you loooooossssers!!!
Some top secret emails have already been discovered.

And how on earth did she "hand over" a fucking cloud based system

However, None Of The Emails Were Marked As "Classified" When They Were Sent." If the emails are not marked as such, then they should be handled as unclassified material.
You hand over a cloud server by giving full access to the party receiving it.

Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton s Email And Reports Of Top Secret Materials Research Media Matters for America
Because Hillary says so?
Or because a state department spokesman says so?

We've already learned of three top secret emails.
No, because the Inspector General in the Dept. of Justice says so.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

She never should have had classified information on her personal server. She is about as corrupt as they come, though the left will say she's innocent since evidence was destroyed and cannot be used against her.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

She never should have had classified information on her personal server. She is about as corrupt as they come, though the left will say she's innocent since evidence was destroyed and cannot be used against her.

I am going to once again stick up for Mrs. Clinton. First of all she admitted to being too stupid to have two email accounts. Second I doubt she has the brains to know what is and what isn't classified information. You can call it the falldownbangheadbraindamageexcuse.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

She never should have had classified information on her personal server. She is about as corrupt as they come, though the left will say she's innocent since evidence was destroyed and cannot be used against her.

The FBI investigation is not investigating Clinton. They are trying to track down who sent classified information to Clinton's server.

Law enforcement officials have said that Clinton, is not a target of the investigation, and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence.

The most probably outcome is the FBI will not find who actually sent classified information to Clinton. However, if they do the employee(s) who violated security protocols will probably just be reprimanded because such violations are common and usually not intentional.

I suspect Republicans will continue to put out unsubstantiated accusations until the public is tire of hearing it.

I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

She never should have had classified information on her personal server. She is about as corrupt as they come, though the left will say she's innocent since evidence was destroyed and cannot be used against her.

The FBI investigation is not investigating Clinton. They are trying to track down who sent classified information to Clinton's server.

Law enforcement officials have said that Clinton, is not a target of the investigation, and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence.

The most probably outcome is the FBI will not find who actually sent classified information to Clinton. However, if they do the employee(s) who violated security protocols will probably just be reprimanded because such violations are common and usually not intentional.

I suspect Republicans will continue to put out unsubstantiated accusations until the public is tire of hearing it.


Water Gate was just a two bit break in where no one got hurt and nothing was actually stolen.
I am sure that the right will try and make something out of her having it professionally wiped clean. Well what the hell do you want? Do you want her turning over her server with classified information on it? It will be interesting how the left tries and make this about the right.

The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean

Read more at The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer Follow us: Observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton Special Prosecutor Needed Now Observer

She never should have had classified information on her personal server. She is about as corrupt as they come, though the left will say she's innocent since evidence was destroyed and cannot be used against her.

The FBI investigation is not investigating Clinton. They are trying to track down who sent classified information to Clinton's server.

Law enforcement officials have said that Clinton, is not a target of the investigation, and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked. There has also been no evidence that she broke the law, and many specialists believe the occasional appearance of classified information in her account was probably of marginal consequence.

The most probably outcome is the FBI will not find who actually sent classified information to Clinton. However, if they do the employee(s) who violated security protocols will probably just be reprimanded because such violations are common and usually not intentional.

I suspect Republicans will continue to put out unsubstantiated accusations until the public is tire of hearing it.


Water Gate was just a two bit break in where no one got hurt and nothing was actually stolen.
Yep,is was just a two bit break in but it was the tip of iceberg. The cover- up that followed certainly hurt a lot people. Covering-up and lying about misdeeds are far more damaging to an elected official than the actual deeds.

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