Hillary struggles to list accomplishments during tenure as Secretary of State

Being appointed to senate committee is not an accomplishment " ENORMOUS committee work load"? just because one is on a committee doesn't mean you actually haft to work hard at anything . Being first lady is not a personal accomplishment. Not sure how of many of those weak ass bills which she helped sponsor were passed and they are mostly bullshit anyway, not much there really is there? I'm not quit sure why you'd compare her to G.H.W. Bush a former two term VP, head of the CIA and WWII war hero. You're weak as usual, as most of you liberals are. Name recognition is all she has, besides being a political hack and a women. She may be a good politician, but a leader?:doubt:

Well, you just keep on thinking that, because it's your good right to.

And when she wins with 57% and stomps the GOP into the ground in 2016, we can talk about it again.

At least she took the advice of the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department and over a dozen Senators and Congressmen to put Boko Haram on the foreign terrorist list in 2011 after the group bombed the UN headquarters in Abujo. OOPS, she forgot to do that. Must have been on an airplane going to a party at some Embassy.

Then in mid 2012 the Justice Department wrote her a letter urging her, once again, to designate good ol' Boko as a terrorist and Gen Carter Ham, the Chief of US Africa Command said that good ol' Boko provided a "safe haven" for al-Queda in the Islamic Maghreb and was likely sharing explosives and funds with the group. She still declined. Must have been another party to go to somewhere safe.

Kerry eventually did her job and put good ol' Boko on the terrorist list in 2013 and all Hillary does in 2014 is tweet "Access to education is a basic right & an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls. We must stand up to terrorism. #Bring Back Our Girls."

No mention of the fact that the kidnapped girls were in a Christian school, the kidnappers are Muslims and al-Queda supporters. Hillary finally talks tough now that she is not in a position to do a correct the mistakes she made as Sec of State.

I don't really remember Hillery or Obama for that matter standing up for the Christians in the middle east who are being persecuted and slaughtered. Hillary Clinton's time as head of the state dept was a joke, and an embarrassment, as is Obama's foreign policy in general...whatever that is :dunno:
sure is a tough one

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this is the kind of stupidity we haft to overcome...Sheesh


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