Hillary Supporters

the lowest government worker knows you use the government system for anything related to your job

the Left's excuses are simply laughable

well not really laughable in reality deadly serious; she should have known better
Hillary supporters - Is this not a legitimate question?

The Department of Justice said it is weighing whether to launch its own investigation after the inspector general for intelligence agencies notified the agency that classified information that went through the account appeared to have been mishandled. Administration officials and investigators declined to share details about the emails. But in a separate memo to lawmakers, the inspector general said that a review of just 40 of the 30,000 emails from the Clinton server found that four had information that should have been marked and handled as classified.

Clinton has made many assurances in recent months that she did not send or receive classified information on her personal server. Her campaign says the material in question had not been specifically marked as classified and, thus, Clinton broke no rules. The inspector general disputed that characterization in a statement late Friday, saying that the information in the emails was classified at the time, even if it wasn’t marked as such, and shouldn’t have been transmitted on a personal email system.

Even so, the revelation was an uncomfortable one for the candidate. And national security experts said the disclosure that that material that should have been marked classified made its way to Clinton’s personal email account at the very least fuels legitimate speculation about how the server was used.​

Federal investigators want Justice Department probe of Hillary Clinton emails - LA Times
she apparently didnt even HAVE a government e-mail address.

seriously i'd like to know how it is even possible she never supposedly conducted government business on here private e-mail server
Hillary supporters - Is this not a legitimate question?

The Department of Justice said it is weighing whether to launch its own investigation after the inspector general for intelligence agencies notified the agency that classified information that went through the account appeared to have been mishandled. Administration officials and investigators declined to share details about the emails. But in a separate memo to lawmakers, the inspector general said that a review of just 40 of the 30,000 emails from the Clinton server found that four had information that should have been marked and handled as classified.

Clinton has made many assurances in recent months that she did not send or receive classified information on her personal server. Her campaign says the material in question had not been specifically marked as classified and, thus, Clinton broke no rules. The inspector general disputed that characterization in a statement late Friday, saying that the information in the emails was classified at the time, even if it wasn’t marked as such, and shouldn’t have been transmitted on a personal email system.

Even so, the revelation was an uncomfortable one for the candidate. And national security experts said the disclosure that that material that should have been marked classified made its way to Clinton’s personal email account at the very least fuels legitimate speculation about how the server was used.​

Federal investigators want Justice Department probe of Hillary Clinton emails - LA Times

Could be a "hover tactic" ... Just In case the establishment thinks they need to remove Hillary from the ballot.

To threaten action is only a limited response ... And the follow-through may depend on whether or not they feel Hillary is a viable candidate.
If she slips far enough behind any GOP contender ... Whip out some charges and have some bipartisan hearings to get to the "truth" of the matter.

Make it ugly enough during a campaign cycle ... And problem taken care of.
If she keeps her numbers high enough ... They won't press charges.
Bring everyone onboard reporting it, and lose the suspicion of collaboration.

All the Justice Department has to do to make it go away is make the statement that their investigation produced no actionable offenses ... And spoon fed Democrats will jump right back on the "old news" wagon ... If they ever think to jump off it in the first place.

Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
What difference does it make? Every email involved with the State Dept WAS turned over or recorded in gvt records the time she made the email sent to any gvt worker.

You ask why? I ask, why not? What do you think she was planning to do when she was first hired and set up her email with the gvt in that manner? All state dept records were turned over by her.....only her private emails were not. Did you turn over all of your private emails from your home computer that you used .0001 percent for gvt work or were you required to only submit your gvt work?

Why did Powell choose to use a private server? Did you ask him? Did you care? Was it for illegal doings? Was it to hide his gvt doings? No, of course not.....but why he did this....I can not answer.

Did Hillary in 2009 plan for Benghazi to happen in 2011?
Powell had the right to have his own server. He didn't use his own private server exclusively....like Hillary did.

I see...Powell had a "right" to his own server, but Hillary did not. Care to work that one out for us?

It's also okay for Powell to use his private server for public business "some" of the time (can you tell us how much? You must know) but not for Hillary to use it all the time. Really? You wanna try that one again too?
Nope.....Powell has the right to his own server as long as he doesn't conduct State Department business on it. Hillary only had her own server and did everything on it in an obvious attempt to hide her communications from the State Department.

Nov. 4, 2005: The State Department updates the Foreign Affairs manual to state that “sensitive but unclassified” information should not be transmitted through personal e-mail accounts. “It is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized AIS [Automated Information System], which has the proper level of security control to provide nonrepudiation, authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resident information,” the manual says.

Jan. 13, 2009: Clintonemail.com domain name is registered to a person named Justin Cooper, a senior adviser to former president Bill Clinton. (He then signs it over to a company called Perfect Privacy LLC, which offers private domain registration.) Hillary Clinton begins her confirmation hearings the same day.

Clinton is secretary of state
Jan. 21, 2009: The Senate confirms Clinton as secretary of state.

Oct. 2, 2009: The U.S. Code of federal regulations on handling electronic records is updated: “Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.” The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to “the head of each federal agency.”

June 29, 2011: A State Department cable to employees is issued under Clinton’s signature (as are all cables) after Google revealed that hackers were targeting the personal e-mail accounts of U.S. government employees. The cable warns: “Avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.”

August 2012: The State Department inspector general issues a scathing report on the performance of U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration that includes criticism of the fact he used a private e-mail account to handle “sensitive but unclassified” material. Gration is later fired.

“The Ambassador’s requirements for use of commercial e-mail in the office and his flouting of direct instructions to adhere to Department policy have placed the information management staff in a conundrum: balancing the desire to be responsive to their mission leader and the need to adhere to Department regulations and government information security standards,” the IG report said.

Feb. 1, 2013: Clinton steps down as secretary of state.

After Clinton leaves State
March 15, 2013: Clinton’s private e-mail account is first exposed after a hacker named “Guccifer” accessed the account of former Bill Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal. The hack shows that Clinton communicated with Blumenthal using the private e-mail account of [email protected], and Guccifer published a screen grab of their exchanges showing that the two discussed a number of sensitive foreign policy issues.

The leak attracted little attention at the time, though an article in Gawkerasked, “Why was Clinton apparently receiving emails at a non-governmental e-mail account?” John Cook, the author, added: “Neither the State Department nor the White House would immediately comment on whether the White House knew that Blumenthal was digitally whispering in Clinton’s ear, or if the e-mails were preserved as the law requires.” (Cook later said that Gawker filed a Freedom of Information request for copies of the emails, citing the specific e-mail address, but was told by State no records existed.)

Sept. 9, 2013: The National Archives updates regulations on the handling of e-mails and federal records: “While agency employees should not generally use personal email accounts to conduct official agency business,there may be times when agencies authorize the use of personal email accounts, such as in emergency situations when Federal accounts are not accessible or when an employee is initially contacted through a personal account.”

Summer, 2014: State Department officials responding to a request for documents from the House Select Committee on Benghazi realize there are no records to or from an official State Department e-mail account for Clinton.

Nov. 14, 2014: President Obama signs an update of the 1950 Presidential and Federal Records Act. The law expanded the definition of “federal records” to specifically include electronic communications. The law also clarified the responsibilities of federal government officials when they use nongovernment email systems, which includes copying an official record or forwarding a complete copy of the e-mail within 20 days of transmission.

December 2014: In response to a request from the State Department, Clinton provides 50,000 pages of printed e-mails. The Department provides 900 pages related to Benghazi to the House committee in February.

March 4, 2015: Clinton tweets: “I want the public to see my email. I have asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10, 2015: Clinton tells reporters that she set up the system because she did not want to carry two devices–one for work email and one for personal e-mail. She says she turned over 30,490 work-related e-mails to the State Department and deleted 31,830 e-mails that she deemed to be personal.

Hillary Clinton s e-mails a timeline of actions and regulations - The Washington Post

If she didn't want anyone to see her emails she should have used the government servers for State Department business and used her own server for nothing but personal business. Because she only used one server....one can assume that she was transmitting classified information on it.
I'm not necessarily supporting her candidacy....but I can tell you what I think.

It wasn't necessary. She didn't break any laws and she likely felt that she could avoid having her private business compromised by just doing it all on her private server.

It wasn't the smartest political decision. But.....absent any clear corruption being uncovered.....it's just bad optics.

Agree with you on most things...

Clinton did the same thing as her predecessors and contemporaries like Jeb Bush.

The thing about emails is that emails have receivers and senders so they were not lost.

I think all the false outrage really shows how desperate they are. There is an element who have lost a sense of reason due being wrapped in a bubble of right wing propaganda...
I think all the false outrage really shows how desperate they are. There is an element who have lost a sense of reason due being wrapped in a bubble of right wing propaganda...

The left-wing bubble of propaganda is so much more comfy and reasonable ... In fact, you don't even have to think at all.

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I'm not necessarily supporting her candidacy....but I can tell you what I think.

It wasn't necessary. She didn't break any laws and she likely felt that she could avoid having her private business compromised by just doing it all on her private server.

It wasn't the smartest political decision. But.....absent any clear corruption being uncovered.....it's just bad optics.

Agree with you on most things...

Clinton did the same thing as her predecessors and contemporaries like Jeb Bush.

The thing about emails is that emails have receivers and senders so they were not lost.

I think all the false outrage really shows how desperate they are. There is an element who have lost a sense of reason due being wrapped in a bubble of right wing propaganda...
It's not false outrage.

It's clear that Hillary believes she doesn't have to follow the same regulations everyone else does.

A person that is this dishonest by that measure, won't follow the constitution either.....and putting her in the Oval Office will simply be a mistake of major proportions. I also don't believe that she has any more loyalty to the country than Obama does. She's already sold the Whitehouse to rich foreign interests. She'd be no better than a spy working for whomever donates millions to her foundation.
It's clear that Hillary believes she doesn't have to follow the same regulations everyone else does.
That's only because,.............................................................................wait for it,.........................................................she doesn't...

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