Hillary Ordered Classified Marks to be Removed & Sent Unsecure

multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
Worldnetdaily is an established news media, has been around a long time. Would you accept them?
worldnetdaily isnt a news service. their credibility, if it ever existed, has long been worthless due to their factually challenged "reporting"
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
Worldnetdaily is an established news media, has been around a long time. Would you accept them?

They are a RW conspiracy site, not a credible news site.
apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

Like, with a near Super Majority control of Congress (5 seats shy) ramming a minority-supported POS piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning before they knew what hit them - after melting the DC phone lines the week before screaming 'Don't pass it', violating promises to the American people in the process, then - like self-appointed tyrants - telling the citizens of this country they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the law they would be oppressed by (yet Libs would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from) until it passed.

It's hard to stop something when lying, deceiving, gutter rats ram something into law in the 'dark'. Weak? Hardly. Libs paid a heavy price in 2014 but suffering an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING (recorded in the history books for all times) loss, being ousted from power for their 'treasonous' ways.

or like spending millions of $ investigating Clinton 9 times, and winding up with nothing more than Republicans started with ... that kind of weak.
How can you investigate when the evidence is hidden? State Dept just missed their second deadline for the emails and the IG just issued a report that the State Dept is violating law by stonewalling the investigation.

What it gets down to is the left support an unaccountable and lawless government.

so you just admitted Republicans are too weak to do a full investigation and uncover any hidden evidence ... back to that kind of weak
multiple disreputable sites quoting each other does not make a reputable source.

show us a reputable source
You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
Worldnetdaily is an established news media, has been around a long time. Would you accept them?
would never ever ever accept WND as a legitimate news source....because they are not, and will never be, a news source..... there is not a single article they have ever written that has the full truth. AMEN!
how classified are ''talking points'' then they are TALKING POINTS to make to the public, are they not?

and no where does she say to unclassify them if they were classified at all, it could be they just wanted to fax it over a secure fax line...

this is just bull crap spinning again from the right wing, why is it you all are unable to smell the bull crud?

-no where does it say theses TALKING POINTS that she is suppose to use when TALKING in the public are classified.

-no where does Hillary tell anyone to declassify information that was classified.

-asking to remove the subject topic and send via fax or email that is not secure does not mean the talking points were ever marked as classified, and as mentioned, if they were TALKING points, it was already UNCLASSIFIED, so she could TALK about them.

you guys, once again, are making bull shit up....which is par for the course

but you are loyal little minions doing what your masters lead you to do.....pass the bull crud around....
RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

OH wait .........

Do you agree what she did was illegal?
Do you care that she committed an illegal act?
Is it all about winning with you because you have zero integrity whatsoever?
apparently Dems can wave a magic wand and make things happen that RW's can't stop.

Like, with a near Super Majority control of Congress (5 seats shy) ramming a minority-supported POS piece of legislation into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning before they knew what hit them - after melting the DC phone lines the week before screaming 'Don't pass it', violating promises to the American people in the process, then - like self-appointed tyrants - telling the citizens of this country they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the law they would be oppressed by (yet Libs would Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from) until it passed.

It's hard to stop something when lying, deceiving, gutter rats ram something into law in the 'dark'. Weak? Hardly. Libs paid a heavy price in 2014 but suffering an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING (recorded in the history books for all times) loss, being ousted from power for their 'treasonous' ways.

or like spending millions of $ investigating Clinton 9 times, and winding up with nothing more than Republicans started with ... that kind of weak.
Clinton was impeached, the only president in the 20th century to have that happen.
Wouldnt call that "nothing."
RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

OH wait .........

Do you agree what she did was illegal?
Do you care that she committed an illegal act?
Is it all about winning with you because you have zero integrity whatsoever?
HOW IN THE WORLD do you know she did anything illegal? Does it say anywhere that these TALKING POINTS were CLASSIFIED SECRET?

you guys are making crap up again...

talking points are always UNCLASSIFIED talking points that can be revealed to the PUBLIC, oh silly and thoughtless one....
NO WHERE does it say she asked an employee to declassify a document that was classified secret.

Yet all of you right wingers, once again, MADE UP A STORY, A LIE, just to push your partisan agenda...

and your ethics are so high,(NOT) that this is all honky dory.....

You'll go back again and again to your right wing media, who have lied to you time and time and time and time again, and push around their NEXT LIE just like good little minions....

When will you ever get embarrassed over your continued foolishness, and willingness to be used???? When????
She never signed the training document, required by law, after receiving her clearance.
- There is no debate on this...either she did or didn't....SHE DIDN'T. THAT is a violation of the law. Liberals continue to completely ignore this and more. That's fine...the FBI isn't ignoring it.
NO WHERE does it say she asked an employee to declassify a document that was classified secret.

Yet all of you right wingers, once again, MADE UP A STORY, A LIE, just to push your partisan agenda...

and your ethics are so high,(NOT) that this is all honky dory.....

You'll go back again and again to your right wing media, who have lied to you time and time and time and time again, and push around their NEXT LIE just like good little minions....

When will you ever get embarrassed over your continued foolishness, and willingness to be used???? When????

Care, you delusional, denying bastard - God bless you - HER OWN E-MAIL specifically has her telling her subordinate to STRIP the classification markings off the classified document and send the classified material via an UN-classified method. THAT IS A CRIME. THAT IS TELLING A SUBORDINATE TO BREAK THE LAW.

THAT'S IT. IT'S OVER! THIS is the 'smoking gun', the proof she KNEW and was WILLING to break the law, jeopardize our national security, and was doing so INTENTIONALLY!

It no longer matters what you or any other liberal apologist says / opines anymore. The e-mail speaks for itself. Hillary herself, through this e-mail, 'confesses'!

This guarantees she is going to be indicted.
RW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the weakest in the world.

OH wait .........


LW's continue to make Clinton and Obama the most powerful people in the world, and make their party of choice the most corrupt in the world.

OH wait .........
NO WHERE does it say she asked an employee to declassify a document that was classified secret.

Yet all of you right wingers, once again, MADE UP A STORY, A LIE, just to push your partisan agenda...

and your ethics are so high,(NOT) that this is all honky dory.....

You'll go back again and again to your right wing media, who have lied to you time and time and time and time again, and push around their NEXT LIE just like good little minions....

When will you ever get embarrassed over your continued foolishness, and willingness to be used???? When????
Leftists live in a bubble world.
In its latest dump of 3,000-plus Hillary Clinton e-mails, the State Department found another 66 to be classified, pushing the total over 1,300. But two of the non-classified messages were eye-openers.

One tacitly admits her own wrongdoing. The other orders a flunky to break the law on handling classified info.

First, there’s the e-mail where she expresses shock that a State employee is using a private account for official business.

“I was surprised that he used personal email account if he is at State,” she wrote aide Jake Sullivan in February 2011, after he forwarded a diplomat’s analysis of Libyan affairs.

Let that sink in a moment. She was surprised the diplomat was doing precisely what she’d been doing for two years — government work on a private account. One rule for the boss (and her inner circle), another for everyone else?

But the bigger bomb was her order to Sullivan that June to mishandle a classified memo — but to first remove the label.

She wanted some talking points faxed to her, but her minions couldn’t get the secure fax line to work. Clinton’s solution: “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Hmm. That casts new light on Clinton’s repeated statements that none of her work e-mails included material “marked classified.”

No word yet on whether Sullivan obeyed the order, and so broke federal law — but it’s still smoking-gun evidence of a secretary of state ordering up a crime.

Mind you, Hillary Clinton is a lawyer — her degree is from Yale, no less. And her first real job out of Yale was trying to impeach President Richard Nixon over Watergate.

So what in God’s name leads her to think she’s above the law?

You just mentioned 2 sites. When I typed those words into Google and hit 'search' there were at least 30 articles....nice try. ROFLOL!
i didn't mention a number. multiple people repeating the same lie doesn't make it true.

the echo chamber does not equate to credibility.

do you have a credible source?
That's a false question unless you define credible. Without that, no matter what is presented, you can simply deem the source not credible and ignore it.
this is a problem. you guys don't understand what credibility means.

to make it easy on you let's say any established news media. any broadcast or cable network, newswire service, newspaper, magazine.

for this we could even go with official republican sources. press releases from the party, or members like gowdy. that sort of thing.

but none of those credible sources are running with this story. can you tell me why?
Worldnetdaily is an established news media, has been around a long time. Would you accept them?

They are a RW conspiracy site, not a credible news site.
The left live in bubble worlds.

NO WHERE does it say she asked an employee to declassify a document that was classified secret.

Yet all of you right wingers, once again, MADE UP A STORY, A LIE, just to push your partisan agenda...

and your ethics are so high,(NOT) that this is all honky dory.....

You'll go back again and again to your right wing media, who have lied to you time and time and time and time again, and push around their NEXT LIE just like good little minions....

When will you ever get embarrassed over your continued foolishness, and willingness to be used???? When????
Leftists live in a bubble world.
In its latest dump of 3,000-plus Hillary Clinton e-mails, the State Department found another 66 to be classified, pushing the total over 1,300. But two of the non-classified messages were eye-openers.

One tacitly admits her own wrongdoing. The other orders a flunky to break the law on handling classified info.

First, there’s the e-mail where she expresses shock that a State employee is using a private account for official business.

“I was surprised that he used personal email account if he is at State,” she wrote aide Jake Sullivan in February 2011, after he forwarded a diplomat’s analysis of Libyan affairs.

Let that sink in a moment. She was surprised the diplomat was doing precisely what she’d been doing for two years — government work on a private account. One rule for the boss (and her inner circle), another for everyone else?

But the bigger bomb was her order to Sullivan that June to mishandle a classified memo — but to first remove the label.

She wanted some talking points faxed to her, but her minions couldn’t get the secure fax line to work. Clinton’s solution: “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Hmm. That casts new light on Clinton’s repeated statements that none of her work e-mails included material “marked classified.”

No word yet on whether Sullivan obeyed the order, and so broke federal law — but it’s still smoking-gun evidence of a secretary of state ordering up a crime.

Mind you, Hillary Clinton is a lawyer — her degree is from Yale, no less. And her first real job out of Yale was trying to impeach President Richard Nixon over Watergate.

So what in God’s name leads her to think she’s above the law?


But the bigger bomb was her order to Sullivan that June tomishandle a classified memo — but to first remove the label.

She doesn't say in that email to remove a CLASSIFIED designation of the taking points memo. THAT'S merely right wing speculation and spin NOT FACT, by any means.

You don't seem to have a problem spreading that around even though there is no proof whatsoever. Her email to her assistant DOES NOT say to him to remove classified designation, and send to me paperless if fax is not fixed.

So why do you repeat something that was never said?

In addition, this was a TALKING POINTS memo she wanted and "talking points"" are UNCLASSIFIED points given to gvt execs to RELEASE to the PUBLIC.
Um, actually she DOES say in the e-mail to strip the classification and sent the info via UNclassified method. It spells it out - there is NO way to twist her words to mean otherwise.

I understand why libs are still trying to do so, though....this is 'damning' - her ticket to 'cell block D'!
NO WHERE does it say she asked an employee to declassify a document that was classified secret.

Yet all of you right wingers, once again, MADE UP A STORY, A LIE, just to push your partisan agenda...

and your ethics are so high,(NOT) that this is all honky dory.....

You'll go back again and again to your right wing media, who have lied to you time and time and time and time again, and push around their NEXT LIE just like good little minions....

When will you ever get embarrassed over your continued foolishness, and willingness to be used???? When????
Turn into non paper means remove the classification. If I did that my security clearance would be revoked immediately, I would be fired, and the FBI would be questioning me.

Your're just a partisan hack who loves the concept of a nonaccountable and lawless government.

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