Hillary Ordered Classified Marks to be Removed & Sent Unsecure

RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

Hmmm....a party what is the weakest choice:

2 old, millionaire, elitist white people - 1 an unethical, immoral, career liar, deceiver, enabler to a serial sexual harasser, rapist, and adulterer, who allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die because of her incompetence, and who is about to be indicted and go to jail for over 1,000 criminal counts under the Espionage Act .... the other being a confessed Socialist Party member... and their party whose President is the worst in US history...and whose party just had their ass handed to them in 2014 - rejected by the American people in HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING fashion...

The other presenting the American people with the choice of diversity...and none of whom are currently under investigation by the FBI, none of whom is responsible for the deaths of Americans, none of whom lied to the grieving family members and then called THEM liars, and none professed Socialists who admittedly do not agree with or support our constitution.

:lmao: Yeah, the Libs / Dems are 'all that'!

Cut-n-Paste 'Hillary orders subordinate to send classified info via unclassified means' into Google and hit the magnifying glass icon...
so nothing reputable
THAT is the 1st time I have ever seen a liberal so desperate that they claimed the source NOT to be valid before even seeing / hearing / reading a source!

if you had something you'd share it. you don't.

i don't care to go down the rabbit hole of 'conservative' 'news' sites linking back to each other
RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

Hmmm....a party what is the weakest choice:

2 old, millionaire, elitist white people - 1 an unethical, immoral, career liar, deceiver, enabler to a serial sexual harasser, rapist, and adulterer, who allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die because of her incompetence, and who is about to be indicted and go to jail for over 1,000 criminal counts under the Espionage Act .... the other being a confessed Socialist Party member... and their party whose President is the worst in US history...and whose party just had their ass handed to them in 2014 - rejected by the American people in HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING fashion...

The other presenting the American people with the choice of diversity...and none of whom are currently under investigation by the FBI, none of whom is responsible for the deaths of Americans, none of whom lied to the grieving family members and then called THEM liars, and none professed Socialists who admittedly do not agree with or support our constitution.

:lmao: Yeah, the Libs / Dems are 'all that'!

apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

You tell me who seems weak.
if you had something you'd share it. you don't.

Yesterday a Liberal asked someone to share a link. They did. As usual the Lib issued the 'Liberal 101' decree that 'Thy Link ist not valid'. The Conservative suggested the individual do his own research. The Lib then hilariously came back and declared it was the Conservatives 'JOB' to feed him a link.


Og, I'm not your personal researcher. I am not your momma. If you choose to NOT do any research on your own, especially with how EASY (no pun intended) it has become to do so on / with the web today, then by all means continue to wallow in your ignorance; however, don't blame others because they refuse to feed your lazy ass while you lie there.

apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

Like, with a near Super Majority control of Congress (5 seats shy) ramming a minority-supported POS piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning before they knew what hit them - after melting the DC phone lines the week before screaming 'Don't pass it', violating promises to the American people in the process, then - like self-appointed tyrants - telling the citizens of this country they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the law they would be oppressed by (yet Libs would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from) until it passed.

It's hard to stop something when lying, deceiving, gutter rats ram something into law in the 'dark'. Weak? Hardly. Libs paid a heavy price in 2014 but suffering an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING (recorded in the history books for all times) loss, being ousted from power for their 'treasonous' ways.
apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

Like, with a near Super Majority control of Congress (5 seats shy) ramming a minority-supported POS piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning before they knew what hit them - after melting the DC phone lines the week before screaming 'Don't pass it', violating promises to the American people in the process, then - like self-appointed tyrants - telling the citizens of this country they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the law they would be oppressed by (yet Libs would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from) until it passed.

It's hard to stop something when lying, deceiving, gutter rats ram something into law in the 'dark'. Weak? Hardly. Libs paid a heavy price in 2014 but suffering an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING (recorded in the history books for all times) loss, being ousted from power for their 'treasonous' ways.

or like spending millions of $ investigating Clinton 9 times, and winding up with nothing more than Republicans started with ... that kind of weak.
apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

Like, with a near Super Majority control of Congress (5 seats shy) ramming a minority-supported POS piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning before they knew what hit them - after melting the DC phone lines the week before screaming 'Don't pass it', violating promises to the American people in the process, then - like self-appointed tyrants - telling the citizens of this country they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the law they would be oppressed by (yet Libs would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from) until it passed.

It's hard to stop something when lying, deceiving, gutter rats ram something into law in the 'dark'. Weak? Hardly. Libs paid a heavy price in 2014 but suffering an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING (recorded in the history books for all times) loss, being ousted from power for their 'treasonous' ways.

or like spending millions of $ investigating Clinton 9 times, and winding up with nothing more than Republicans started with ... that kind of weak.
How can you investigate when the evidence is hidden? State Dept just missed their second deadline for the emails and the IG just issued a report that the State Dept is violating law by stonewalling the investigation.

What it gets down to is the left support an unaccountable and lawless government.
or like spending millions of $ investigating Clinton 9 times, and winding up with nothing more than Republicans started with ... that kind of weak.
...and PROVING - with her own e-mails, words, and e-mail 'testimony' that she
- Hired an AL QAEIDA-associate militia to protect a now-dead US ambassador
- Ignored over 600 please for more security from Stevens
- Stripped him of 16 security members AFTER 2 previous terrorists attacks, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in his wall
- REFUSED to pull him out of Benghazi after every other country pulled their people out fur to the threats even Hillary knew about
- REFUSED to pull him out even when she KNEW he had no available military QRF response team to help him if the 3rd attack happened on 9/11/12 as was promised
- Told both a foreign Ambassador and her daughter she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had NOTHING to do with it, yet told the world and the grieving families later it was about the video...and LIED to Congress when she said she had no idea it was a terrorist attack
- etc....

HER e-mails, HER written 'testimony' was exposed, SHE was exposed as a LIAR, exposed the fact that Stevens never SHOULD HAVE BEEN in Benghazi on 9/11/01 but was ABANDONED there to die un-necessarily!

Only a useless, immoral, unethical, despicable, party-1st rather than American-1st Liberal could look at everything that came out of and was exposed in those hearings - much of it Hillary's own words and e-mails that betrayed her, and claim 'nothing came out of the hearings'!
if you had something you'd share it. you don't.

Yesterday a Liberal asked someone to share a link. They did. As usual the Lib issued the 'Liberal 101' decree that 'Thy Link ist not valid'. The Conservative suggested the individual do his own research. The Lib then hilariously came back and declared it was the Conservatives 'JOB' to feed him a link.


Og, I'm not your personal researcher. I am not your momma. If you choose to NOT do any research on your own, especially with how EASY (no pun intended) it has become to do so on / with the web today, then by all means continue to wallow in your ignorance; however, don't blame others because they refuse to feed your lazy ass while you lie there.

It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
I see the problem, in this photo she did not admit the files were confi, she is only asking that something be sent to her non secure...because of issues with a secure fax, she asked that the heading be removed, but did not explain why, one would have to allude that the reason was because they were confidential. So unless we are able to compare the non secure fax she received to an unidentified classfied document, we are unable to presume her guilty of whatever law (if there is one) she violated.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
State Dept response: we don't know if it was really classified or Hillary actually received it.
Time for tar and feathers.
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
It's the responsibility of the individual making a claim to provide their source
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
...and the source was given. Google, by putting in the words I gave you, is the source of so MANY sources I was not going to pick and choose them for you. You don't like it....don't want to do any light research when all you have to do is cut-n-paste (God, that must be awfully strenuous for Libs :) ) then I suggest you go ask your mommy to do it for you. Like I said, feel free to continue to wallow in your ignorance. I don't mind.
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
Worldnetdaily is an established news media, has been around a long time. Would you accept them?

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