Hillary supporters anarchists plan to disrupt Washington D.C. on inauguration day

They are not peaceful protesters expressing an opinion. They are violent anarchists who loathe America and our laws. They are using violence to try and get their way instead of respecting our system. They are making our streets look like a third world country.

"At what point can we begin to declare violent Hillary Clinton voters domestic terrorists?

After all, you don’t see Donald Trump supporters beating innocent Hillary fans in the streets.

11 times out of 10 it’s the other way around.

Time to take a stand.

If you’re around the D.C. area on January 20th, 2017, be careful.

When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are planning “direct action” activism that will leave Washington D.C. in “total paralysis,” according to an organizer of activists and anarchists who plan to create chaos across the capitol city in an attempt to disrupt the inauguration and mobilize people in the growing movement against Trump.

Since Trump’s election, a movement called DisruptJ20 has taken off online among activist groups, anarchists, and the anti-facist movement. The goal is to organize the groups and ideologies under a shared goal: disrupting Washington D.C. on inauguration day in protest of Trump’s presidency in any way they can.
“We’re not just organizing some boring-ass march,” one of the organizers, Legba Carrefour, told Vocativ. “We want direct action.”

ALERT: Anarchists Planning Something AWFUL on Inauguration Day, Want to Leave D.C. in "Total..."

This is rebellion straight out of the Declaration of Independence playbook.
LOL. Yeah, we need to rebel against the Constitutional election process!

Actually the whole thing will be derailed. The Trump team is setting up a giant shoe sale on the campus grounds.
And emblematic of why the Dems lost. Sadly for them and fortunately for Decent People, they persist in their delusion that insulting people is the best way to get their support.

It's amazing how one would think the Declaration of Independence is the basis for rebelling against an elected President done fairly and squarely.
And emblematic of why the Dems lost. Sadly for them and fortunately for Decent People, they persist in their delusion that insulting people is the best way to get their support.

It's amazing how one would think the Declaration of Independence is the basis for rebelling against an elected President done fairly and squarely.

One would have to assume that they respect The Rule of Law to expect that.

They don't. They believe in Mob Rule.
Conservatism, by definition, seeks to maintain the current order or revert to an older order.
Well, I know you hate facts ToS but let's look at them anyway, shall we?
  • Progressives seek to roll economic policy back to the 1800's with Karl Marx's doctrine of "from each according to his ability, to each according to their needs".
  • Progressives seek to roll political policy back to the 1700's with King George III doctrine where the government ruled over the people instead of the people ruling over the government.
  • Progressives seek to roll energy policy back to the 1600's - leaving us only fire to cook our food and stay warm with as the work to outlaw fracking, shut down the entire coal industry, and eliminate nuclear power.
  • Progressives seek to roll civilized society back to the caveman era where there were no separate facilities for men and women and everyone "relieved" themselves in front of everyone else in the cave.
Only one side is trying to "revert to an older order" and it sure as hell isn't conservatives. Progressives are the ultimate regressives.
Shouldn't be hard to arrange a hard, cold, driving rain for Inauguration Day. Then watch those delicate little snowflakes dance!
Funny you mention the last 60 years or so. Trump was elected to steal the rights that people fought and died for over those 60 years. That's what "Make America Great Again" means right? Bringing back the right to discriminate...
Once again the nitwit admits that his side of the aisle has taken rights and liberties away from the American people and then advocates violence to make sure nobody can restore those rights and liberties.
Clearly, you have become unhinged. Trump, or any President, is not a dictator that can just wipe away existing law with a wave of his hand.
You'll have to forgive ToS for not understanding that Darkwind. That's what his side of the aisle does and that's what he supports them doing so he can't really comprehend anything else.
No one should be surprised that liberals are continuing to do what they do best - F* Things up ...
While continuing to prove they are OBSTRUCTIONISTS and POLITICAL TERRORISTS.

And emblematic of why the Dems lost. Sadly for them and fortunately for Decent People, they persist in their delusion that insulting people is the best way to get their support.

It's amazing how one would think the Declaration of Independence is the basis for rebelling against an elected President done fairly and squarely.
the protesters probably cant even spell or pronounce "Inauguration". they probably refer it to "EggNogA-Ration" Day.......Yahh,,,Boooeeeezzzz! Weze all gonna F-Up Dat racist Jonald Chump Egg Nogg Or Ration Day wit our Army ov weely pizzed off Army ov Deplorables !!!!!!
Funny you mention the last 60 years or so. Trump was elected to steal the rights that people fought and died for over those 60 years. That's what "Make America Great Again" means right? Bringing back the right to discriminate...
Once again the nitwit admits that his side of the aisle has taken rights and liberties away from the American people and then advocates violence to make sure nobody can restore those rights and liberties.
People used to have the right to own slaves too. I know you voted for Trump for evil reasons, but I didn't think you were that bad
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
The British didn't have the Secret Service, armed with fully automatic weapons and protected by a slew of various bulletproof materials, nitwit.

Only an animal calls for violence over the clean, fair, and legal election of a U.S. president. Only a nitwit announces the time and location in advance.

So like I previously said...dear God please let this happen. Let all of these progressive sub-human animals show up and incite violence. The joy I will have watching the Secret Service slam these idiots face-first into the pavement and then whisk them away will be pure joy. I'll DVR it so I can watch it over and over and laugh with all of my friends. :lol:
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
The British didn't have the Secret Service, armed with fully automatic weapons and protected by a slew of various bulletproof materials, nitwit.

Only an animal calls for violence over the clean, fair, and legal election of a U.S. president. Only a nitwit announces the time and location in advance.

So like I previously said...dear God please let this happen. Let all of these progressive sub-human animals show up and incite violence. The joy I will have watching the Secret Service slam these idiots face-first into the pavement and then whisk them away will be pure joy. I'll DVR it so I can watch it over and over and laugh with all of my friends. :lol:
I never called for violence. However I do think that the majority of the country that opposes Trump should arm themselves in preparation to defend themselves should they be attacked by Trump, his supporters, or his government.
People used to have the right to own slaves too.
Good point! I completely forgot about that ToS! You progressives want to bring back slavery too. After you lost the Civil War and were no longer allowed to be overtly racist, you recreated slavery through government. You take by force 65% of the working persons labor. And you want to control our lives.
People used to have the right to own slaves too.
Good point! I completely forgot about that ToS! You progressives want to bring back slavery too. After you lost the Civil War and were no longer allowed to be overtly racist, you recreated slavery through government. You take by force 65% of the working persons labor. And you want to control our lives.
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
The British didn't have the Secret Service, armed with fully automatic weapons and protected by a slew of various bulletproof materials, nitwit.

Only an animal calls for violence over the clean, fair, and legal election of a U.S. president. Only a nitwit announces the time and location in advance.

So like I previously said...dear God please let this happen. Let all of these progressive sub-human animals show up and incite violence. The joy I will have watching the Secret Service slam these idiots face-first into the pavement and then whisk them away will be pure joy. I'll DVR it so I can watch it over and over and laugh with all of my friends. :lol:
I never called for violence. However I do think that the majority of the country that opposes Trump should arm themselves in preparation to defend themselves should they be attacked by Trump, his supporters, or his government.

Poor little grilyman, all you're going to do is hide under your bed with your barbie dolls.
That's what the British said to American colonists. And the liberal colonists sent the redcoats back in coffins. It's looking like sadly, history is going to have to repeat itself soon.
The British didn't have the Secret Service, armed with fully automatic weapons and protected by a slew of various bulletproof materials, nitwit.

Only an animal calls for violence over the clean, fair, and legal election of a U.S. president. Only a nitwit announces the time and location in advance.

So like I previously said...dear God please let this happen. Let all of these progressive sub-human animals show up and incite violence. The joy I will have watching the Secret Service slam these idiots face-first into the pavement and then whisk them away will be pure joy. I'll DVR it so I can watch it over and over and laugh with all of my friends. :lol:
I never called for violence. However I do think that the majority of the country that opposes Trump should arm themselves in preparation to defend themselves should they be attacked by Trump, his supporters, or his government.

Poor little grilyman, all you're going to do is hide under your bed with your barbie dolls.
No, not everyone responds to adversity the way you do
I never called for violence.
You've called for violence multiple times now... So you're either insane or you're blatantly lying.
We should be prepared for violence. Trump supporters think they have hijacked America, and can threaten rights and freedoms that people have fought and died for over many decades. I hope it doesn't, but if it comes to it people should be prepared to fight and die for those rights and freedoms again.
Remember, these snowflakes think it wise to piss in the drinking fountain while they're thirsty and forgetful. 'Cause party is more important to them than water. They'll satisfy that thirst after they've freely expressed themselves.

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