Hillary won the popular vote ... so???

What would have happened if the rules in the last election were switched to popular vote?

  • Hillary would still have won by the exact same 3 million popular vote margin

  • Trump would have run a different campaign and won the popular vote

  • It still would have been close, but there's no way to know who would have won

Results are only viewable after voting.
How she won it is not the issue. She won it. Which btw, in our country is only symbolic, and carries no measurable value. Don’t whine so much about something that doesn’t matter.

But it does matter, because if enough illegal votes add up to a majority, (maybe in 2020) it could win over the electoral votes of some states, and tip an election the wrong way.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're fucking senile, gramps. What, on G-d's green Earth, do you think he lied about?
Oh for cryin out loud, we've been all through it. You're actually asking me to explain AGAIN, what the whole country (except you) knows ?

Get your head out of your ass. Go back with the search box. I'm not gonna go through it again, you airhead.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You're fucking senile, gramps. What, on G-d's green Earth, do you think he lied about?
Oh for cryin out loud, we've been all through it. You're actually asking me to explain what the whole country (except you) knows ?

Get you head out of your ass. Go back with the search box. I'm not gonna go through it again, you airhead.
No worries, I knew you couldn't say what he lied about since he didn't lie.

Thanks for the entertainment though of getting to watch you try to squirm your way out of your bullshit. :mm:
No worries, I knew you couldn't say what he lied about since he didn't lie.

Thanks for the entertainment though of getting to watch you try to squirm your way out of your bullshit.
You know damn well I explained the whole thing to your empty head, months ago. You're lying, and you're just as much a lowlife as Hillary is, for trying to perpetuate this lie.

Post # 1151 in this thread >> Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
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No worries, I knew you couldn't say what he lied about since he didn't lie.

Thanks for the entertainment though of getting to watch you try to squirm your way out of your bullshit.
You know damn well I explained the whole thing to your empty head, months ago. You're lying, and you're just as much a lowlife as Hillary is, for trying to perpetuate this lie.
Nope, you're lying again. Kovaleski never lied. He never said thousands of Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers in Jersey.

You know who did lie though (besides you)


First he lied about seeing thousands of Muslims in Jersey celebrating 9.11 -- to this day, no such video has ever emerged.

Then he lied about Kovaleski, a journalist he met with on numerous occasions over the years....

"I do not know the reporter for the nytimes, or what he looks like." ~ Crazy Donald
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!"

— Donald J. Trump tweet, November 7, 2012.

The idiot has worse spelling than a third grader. :lol:

Spelling phony phoney? You must really hate Obama for pronouncing corpsmen corpse men, huh? Funny, I don't remember that. Wow, you have a serious stick up your ass. As for your destain of the EV, let's go to the video tape!...
Oh man. Priceless!

Hey, dipshit. You missed "won". :lol:

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Nope, you're lying again. Kovaleski never lied. He never said thousands of Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers in Jersey.

You know who did lie though (besides you)


First he lied about seeing thousands of Muslims in Jersey celebrating 9.11 -- to this day, no such video has ever emerged.

Then he lied about Kovaleski, a journalist he met with on numerous occasions over the years....

"I do not know the reporter for the nytimes, or what he looks like." ~ Crazy Donald
You're trying very hard to make up for the laughable mistake you made by still being snowed by Hillary's infamous "disabled reporter" scam, more than a whole year after the whole country learned it was a fake.

Now you're trying to save face by making things up. Oh so Kovaleski didn't say >> "thousands of Muslims were celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers in Jersey "

Uh huh. Well, who said that he DID say that ? No one I know of. Here's exactly what Serge said, word for word, from HIS WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE >>>

"In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river."

Northern New Jersey Draws Probers' Eyes

Serge disavowed his own report, and when Trump hit back, imitating THAT DISAVOWAL (and only that), Hillary seized the opportunity to bash Trump by lying that it was an attack on Serge's disability. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for becoming a part of that underhanded deceit upon the American people.

I know it must have been humiliating for you, but you're just making it worse by now pretending, and trying to push the long ago discredited lie.

This really is a big waste of my time. You must be 10 years old. No offense to the 10 year olds of the world.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

What other President has lost the popular vote by 3 MILLION and still went on to win the Electoral college vote & become President? NONE.

Trump won the electoral college vote on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue states, who apparently aren't voting for him anymore. Because the 18th District in Pennyslvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue in a special election. Connor Lamb won.

To add--everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, by FBI director James Comey and Russian intervention, and along with the 3 million popular vote lead, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

They're going to make up for it this coming November. The anger in this country is palpable.


Oh yeah, 11 words and a number is impressive; not! The last time you impressed anyone was when you pulled your lip over your forehead and hid your face.
You know there is a TOPIC for this thread.

You could discuss THAT (or could you ?) :th_Back_2_Topic_2:
Where is the illegal voting in great numbers that Filthy Donald told us about?
What other President has lost the popular vote by 3 MILLION populuar votes and still went on to win the Electoral college vote & become President? NONE.

Trump won the electoral college vote on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue states, who apparently aren't voting for him anymore. Because the 18th District in Pennyslvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue in a special election. Connor Lamb won.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, by James Comey and Russian intervention, and along with the 3 million popular vote lead, makes Trump the most illegitimate President in this nations history.

They're going to make up for it this coming November. The anger in this country is palpable.


The big blue wave of 2018. Millions of deported illegal Mexicans on ships heading back to Vera Cruz. Yup, lots of blue wave, all right.

More of Chinese illegals on ships going across the Pacific.

Lots less VOTES for Democrats. Less and less every day.

I wonder what these blue wave boys are going to say when 2018 just turns out to be a repeat of 2014 and 2016 ? :biggrin:
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

No, it's not how the elections are run. It's how they SHOULD BE RUN.

Surely THE PEOPLE should have a say in who their leaders are. Rather than a political system.

Why should some people have more votes than others? Why should people in one state get a say on who the president is, while people in another state don't?

How is that fair, and how does that make democracy?

Hey stupid....

We don't live in a democracy. At least I don't. I live in a republic that consists of 50 states.

Good grief.

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