Hillary Will Bankrupt America. (More)

VOTER: So how will your guy solve the issues facing America today?

RUBE: I have no idea, but his opponent is a nazi communist goat fucker who will bring about disaster and the end of Netflix! So...yeah.

Trump already said how.
Really? Because his tax plan will bankrupt us quicker than Hillary's. In fact, of all the tax plans submitted by the original 19 candidates, Trump's deficits were second only to Bernie Sanders.

He also plans on invading Iraq again, and that will cost trillions.

I guess that's what you mean about American's preferring to be comfortable rather than getting into another budget busting Iraq quagmire?

I've never heard trump say that he wanted to invade anybody. Though I did hear mention of him saying that he would just bomb the shit out of them. Compared to invasion, it sounds like a good plan to me.
Which is a private organization.

It's a government organization.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

Yes, The Fed is part of the government.
Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.
If you can't support your claims, don't make any.

If you are too lazy to look them up yourself, don't bitch.
That's not how it works, rube.
The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

Yes, The Fed is part of the government.

No. The Federal Reserve isn't part of the government. Just go to your prowser and type in, "Is the Federal Reserve independent from the U.S. government." Then knock yourself out.
I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.
If you can't support your claims, don't make any.

If you are too lazy to look them up yourself, don't bitch.
That's not how it works, rube.

That's how I work. If you disagree with anything I say, look it up. Or remain ignorant.
Tell me why.
List the reasons.
I'll show how you're wrong.

I don't know how to provide links. So you will just have to look it up for yourself. The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government. Therefore, if it isn't a governmental organization, what is it. It's own country?

I don't know how to provide links

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

The Federal Reserve is independent from the U.S. government.

The Federal Reserve is independent within the U.S. government.

I don't know how to paste links either. I've never had any reason to do it and I see no reason to do it now. Next, the Federal Reserve is not a part of the U.S. government. Also, all Americans exist "within" the U.S. government.

Go to whatever goofy site you're getting your info from, copy the web address and paste it in your reply.

Yes, The Fed is part of the government.

No. The Federal Reserve isn't part of the government. Just go to your prowser and type in, "Is the Federal Reserve independent from the U.S. government." Then knock yourself out.

The Federal Reserve isn't part of the government.

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government. It is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution.
As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress of the United States. It is considered an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms.

However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by the Congress, which often reviews the Federal Reserve's activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government" rather than "independent of government."

The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by the Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized similarly to private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks.

However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, paid to member banks at a maximum rate of 6 percent, determined in part by each member bank's total assets.

FRB: Who owns the Federal Reserve?

You're wrong, again.
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.

You didn't prove me wrong. "They" said that they were independent. Also, the whole thing is backwards anyway. If anything, the U.S. government operates from within the Federal Reserve. Where the money is, there is the real power.
Earth to the OP: We're already bankrtupt. Just read the Financial Report of the United States. Unlike the crap cash accounting that the government uses for budgeting, this report uses accrual accounting for unfunded liabilities in some of the schedules.


Statements of Social Insurance
if you ask people where does money come from, specifically where does us dollars come from, and they say you go to work and you make money, they don't really know. and they're not supposed to know. if they knew, they would be extremely angry because they would realize they're slaves. because money comes from nothing, every dollar in circulation is debt, and it's all owed back with interest, so america has to go deeper and deeper into debt. each generation of americans has to sell the next seven into debt slavery. there are no more future generations left to sell. so, there's going to be war. hardcore megadeath war. boy, we sure did have a good run, though. wow, what a glorious time we had.
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.

You didn't prove me wrong. "They" said that they were independent. Also, the whole thing is backwards anyway. If anything, the U.S. government operates from within the Federal Reserve. Where the money is, there is the real power.

You didn't prove me wrong.

an independent entity within government.

As opposed to your claim, they aren't part of the government.
if you ask people where does money come from, specifically where does us dollars come from, and they say you go to work and you make money, they don't really know. and they're not supposed to know. if they knew, they would be extremely angry because they would realize they're slaves. because money comes from nothing, every dollar in circulation is debt, and it's all owed back with interest, so america has to go deeper and deeper into debt. each generation of americans has to sell the next seven into debt slavery. there are no more future generations left to sell. so, there's going to be war. hardcore megadeath war. boy, we sure did have a good run, though. wow, what a glorious time we had.

money comes from nothing, every dollar in circulation is debt, and it's all owed back with interest

I'm holding a $20 FRN. It's not debt. I don't owe it to anyone. I don't owe interest on it to anyone.
You should have read my thread. Where "I" already said that the U.S. is already basically bankrupt.
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.

You didn't prove me wrong. "They" said that they were independent. Also, the whole thing is backwards anyway. If anything, the U.S. government operates from within the Federal Reserve. Where the money is, there is the real power.

You didn't prove me wrong.

an independent entity within government.

As opposed to your claim, they aren't part of the government.

If they are "independent" from the government, I guess that means they aren't independent from the government. Any other word games you want to play?
You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.

You didn't prove me wrong. "They" said that they were independent. Also, the whole thing is backwards anyway. If anything, the U.S. government operates from within the Federal Reserve. Where the money is, there is the real power.

You didn't prove me wrong.

an independent entity within government.

As opposed to your claim, they aren't part of the government.

If they are "independent" from the government, I guess that means they aren't independent from the government. Any other word games you want to play?

an independent entity within government.

Is English your second language?
Not only will Hillary bankrupt America, she will crash the moon into the ocean, and allow ISIS to rape all our women!

Her husband did what Ross Perot predicted. Caused a huge sucking sound to be heard as jobs left America. Bill Clinton also repealed the Glass-Steigall act that was put into place during the great depression. Do you expect much different from somebody who as secretary of state was responsible for a U.S. ambassador being murdered in Lybia?
Glass Steagall Repeal was a REPUBLICAN bill, created and sponsored and introduced by the Republican Majority. The bill passed the Senate and the House with a veto proof Majority, where Clinton could not veto it....Near all the votes against the repeal of the ACT were Democratic Senators and congressmen.

*bolded, edit correction
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You are just splitting hairs. Then taking those hairs and splitting them again. As I said, when it gets right down to it, ALL Americans exist "within" the U.S. government. Also, maybe they are just playing word games. Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it. You are either independent or you're not. What the case actually is, I don't know. I am also lost when it comes to the esoteric mathematical equations used by financial institutions for all the strange things they do.

You are just splitting hairs.

Is that what you call it when I prove you're wrong? LOL!

Because if you operate "within" the government, you can't be "independent" from it.

Sure you can. Congress doesn't get to tell the Fed to raise or lower rates.
Congress can't threaten to cut off Fed funding if they don't go along.

What the case actually is, I don't know.

Your ignorance is both wide and deep.

You didn't prove me wrong. "They" said that they were independent. Also, the whole thing is backwards anyway. If anything, the U.S. government operates from within the Federal Reserve. Where the money is, there is the real power.

You didn't prove me wrong.

an independent entity within government.

As opposed to your claim, they aren't part of the government.

If they are "independent" from the government, I guess that means they aren't independent from the government. Any other word games you want to play?

an independent entity within government.

Is English your second language?

Is your spleen independent from the rest of your body?
Not only will Hillary bankrupt America, she will crash the moon into the ocean, and allow ISIS to rape all our women!

Her husband did what Ross Perot predicted. Caused a huge sucking sound to be heard as jobs left America. Bill Clinton also repealed the Glass-Steigall act that was put into place during the great depression. Do you expect much different from somebody who as secretary of state was responsible for a U.S. ambassador being murdered in Lybia?
Glass Steagall was a REPUBLICAN bill, created and sponsored and introduced by the Republican Majority. The bill passed the Senate and the House with a veto proof Majority, where Clinton could not veto it....Near all the votes against the ACT were Democratic Senators and congressmen.

The Glass-Steagall act was created during the great depression. I don't think Clinton was even born yet. And with my own two eyes, I saw him on TV signing a doccument that repealed it.
Not only will Hillary bankrupt America, she will crash the moon into the ocean, and allow ISIS to rape all our women!

Her husband did what Ross Perot predicted. Caused a huge sucking sound to be heard as jobs left America. Bill Clinton also repealed the Glass-Steigall act that was put into place during the great depression. Do you expect much different from somebody who as secretary of state was responsible for a U.S. ambassador being murdered in Lybia?
Glass Steagall was a REPUBLICAN bill, created and sponsored and introduced by the Republican Majority. The bill passed the Senate and the House with a veto proof Majority, where Clinton could not veto it....Near all the votes against the ACT were Democratic Senators and congressmen.

The Glass-Steagall act was created during the great depression. I don't think Clinton was even born yet. And with my own two eyes, I saw him on TV signing a doccument that repealed it.
I'm sorry, I meant the demantling of it...

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