Hillary Will Bankrupt America. (More)

The U.S. is already over 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have something around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Each year, we HAVE to pay 420 billion just on the interest of our national debt. So for all intents and purposes, the U.S. is already bankrupt. The only thing keeping our monitary system afloat is happy thoughts and fairy dust.

Also, it was because of Bill Clinton that the huge sucking sound was heard that Ross Perot spoke of as jobs left America. Causing anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion a year in a trade imbalance with China alone. You can't tell me such things didn't help bankrupt America. Also, I had heard it said that back during the Clinton administration, our budget was balanced. But years later, I found out that they were able to make it look that way on paper by using accounting practices that would have been ILLEGAL in the private sector. I would expect more happy thoughts and fairy dust from Hillary.

Another thing is that it was Bill Clinton who repealed the Glass-Steagall act. That was put in place after the great depression to keep banks from gambling with people's money. Which no doubt had a role to play in the financial meltdown and huge bank bailouts of 2008. Only a fool would expect any different blunders from Hillary. Hell, she was already responsible for an American ambassador in Lybia being murdered. And that was just as secretary of state. Who knows what she might do as president. No matter how you slice it, Trump is the better choice.

Hillary Will Bankrupt America.

You exaggerate.
How expensive can it be to imprison her for a few years until her ill health finally catches up with her?

Another thing is that it was Bill Clinton who repealed the Glass-Steagall act. That was put in place after the great depression to keep banks from gambling with people's money.

Glass-Steagall wouldn't have stopped a single crappy mortgage from being written.

Well it should have. After all, that was gambling with people's money. And if not that, maybe it would have stopped a credit default swap or something. The law after all was written to do something.

Well it should have. After all, that was gambling with people's money

Writing mortgages is gambling?

The way they did it, definitely.

And Glass-Steagall wouldn't have prevented that, or the crisis.

Well you seem to be the expert. Just what was it that the Glass-Steagall act was supposed to prevent.
Hillary Will Bankrupt America.

You exaggerate.
How expensive can it be to imprison her for a few years until her ill health finally catches up with her?

Another thing is that it was Bill Clinton who repealed the Glass-Steagall act. That was put in place after the great depression to keep banks from gambling with people's money.

Glass-Steagall wouldn't have stopped a single crappy mortgage from being written.

Well it should have. After all, that was gambling with people's money. And if not that, maybe it would have stopped a credit default swap or something. The law after all was written to do something.

Well it should have. After all, that was gambling with people's money

Writing mortgages is gambling?

The way they did it, definitely.

And Glass-Steagall wouldn't have prevented that, or the crisis.

Well you seem to be the expert. Just what was it that the Glass-Steagall act was supposed to prevent.

"Trump is the better choice"


Only if they are selecting a clown.

Trump is a milti billioniare. What the hell are you.

I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

10 million dollar bill.jpg
"Trump is the better choice"


Only if they are selecting a clown.

Trump is a milti billioniare. What the hell are you.

I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.
"Trump is the better choice"


Only if they are selecting a clown.

Trump is a milti billioniare. What the hell are you.

I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.
Only if they are selecting a clown.

Trump is a milti billioniare. What the hell are you.

I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.
Trump is a milti billioniare. What the hell are you.

I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?
I'm one of the millions laughing at the situation that crazy right wingers have put themselves in.

Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.
Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. And it was under him that the Federal Reserve was created. Which is a private organization. So with our money basically being worth what the picture I will show, left winggers are just as much to blame.

View attachment 76386

Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.
Not only will Hillary bankrupt America, she will crash the moon into the ocean, and allow ISIS to rape all our women!
Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.
If you can't support your claims, don't make any.
VOTER: So how will your guy solve the issues facing America today?

RUBE: I have no idea, but his opponent is a nazi communist goat fucker who will bring about disaster and the end of Netflix! So...yeah.
Not only will Hillary bankrupt America, she will crash the moon into the ocean, and allow ISIS to rape all our women!

Her husband did what Ross Perot predicted. Caused a huge sucking sound to be heard as jobs left America. Bill Clinton also repealed the Glass-Steigall act that was put into place during the great depression. Do you expect much different from somebody who as secretary of state was responsible for a U.S. ambassador being murdered in Lybia?
The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.
If you can't support your claims, don't make any.

If you are too lazy to look them up yourself, don't bitch.
VOTER: So how will your guy solve the issues facing America today?

RUBE: I have no idea, but his opponent is a nazi communist goat fucker who will bring about disaster and the end of Netflix! So...yeah.

Trump already said how. But most people don't like the plans. They want things to remain as nice and comfortable (for them) as they are now. Maybe if they're lucky, the world will go to hell slowly enough for anybody to hardly notice.
VOTER: So how will your guy solve the issues facing America today?

RUBE: I have no idea, but his opponent is a nazi communist goat fucker who will bring about disaster and the end of Netflix! So...yeah.

Trump already said how.
Really? Because his tax plan will bankrupt us quicker than Hillary's. In fact, of all the tax plans submitted by the original 19 candidates, Trump's deficits were second only to Bernie Sanders.

He also plans on invading Iraq again, and that will cost trillions.

I guess that's what you mean about American's preferring to be comfortable rather than getting into another budget busting Iraq quagmire?

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