Hillary Supporters

The real question should be: Why does it even matter Toro? It was common practice already, by the time Hillary chose to do such.... it was not out of the ordinary at all...

It's common practice, is it? Is Biden using one? What about Kerry? Jack Lew? Ashton Carter? Loretta Lynch? Obama isn't using one.

Your defense seems to rest upon "Two Republicans did it therefore it doesn't matter." So if we can find two Republicans who did something wrong, unethical or illegal, that gives Democrats carte blanche to do the same thing too, regardless?

It matters because government business - in this case highly sensitive business as Secretary of State - is being conducted over a private server that she, not the government for whom she works, controls. It should be fairly obvious why this is important - you can much more easily destroy files you don't want others to see on your own server than the government's. That is a conflict of interest. Even if everything is above board, it creates the impression of conflicts and undermines trust in government. Either hand over the server or

In a time when there is so much mistrust of government, and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past, you'd think they'd go out of their way to ensure that everything was above board. Unless, if the Clinton detractors are correct, that the drama and sleaze are part of the Clintons' DNA.

I asked for Hillary supporters to explain why she felt it necessary to use a private server because I haven't heard a good reason yet. I still haven't heard one yet.

Now...you are being obtuse.

You have been given the answer. She wanted to control her private emails and prevent them from being made public. You do know that little shits like Gowdy would demand them too....if they were on a public server.....don't you?

She should have been smarter about it....and there were probably other ways to do it....but that's the reason...as far as I can guess.

You just said "and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past,". That's what she reacted to. All the drama and sleaze that has been alleged......with only Bill's extramarital sex being proven. You kind of have to put yourself in her shoes.

Clearly....you don't think it was necessary. But you didn't ask whether or not it was necessary. You asked why she felt it was necessary. You've been given the answer as best as it can be given without being inside the woman's head.
The real question should be: Why does it even matter Toro? It was common practice already, by the time Hillary chose to do such.... it was not out of the ordinary at all...

It's common practice, is it? Is Biden using one? What about Kerry? Jack Lew? Ashton Carter? Loretta Lynch? Obama isn't using one.

Your defense seems to rest upon "Two Republicans did it therefore it doesn't matter." So if we can find two Republicans who did something wrong, unethical or illegal, that gives Democrats carte blanche to do the same thing too, regardless?

It matters because government business - in this case highly sensitive business as Secretary of State - is being conducted over a private server that she, not the government for whom she works, controls. It should be fairly obvious why this is important - you can much more easily destroy files you don't want others to see on your own server than the government's. That is a conflict of interest. Even if everything is above board, it creates the impression of conflicts and undermines trust in government. Either hand over the server or

In a time when there is so much mistrust of government, and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past, you'd think they'd go out of their way to ensure that everything was above board. Unless, if the Clinton detractors are correct, that the drama and sleaze are part of the Clintons' DNA.

I asked for Hillary supporters to explain why she felt it necessary to use a private server because I haven't heard a good reason yet. I still haven't heard one yet.

Now...you are being obtuse.

You have been given the answer. She wanted to control her private emails and prevent them from being made public. You do know that little shits like Gowdy would demand them too....if they were on a public server.....don't you?

She should have been smarter about it....and there were probably other ways to do it....but that's the reason...as far as I can guess.

You just said "and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past,". That's what she reacted to. All the drama and sleaze that has been alleged......with only Bill's extramarital sex being proven. You kind of have to put yourself in her shoes.

Clearly....you don't think it was necessary. But you didn't ask whether or not it was necessary. You asked why she felt it was necessary. You've been given the answer as best as it can be given without being inside the woman's head.

So there's not a good reason, then.

If I put myself in her shoes and I was worried about the perception of my name, I'd put every single thing I did for the government on a government server, and every thing I didn't want anyone else to see on a private server.

It seems pretty simple to me.
The real question should be: Why does it even matter Toro? It was common practice already, by the time Hillary chose to do such.... it was not out of the ordinary at all...

It's common practice, is it? Is Biden using one? What about Kerry? Jack Lew? Ashton Carter? Loretta Lynch? Obama isn't using one.

Your defense seems to rest upon "Two Republicans did it therefore it doesn't matter." So if we can find two Republicans who did something wrong, unethical or illegal, that gives Democrats carte blanche to do the same thing too, regardless?

It matters because government business - in this case highly sensitive business as Secretary of State - is being conducted over a private server that she, not the government for whom she works, controls. It should be fairly obvious why this is important - you can much more easily destroy files you don't want others to see on your own server than the government's. That is a conflict of interest. Even if everything is above board, it creates the impression of conflicts and undermines trust in government. Either hand over the server or

In a time when there is so much mistrust of government, and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past, you'd think they'd go out of their way to ensure that everything was above board. Unless, if the Clinton detractors are correct, that the drama and sleaze are part of the Clintons' DNA.

I asked for Hillary supporters to explain why she felt it necessary to use a private server because I haven't heard a good reason yet. I still haven't heard one yet.

Now...you are being obtuse.

You have been given the answer. She wanted to control her private emails and prevent them from being made public. You do know that little shits like Gowdy would demand them too....if they were on a public server.....don't you?

She should have been smarter about it....and there were probably other ways to do it....but that's the reason...as far as I can guess.

You just said "and given all the drama and sleaze that have surrounded the Clintons in the past,". That's what she reacted to. All the drama and sleaze that has been alleged......with only Bill's extramarital sex being proven. You kind of have to put yourself in her shoes.

Clearly....you don't think it was necessary. But you didn't ask whether or not it was necessary. You asked why she felt it was necessary. You've been given the answer as best as it can be given without being inside the woman's head.

So there's not a good reason, then.

If I put myself in her shoes and I was worried about the perception of my name, I'd put every single thing I did for the government on a government server, and every thing I didn't want anyone else to see on a private server.

It seems pretty simple to me.

Again.....there isn't a good reason from OUR perspective. That's what I've said from the beginning. She handled it badly. That's not in dispute either.

That's as far as it goes, though. Until someone uncovers communication from her that indicates that laws were broken.....it's simply bad handling.

I can tell you this, though........the questions are far more important to those who don't support her than the answers seem to be. It's bad optics and it ensures that she is on the defensive.....instead of campaigning on her agenda.
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Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
What difference does it make? Every email involved with the State Dept WAS turned over or recorded in gvt records the time she made the email sent to any gvt worker.

You ask why? I ask, why not? What do you think she was planning to do when she was first hired and set up her email with the gvt in that manner? All state dept records were turned over by her.....only her private emails were not. Did you turn over all of your private emails from your home computer that you used .0001 percent for gvt work or were you required to only submit your gvt work?

Why did Powell choose to use a private server? Did you ask him? Did you care? Was it for illegal doings? Was it to hide his gvt doings? No, of course not.....but why he did this....I can not answer.

Did Hillary in 2009 plan for Benghazi to happen in 2011?
Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
What difference does it make? Every email involved with the State Dept WAS turned over or recorded in gvt records the time she made the email sent to any gvt worker.

You ask why? I ask, why not? What do you think she was planning to do when she was first hired and set up her email with the gvt in that manner? All state dept records were turned over by her.....only her private emails were not. Did you turn over all of your private emails from your home computer that you used .0001 percent for gvt work or were you required to only submit your gvt work?

Why did Powell choose to use a private server? Did you ask him? Did you care? Was it for illegal doings? Was it to hide his gvt doings? No, of course not.....but why he did this....I can not answer.

Did Hillary in 2009 plan for Benghazi to happen in 2011?

Why not? Because it is a conflict, or an appearance of a conflict, to use a private server you control for government business, particularly if the foundation with you name on it is receiving funds from foreign sources when you are Secretary of State. The only way she can absolve herself of any conflict is to turn the server over to the government with all files in tact.

Is Powell running for President? If he is, he can receive the same scrutiny and questions regarding the use of his email server.

FTR, I did not control the server on which the 0.0001% of emails I sent.
Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.


because she could

the law was carved out exactly to allow this

even though the public is led to believe otherwise

some call it a loophole
Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

So nobody will know what she was communicating to her underlings.....basically....she was up to some seriously illegal shit......and the only thing keeping her out of jail is her money and influence.
Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
She feels she doesn't have to obey any of our laws. She's different from everyone else.

I think she needs to serve about 5 years in prison......that might change her attitude.
Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
What difference does it make? Every email involved with the State Dept WAS turned over or recorded in gvt records the time she made the email sent to any gvt worker.

You ask why? I ask, why not? What do you think she was planning to do when she was first hired and set up her email with the gvt in that manner? All state dept records were turned over by her.....only her private emails were not. Did you turn over all of your private emails from your home computer that you used .0001 percent for gvt work or were you required to only submit your gvt work?

Why did Powell choose to use a private server? Did you ask him? Did you care? Was it for illegal doings? Was it to hide his gvt doings? No, of course not.....but why he did this....I can not answer.

Did Hillary in 2009 plan for Benghazi to happen in 2011?
Powell had the right to have his own server. He didn't use his own private server exclusively....like Hillary did.
I am not a Hillary supporter Toro ... But the reason is probably easy enough to figure out.

President Obama has been quick to blackball anyone remotely associated with the administration if they dare disagree with any of his policies.
He doesn't attack them on their views concerning the policy ... He digs up something they have in emails or some kind of correspondence.
Attacking their policy objection would keep it in the light longer than desired.

Hillary protecting her correspondence could have just been a way to cover her ass and keep the President out of her correspondence should he get pissed at something she said about something else somewhere.

Cases in point ... General Petraeus, Senator Menendez, etc ... President Obama knew about the General's affair long before he leaked it, and it was leaked when Petraeus publically disagreed with the President's policy.

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Can you please explain to me why it was necessary for Hillary to have a private server to conduct State Department business? I haven't heard a good reason yet.

She used one, legally apparently, it wasn't necessary.

I've worked for the government. Everything I've done for the government was subject to sunshine laws, including what I did on my own personal computer, which was 0.00001% of my work.

I had to, by law, maintain all my work and not delete it. If I did not, I was in violation of the law.

As someone who has worked for the government subject to sunshine laws, I'm trying to understand why Hillary felt it necessary to conduct such business on a personal server.
What difference does it make? Every email involved with the State Dept WAS turned over or recorded in gvt records the time she made the email sent to any gvt worker.

You ask why? I ask, why not? What do you think she was planning to do when she was first hired and set up her email with the gvt in that manner? All state dept records were turned over by her.....only her private emails were not. Did you turn over all of your private emails from your home computer that you used .0001 percent for gvt work or were you required to only submit your gvt work?

Why did Powell choose to use a private server? Did you ask him? Did you care? Was it for illegal doings? Was it to hide his gvt doings? No, of course not.....but why he did this....I can not answer.

Did Hillary in 2009 plan for Benghazi to happen in 2011?
Powell had the right to have his own server. He didn't use his own private server exclusively....like Hillary did.

I see...Powell had a "right" to his own server, but Hillary did not. Care to work that one out for us?

It's also okay for Powell to use his private server for public business "some" of the time (can you tell us how much? You must know) but not for Hillary to use it all the time. Really? You wanna try that one again too?
And why didn't the OP ask the same question of Scott Walker or Jeb Bush supporters? They both used private email addresses to conduct public business.

Start a thread and ask their supporters.

No need. Point was made. Lots of Presidential hopefuls that made the same bad decision. I'm sure Hillary will learn from her mistake as President.
And why didn't the OP ask the same question of Scott Walker or Jeb Bush supporters? They both used private email addresses to conduct public business.

Start a thread and ask their supporters.

No need. Point was made. Lots of Presidential hopefuls that made the same bad decision. I'm sure Hillary will learn from her mistake as President.

Except that its not the same bad decision.

Using a private email account to conduct government business is not the same as using a private server you control to conduct government business, particularly when the server is also used to solicit contributions from those with whom you have relations and decision-making authority in your official capacity.

If Governor Scott Walker was found to have used his own private server to conduct government business, a server which also contained emails from Marc Lasry and Wes Edens - the owners of the Milwaukee Bucks - then refused to hand over those emails claiming they were personal, Democrats would be going batshit crazy. And rightfully so.
And why didn't the OP ask the same question of Scott Walker or Jeb Bush supporters? They both used private email addresses to conduct public business.

because none of them was Secretary of State?

just sayin........................

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