Hillary is scared shitless that Trump will prosecute her for her crimes

Old bobble head isn't going to be prosecuted unless she makes a nuisance of herself to the Trump administration. And since criminals are DUMB she might do just that.
2016 just keeps getting more awesome!!!

If Obabble pardons hiLIARy, it's an admission that they both lied.

If he doesn't, hiLIARy gets to bathe in her flop sweat until the statute of limitations runs out or she is indicted.

Win Win!!!!

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She would like to be locked up with all those other gals.
As if anyone will touch her after being married to AIDS

Trump has stated he is not interested in pursuing this, but in reality it is out of his hands anyways. Even Trump wouldn't dare interfere with an investigation being worked on by the FBI one way or another, it could really cause him problems. Now, he could pardon her, but that obviously carries serious political risks too. Obama might pre-emptively pardon her, but that puts his legacy and reputation at risk, an irrevocable indictment on his judgement and partisanship. I don't think it is a decision he would make.

If I am Trump I tell my AG to follow the law. He should stay as far away from this as possible and answer any questions with something to the effect "the presidents office is independent from FBI investigations and decisions except in extreme and unique cases". You can be sure, if the FBI believes that have a case regarding her emails or her Foundation, they will pursue it. I've read books about numerous agencies in America and elsewhere, they have a pretty good reputation of doing what is right and trying to remain non-partisan.

Ultimately the worst case scenario probably ends in a fine and a plead of ignorance with no further pursuit. Of course, if Clinton keeps herself in the sphere of American political influence, she opens herself up to further accountability.
Old bobble head isn't going to be prosecuted unless she makes a nuisance of herself to the Trump administration. And since criminals are DUMB she might do just that.
The Right falls for photoshop every time, little wonder they believe "Fake News".
Old bobble head isn't going to be prosecuted unless she makes a nuisance of herself to the Trump administration. And since criminals are DUMB she might do just that.
The Right falls for photoshop every time, little wonder they believe "Fake News".
Old bobble head isn't going to be prosecuted unless she makes a nuisance of herself to the Trump administration. And since criminals are DUMB she might do just that.
The Right falls for photoshop every time, little wonder they believe "Fake News".
Get a grip dude, it's no photoshop he is the walking dead...................


Knowing his legacy will be destroyed by her losing, I seriously doubt he will pardon her, he's that vindictive.
Trump will be "Impeached" and President Obama will pardon HRC before he leaves office!!!!!! Then VP Pence will be President and Pardons......Trump if Trump crawls on his knees and ask forgiveness from the GOP.

Knowing his legacy will be destroyed by her losing, I seriously doubt he will pardon her, he's that vindictive.
Trump will be "Impeached" and President Obama will pardon HRC before he leaves office!!!!!! Then VP Pence will be President and Pardons......Trump if Trump crawls on his knees and ask forgiveness from the GOP.

Right and Hillary can't lose, tell us again silly

Knowing his legacy will be destroyed by her losing, I seriously doubt he will pardon her, he's that vindictive.
Trump will be "Impeached" and President Obama will pardon HRC before he leaves office!!!!!! Then VP Pence will be President and Pardons......Trump if Trump crawls on his knees and ask forgiveness from the GOP.

Nice to see you live a rich fantasy life, you'll fit right in with the other regressives around here.
Trump will NOT prosecute.

That's because he understands The U.S.Constitution and would not presume to usurp the prerogatives of The Justice Department.

Trump also will NOT pardon when The Justice Department confirms, through its actions,t hat we are right to remove the quotation marks (Obama's "Justice" Department will be no more).

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