Hillary is scared shitless that Trump will prosecute her for her crimes

Hilarious thread. The deplorables continue to prove they are even more deplorable than the deplorable orange cheeto himslf. Jesus, you people are fucking stupid. You guys thought Trump was serious about prosecuting her? He only said that to get your vote you stupid fucks! They'll be having dinner with the Clintons within months!

out of the 27 email chains that were classified ''secret'' found on her server and spoken about by Comey in July when he exonerated her, (none Marked), only 4 email chains remain in classified ''secret'' status....23 of those email chains have been declassified.

Do you see the right wing press reporting on this or even the left media? Do you see Judicial Watch requesting FOIA's getting these emails and posting them so we can see what was soooooooo secret 5 months ago but meaningless now? NO, OF COURSE NOT....

this was ALL a conjured up scheme of republican congress critters to help republicans in this election, the R majority leader of the house SAID SO, back in 2015....google 'Kevin MCCarthy, clinton emails Fox News'
out of the 27 email chains that were classified ''secret'' found on her server and spoken about by Comey in July when he exonerated her, (none Marked), only 4 email chains remain in classified ''secret'' status....23 of those email chains have been declassified.

Do you see the right wing press reporting on this or even the left media? Do you see Judicial Watch requesting FOIA's getting these emails and posting them so we can see what was soooooooo secret 5 months ago but meaningless now? NO, OF COURSE NOT....

this was ALL a conjured up scheme of republican congress critters to help republicans in this election, the R majority leader of the house SAID SO, back in 2015....google 'Kevin MCCarthy, clinton emails Fox News'
Tell us again that Hillary can't lose. Then jump

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You mean, after Trump said he WOULDN'T DO IT?
Jeff Sessions is the attorney General, if he finds evidence of crimes, he will recommend prosecution. Trump is going to be bricklaying in Arizona, so Trump does not have to do anything

Trump is still the guy in charge, he tell Sessions what to do and Sessions does it, or not.

Trump's ego is such that he'll tell people to go do stuff so he doesn't have to work, but on certain things he's the man and no one is going to tell him what to do.

You mean, after Trump said he WOULDN'T DO IT?
Jeff Sessions is the attorney General, if he finds evidence of crimes, he will recommend prosecution. Trump is going to be bricklaying in Arizona, so Trump does not have to do anything

Trump is still the guy in charge, he tell Sessions what to do and Sessions does it, or not.

Trump's ego is such that he'll tell people to go do stuff so he doesn't have to work, but on certain things he's the man and no one is going to tell him what to do.
That is not true, Sessions WILL INVESTIGATE, if he finds enough wrongdoing it will be acted upon. If Sessions finds clear evidence that Comey ignored, he may be the first to see a cell
There will be no prosecutions.
No prosecutions? that is not even possible Jake. Take your pills and go back to sleep
We have seen your level of accuracy. She is safe from prosecution.
The fbi is investigating the Clinton foundation. No she could still go to jail.
Please provide a link or source to back up that FBI (Comey) continue to investigate HRC.
Very strange article. Starting off with Arctic drilling, moving on to Israeli settlements and ending up with should Obama give Hillary a pardon for non existent crimes.

Very strange.

Not a word about Trump's illegal Foundation.
Tell us again how Hillary is the next President and Trump should drop out

You mean, after Trump said he WOULDN'T DO IT?
Jeff Sessions is the attorney General, if he finds evidence of crimes, he will recommend prosecution. Trump is going to be bricklaying in Arizona, so Trump does not have to do anything

Trump is still the guy in charge, he tell Sessions what to do and Sessions does it, or not.

Trump's ego is such that he'll tell people to go do stuff so he doesn't have to work, but on certain things he's the man and no one is going to tell him what to do.
That is not true, Sessions WILL INVESTIGATE, if he finds enough wrongdoing it will be acted upon. If Sessions finds clear evidence that Comey ignored, he may be the first to see a cell
So Session's will waste more tax payer dollar's on endless Republican Witch Hunts.....just like Ben-ga-zi!!!!!
Very strange article. Starting off with Arctic drilling, moving on to Israeli settlements and ending up with should Obama give Hillary a pardon for non existent crimes.

Very strange.

Not a word about Trump's illegal Foundation.
Tell us again how Hillary is the next President and Trump should drop out
Tell us again how Trump will avoid Impeachment hearings due to his Conflicts of interest and the Presidency.

You mean, after Trump said he WOULDN'T DO IT?
Jeff Sessions is the attorney General, if he finds evidence of crimes, he will recommend prosecution. Trump is going to be bricklaying in Arizona, so Trump does not have to do anything

Trump is still the guy in charge, he tell Sessions what to do and Sessions does it, or not.

Trump's ego is such that he'll tell people to go do stuff so he doesn't have to work, but on certain things he's the man and no one is going to tell him what to do.
That is not true, Sessions WILL INVESTIGATE, if he finds enough wrongdoing it will be acted upon. If Sessions finds clear evidence that Comey ignored, he may be the first to see a cell

Not true? How do you know? Do you sleep with the guy or something?
Trump has stated he is not interested in pursuing this, but in reality it is out of his hands anyways. Even Trump wouldn't dare interfere with an investigation being worked on by the FBI one way or another, it could really cause him problems. Now, he could pardon her, but that obviously carries serious political risks too. Obama might pre-emptively pardon her, but that puts his legacy and reputation at risk, an irrevocable indictment on his judgement and partisanship. I don't think it is a decision he would make.

If I am Trump I tell my AG to follow the law. He should stay as far away from this as possible and answer any questions with something to the effect "the presidents office is independent from FBI investigations and decisions except in extreme and unique cases". You can be sure, if the FBI believes that have a case regarding her emails or her Foundation, they will pursue it. I've read books about numerous agencies in America and elsewhere, they have a pretty good reputation of doing what is right and trying to remain non-partisan.

Ultimately the worst case scenario probably ends in a fine and a plead of ignorance with no further pursuit. Of course, if Clinton keeps herself in the sphere of American political influence, she opens herself up to further accountability.
Agreed, and to do so means replacing Comey.
My thoughts are, America has already passed sentence on Hillary. America found her guilty. As long as she moves out to pasture I say let it drop. If I were Trump I would call her and tell her just that, leave the political scene or face 4 more years of investigation, deserved investigation.
My thoughts are, America has already passed sentence on Hillary. America found her guilty. As long as she moves out to pasture I say let it drop. If I were Trump I would call her and tell her just that, leave the political scene or face 4 more years of investigation, deserved investigation.
If you were Trump, you would be doing exactly what Trump is doing,
My thoughts are, America has already passed sentence on Hillary. America found her guilty. As long as she moves out to pasture I say let it drop. If I were Trump I would call her and tell her just that, leave the political scene or face 4 more years of investigation, deserved investigation.
If you were Trump, you would be doing exactly what Trump is doing,
In my opinion, regardless of what Trump said, the smart play is just let it go.
My thoughts are, America has already passed sentence on Hillary. America found her guilty. As long as she moves out to pasture I say let it drop. If I were Trump I would call her and tell her just that, leave the political scene or face 4 more years of investigation, deserved investigation.

--- Actually Trump needs to include Bill and Chelsea in that deal.
Trump has stated he is not interested in pursuing this, but in reality it is out of his hands anyways. Even Trump wouldn't dare interfere with an investigation being worked on by the FBI one way or another, it could really cause him problems. Now, he could pardon her, but that obviously carries serious political risks too. Obama might pre-emptively pardon her, but that puts his legacy and reputation at risk, an irrevocable indictment on his judgement and partisanship. I don't think it is a decision he would make.

If I am Trump I tell my AG to follow the law. He should stay as far away from this as possible and answer any questions with something to the effect "the presidents office is independent from FBI investigations and decisions except in extreme and unique cases". You can be sure, if the FBI believes that have a case regarding her emails or her Foundation, they will pursue it. I've read books about numerous agencies in America and elsewhere, they have a pretty good reputation of doing what is right and trying to remain non-partisan.

Ultimately the worst case scenario probably ends in a fine and a plead of ignorance with no further pursuit. Of course, if Clinton keeps herself in the sphere of American political influence, she opens herself up to further accountability.
Agreed, and to do so means replacing Comey.
That has happened only once in more than forty years, for “serious questions ... about the conduct and the leadership of the Director,” and a report on “certain conduct” issued by the Office of Professional Responsibility at the Department of Justice." [U.S. President Clinton, “Remarks on the Dismissal of FBI Director William Sessions and an Exchange With Reporters,” Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, vol. 29, July 26, 1993, at 1373-1374.] Comey will not resign at Trump's insistence.
Very strange article. Starting off with Arctic drilling, moving on to Israeli settlements and ending up with should Obama give Hillary a pardon for non existent crimes.

Very strange.

Not a word about Trump's illegal Foundation.
Tell us again how Hillary is the next President and Trump should drop out
Tell us again how Trump will avoid Impeachment hearings due to his Conflicts of interest and the Presidency.
Trump will never be impeached, because America DID NOT ELECT ENOUGH DEMOCRATS TO IMPEACH A GOLDFISH.


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