Hillary loses it on Maddow: "China, if you're listening, why don't you get Trump's tax returns?"

Bitter bitter shrew. This woman almost ran the country.
of course everything you know about her is 25 years of garbage hateful GOP propaganda, super duper. Though I will admit she should show her passion more often. On the other hand, she would have won without Big mouth Republican James Comey... As if other secretaries of State hadn't done exactly the same stuff.
and here it is...

What happened to the tube you posted?

Maybe some damn mod deleted it???? lol

Just looked and there has been no mod action, it has to be from the source.
Probably some liberal didn't want to paint their queen in bad light.

Meister You're OK in my book

You're okay in my book, also, Ed

There are very few folks I can talk or post to on an even keel You are one of a very few
and here it is...

/—-/ Libs said Hildabeast lost because of Russian rigging the election. I guess Obozo didn’t get the memo.
Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: 'This stings!' How Obama saw Trump's victory as a 'personal insult,' watched the movie Dr. Strange to distract himself from election results and blamed Hillary for the loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign'
Great If the moron trump can ask russia for help ,why can't hillary ask China for scumbags taxes??? FN republicans only know how to get enraged over hillary
/——/ Why can’t moron Libs understand Hildabeast was joking the way Trump was?
My entire life Republicans have said they’re protecting us from the Russians. And now Republicans look for Russians to help win American elections for them.

Obama didn't protect us from the Russians. Why not? At least now the democrats cant pretend like Obama did that the Russians are not a threat.

FDR didn't protect us from the Japanese. Bush didn't protect us from Al Qaeda.
Gordon Chang: China is an enemy. I think we could have great relations with China if it weren’t run by a communist state. China has made it very clear that their competition is the U.S. They do not intend to play fair, and they haven’t
He spoke to Putin today for an hour about god-knows-what no notes of course. And only one corner of Syria left for them to take back for Assad..

This is wide open in public collusion and of course obstruction. And nothing has been done to stop the Russians from doing that crap again- they continue at the moment.Trump should be watched closely and voted out, unless you're brainwashed functional morons

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