Hillary Ordered Classified Marks to be Removed & Sent Unsecure


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

If I did that I'd be in prison.
Wow, if this email thread is valid, it should result in an automatic removal of Hillary's security clearance. Forget the thousands of emails she ran through her private server. All it takes is ONE violation like this. She can't claim ignorance, this is deliberate.
Access candidates are given to classified information should be suspended too.
Once again I must defend a liberal. Obviously it doesn't matter the classification of the emails sent on Mrs. Clinton's private server. It is private after all it isn't like the Chinese or Russians could hack them.
Apparently not if your name was Clinton.
This guy, Jake Sullivan, was one of Hillary's most trusted advisers and had foreign policy dealings on Syria, Iran, and Libya.

"During the bruising 2008 Democratic primary, Sullivan sided with Clinton, serving as a top adviser on her debate preparation team. But he switched to Team Obama during the general election, taking on a similar role on the debate team.​

When Obama tapped Clinton to lead the State Department, Sullivan followed the new secretary to Foggy Bottom. He had a pair of high-level titles - deputy chief of staff and director of policy planning - and quickly became known as one of Clinton's most trusted advisers. He traveled with her to nearly all of the 112 countries she visited as secretary and played a leading role in shaping U.S. policy toward Libya and Syria, as well as the historic opening of relations with the isolated Asian nation of Myanmar.

As the vice president's top foreign policy aide, he has overseen Biden's increased outreach to Latin America and Asia. But he also has become a key player on the president's national security team, participating in Obama's daily briefings and deepening his involvement in the secret Iran talks he started at the State Department.

In March, just one month after starting at the White House, Sullivan secretly boarded a military plane and headed back to Oman. This time he was joined by deputy secretary of state William Burns, one of the nation's most seasoned diplomats and a mentor to Sullivan. Waiting for them in Oman was a small handful of senior Iranian officials, wary but also curious about the possibility of a thaw in relations between the longtime adversaries."

Vanishing State Department Adviser Reemerges As Iran Policy Player
Democrats have been actively undermining the U.S. since 1972. Connect the dots from Nicaragua to Iran. In order to cover their tracks, they steal and forge documents and then preposterously blame Republicans for their own misdeeds. Thus Eisenhower/Nixon are responsible for the Viet Nam War, Reagan for "Wall Street Greed," and Bush for the Recession and the rise of ISIS. This is the same BS that FDR used to blame Hoover for the Depression (which FDR extended for eight years-sound familiar?).

The only way to combat this conspiracy is for the GOP to nominate someone who can talk over the compliant media and awaken the American public from its perpetual slumber. Reagan did it in 1980, but only Trump seems able to do it in 2016.
I read this from several different sources this morning just to check the validity.

Her initial argument was that she never sent or received classified information. That quickly changed to 'I did not send / receive any e-mails with information MARKED as classified'. In Hillary's mind the fact that they were not 'marked' cleared her of any illegal action. The fact is it doesn't. Information does not need to be MARKED 'classified' to BE 'classified'. The Hillary argument with material NOT marked 'classified' was / could be 'I didn't know'.

Any use of the defense 'I don't know', unfortunately, then brings up the fact that Hillary did NOT complete the training required by law once given her security clearance AND she failed to sign off of the document signifying she had taken the training, also required by law. (These facts - claiming not to know while not having adhered to the law requiring her to be trained prior to handling classified - basically presents Hillary with a 'Damned if you do, Damned if you don't' scenario. In this case 'Ignorance' IS NO excuse for breaking the law because if she would have obeyed the law in the first she WOULD have known.

With this new revelation, though, that Hillary PERSONALLY directed one of her employees to REMOVE THE CLASSIFICATION off of the classified document and send it via UN-classified means:

"Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure."
-- There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret her e-mail except it being her giving a DIRECT ORDER to a subordinate to VIOLATE the law regarding classified material!

YES, this proves Hillary Clinton was willing to INTENTIONALLY jeopardize our national security...and did so. This proves she not only DID know better but showed absolutely NO REGARD for (national) security! The icing on the cake is that this is found in HER e-mail, is an e-mail FROM her....Yeah, this is HER testifying against herself! Buh-BAM!

Oh, that >sizzling< you hear is Hillary's fat ass starting to fry on that hot seat she's on right now. This IS the 'smoking gun' the FBI needs to indict her ass!

Go to JAIL!
Do NT pass 'Go'!
Do NOT collect 1 more damn dollar!
It was reported yesterday that the DoJ is hiring massive numbers of attorneys to process the coming pardons.
If at all true, I hope Americans are getting their pitch forks and torches ready to march on Washington because THIS '2 America' Bullshit has to END! If it goes down as you say, I hope people march on Washington, storm the DOJ, pull the Atty General out, pull Obama out of the WH, and anyone else who is pushing that B$ down our throats! Enough is enough!

Cut-n-Paste 'Hillary orders subordinate to send classified info via unclassified means' into Google and hit the magnifying glass icon...
RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

OH wait .........


Cut-n-Paste 'Hillary orders subordinate to send classified info via unclassified means' into Google and hit the magnifying glass icon...
so nothing reputable
THAT is the 1st time I have ever seen a liberal so desperate that they claimed the source NOT to be valid before even seeing / hearing / reading a source!


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