Hillary won the popular vote ... so???

What would have happened if the rules in the last election were switched to popular vote?

  • Hillary would still have won by the exact same 3 million popular vote margin

  • Trump would have run a different campaign and won the popular vote

  • It still would have been close, but there's no way to know who would have won

Results are only viewable after voting.
Its the feeling of voter fraud.

Its all a setup for the 2018 election.
If Trump feels there is fraud, he'll suspend the election.
If there is the same number of illegal aliens voting as in all the elections of the past, the 2018 election SHOULD BE SUSPENDED - until we get rid of all the illegals, mail voting is abolished, and citizenship proof becomes required in all 50 states.
What other President has lost the popular vote by 3 MILLION populuar votes and still went on to win the Electoral college vote & become President? NONE.

Trump won the electoral college vote on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue states, who apparently aren't voting for him anymore. Because the 18th District in Pennyslvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue in a special election. Connor Lamb won.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, by James Comey and Russian intervention, and along with the 3 million popular vote lead, makes Trump the most illegitimate President in this nations history.

They're going to make up for it this coming November. The anger in this country is palpable.


The big blue wave of 2018. Millions of deported illegal Mexicans on ships heading back to Vera Cruz. Yup, lots of blue wave, all right.

More of Chinese illegals on ships going across the Pacific.

Lots less VOTES for Democrats. Less and less every day.

I wonder what these blue wave boys are going to say when 2018 just turns out to be a repeat of 2014 and 2016 ? :biggrin:

No illegal is STUPID enough to walk into a voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote dumbass.---:auiqs.jpg:

But they did snatch a couple of Trump voters in 2016 trying to vote twice.

An Iowa woman charged with voting twice for Donald Trump last fall has pleaded guilty to election misconduct.Court records show Terri Lynn Rote entered a plea on June 27 to the felony charge and a district court judge in Des Moines accepted the plea. Sentencing is set for Aug. 15.Rote, who is 56 and lives in Des Moines, told police she turned in two absentee ballots before the November election because she believed Trump's unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged and that her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.
News - The Des Moines Register


A supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was arrested in Texas on Tuesday for allegedly trying to vote twice as part of an effort to “test the system,” the Fort Bend County sheriff’s office said.
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Since it was Trump that was campaigning on a rigged election, actually encouraging his supporters to do a mail in ballot and then head to the precinct--(because you don't know if they really count those mail in ballots.) I would check every single Trump voter to see that they didn't do the same and just got away with it.

Last edited:
Oh yeah, 11 words and a number is impressive; not! The last time you impressed anyone was when you pulled your lip over your forehead and hid your face.
You know there is a TOPIC for this thread.

You could discuss THAT (or could you ?) :th_Back_2_Topic_2:

You brought up ISIS dumbfuck.
You brought up immigration dumbfuck.
You brought up ebola dumbfuck.
You brought up gun free zones dumbfuck
You brought up men in women restrooms dumbfuck
You brought up Affirmative Action…


Sounds like you have trouble focusing. It must be that combat tour you pulled in 2016…took a few shells to the head did you?

PS: Hillary won the PV. GO!
So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

Why not both stupid AND lying? Democrats are sore losers and bad winners. Had Hillary won the election but lost the popular vote, theirs would be the loudest voice of all saying it was after all the law of the land and for us whiners to get over it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

Had Hillary won the election but lost the popular vote, theirs would be the loudest voice of all saying it was after all the law of the land and for us whiners to get over it.

You’re right about that. It will eventually happen to a Dem candidate. All the more reason to amend the Constitution to where the President must win both the EC and the PV.
She lost even though she received three million more votes. If the Republicans want to pretend that the EC vote gives them some kind of mandate, right in the face of the popular vote, that's up to them. You'd think they would realize that losing the popular vote should at least be a mitigating consideration, but that has not happened.

The next elections are coming up, and we'll see how that worked out for them.

I agree that Trumps victory was short of a mandate in part because of the popular vote. However on the other hand, this next election is not an indictment of the last election. The party which controls both houses and the presidency rarely holds them more than 2 years, and thus loosing congress while controlling the White House does not necessarily mean doom for the president. Ask Bill Clinton. The republicans had a majority the last 6 years of his presidency.
There could be a reason for that. Both parties are great at turning off the electorate when they have the power.

Maybe that should tell them that declaring they have a mandate and trying to shove their agendas down our throats isn't the best idea.
1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

But here was the problem. A lot of those people who voted for Johnson and Stein voted for them because they were told Hillary had their states in the bag, and there was no way Trump could win, and the polls bore this out.

Three million is hardly a "small" margin. It's larger than the margin in either 2000 or 2004.

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

Again, you work on the assumption that Trump wanted to win, or that this was anything but a branding/trolling excercise that went horribly wrong.

Every day, Trump demonstrates that he really didn't want to be president, and is unfit for the office.
There could be a reason for that. Both parties are great at turning off the electorate when they have the power.

Maybe that should tell them that declaring they have a mandate and trying to shove their agendas down our throats isn't the best idea.

Um, yeah, there's no reason why people should spend millions of dollars promoting an agenda and not doing anything about it.

Okay, reality check, for Pompous Mac.

Do you know why people get sick and tired of politicians once they are in office?

Because they realize nothing really changes.

All these wingnuts who vote for Republicans, and then find out abortion and gay marriage are still legal and nobody has rounded up that Mexican who is dating their daughter... that's why people get disillusioned.

Similarly, liberals (real liberals, not Islamophobic twats pretending to be liberals) vote to end the militarism and then they find out that they are still in Year 17 of a War on an Emotional State. The guy they elect is just as likely to use those pretty bombers as the guy they voted out.

Now, usually, this doesn't hurt the incumbant that badly, because people who voted for him aren't willing to admit they made a mistake. It hurts his party in midterms, and it hurts the poor schlub who picks up the check when it's over (Hillary, McCain, Gore).

The reality, though, is that 45% will vote for the Republican, no matter what. 48% will vote for the Democrat, no matter what. And 1% will vote for Third Party Assholes, because they are special and stuff.

So we are really fighting over 6% of the electorate.

The primary system does make both parties more radical because only the most committed (or ought to be committed) voters show up for them. Which is how we end up with an awful "Trump vs. Hillary" choice that no one really wanted, but yet 94% of the electorate voted for one of them at the end of the day.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
Hillary did not win the popular vote, because there is no popular vote to win.................

This fact will however not stop the mentally ill from babbling as Hillary can not stop doing itself
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?

Psst. They have Presidential elections every four years.

You're whining that I'm comparing your reaction to Trump to Obama's second term? The last election to the one before that because four years is an eternity to you and you can't be expected to stand behind what you said four years ago? How old are you? 12? Now that's funny.

I'm candycorn and I'm not responsible for what I post ...

And for Obama you laughed at anyone talking about PV and said EV EV EV EV EV ...

How you're EV? Doesn't matter.


I don’t deny I wrote it. I’m proud to have voted for Obama twice over he inferior Republicans he bested. Not sure why you’re so riled up about it. I could have cited Obama’ superior pv numbers as well. Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention both in the future and really give you snowflakes a hard time….will that make you any less miserable? I’m guessing it’s a permanent condition.

You really have a thing for me, don't you? Why the obsession with how I feel? I'm not interested, FYI. But wow, you got it bad for me. You bring up my feelings over and over. And wow, you're remarkably bad at it
The ugly New Zealander is back to look down his nose at the richest, most powerful country in the history of man. Go screw yourself if you are just here to be a dick.

Obviously you have no idea what principles our country was founded on and have never read or understood the Constitution. Maybe you should read up on that so you can participate in the discussion with meaningful content based on what the founders thought and why you disagree with it rather than writing vacuous crap about a country with 24 States larger than your entire country, Kiwi Man

A shit system is a shit system.

Typical leftist, you love tyranny of the majority.

Explain what the intent of the founders was in designing our system. You don't know, do you?
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!"

— Donald J. Trump tweet, November 7, 2012.

The idiot has worse spelling than a third grader. :lol:

Spelling phony phoney? You must really hate Obama for pronouncing corpsmen corpse men, huh? Funny, I don't remember that. Wow, you have a serious stick up your ass. As for your destain of the EV, let's go to the video tape!...
Oh man. Priceless!

Hey, dipshit. You missed "won". :lol:

What the hell are you talking about? I see though your campaign to fix typos across the internet rages on. How's that going?

What a clown.

On the subject though, here you're against the EV because your guy lost. Remember four years ago? And eight years ago? You loved it

My opinion is that Trump should not be president.

Neither should have Hillary.

So now we can listen to you alt right and far right flakes whine and cry as the "Remove Trump" movement picks up steam.
Jake try to control your emotions today. Why not do a little mind trick and think of 2009 when you were blowing kisses to your Messiah and doing him in your dreams???
And what about it? The below image is why those like gipper and brokeloser are scared shitless.
Obama also won more votes in both elections than Trump did in this one.

He won 365 (2008) and 332 (2012) electoral votes to Trump's 306.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

What other President has lost the popular vote by 3 MILLION and still went on to win the Electoral college vote & become President? NONE.

Trump won the electoral college vote on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue states, who apparently aren't voting for him anymore. Because the 18th District in Pennyslvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue in a special election. Connor Lamb won.

To add--everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, by FBI director James Comey and Russian intervention, and along with the 3 million popular vote lead, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

They're going to make up for it this coming November. The anger in this country is palpable.


Cool. Now try reading to my OP and address that
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!"

— Donald J. Trump tweet, November 7, 2012.

The idiot has worse spelling than a third grader. :lol:

Spelling phony phoney? You must really hate Obama for pronouncing corpsmen corpse men, huh? Funny, I don't remember that. Wow, you have a serious stick up your ass. As for your destain of the EV, let's go to the video tape!...
Oh man. Priceless!

Hey, dipshit. You missed "won". :lol:

What the hell are you talking about? I see though your campaign to fix typos across the internet rages on. How's that going?

What a clown.

On the subject though, here you're against the EV because your guy lost. Remember four years ago? And eight years ago? You loved it

My opinion is that Trump should not be president.

Neither should have Hillary.

So now we can listen to you alt right and far right flakes whine and cry as the "Remove Trump" movement picks up steam.
Jake try to control your emotions today. Why not do a little mind trick and think of 2009 when you were blowing kisses to your Messiah and doing him in your dreams???
And what about it? The below image is why those like gipper and brokeloser are scared shitless.
Obama also won more votes in both elections than Trump did in this one.

He won 365 (2008) and 332 (2012) electoral votes to Trump's 306.

Is this not perfect?
Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?

Psst. They have Presidential elections every four years.

You're whining that I'm comparing your reaction to Trump to Obama's second term? The last election to the one before that because four years is an eternity to you and you can't be expected to stand behind what you said four years ago? How old are you? 12? Now that's funny.

I'm candycorn and I'm not responsible for what I post ...

And for Obama you laughed at anyone talking about PV and said EV EV EV EV EV ...

How you're EV? Doesn't matter.


I don’t deny I wrote it. I’m proud to have voted for Obama twice over he inferior Republicans he bested. Not sure why you’re so riled up about it. I could have cited Obama’ superior pv numbers as well. Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention both in the future and really give you snowflakes a hard time….will that make you any less miserable? I’m guessing it’s a permanent condition.

You really have a thing for me, don't you? Why the obsession with how I feel? I'm not interested, FYI. But wow, you got it bad for me. You bring up my feelings over and over. And wow, you're remarkably bad at it

Yet somehow, you’re the one that keeps responding to me ass wipe. Feel free not to comment any longer.

As a trump worshiper, however, I think you have a pathological condition that forces you to respond to any mention of Hillary getting more votes than he does….you guys really can’t help yourself.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
Hillary did not win the popular vote, because there is no popular vote to win.................

This fact will however not stop the mentally ill from babbling as Hillary can not stop doing itself

She got more popular votes than the cheeto. That makes her the winner in that one metric.
Cold comfort to us who voted for Clinton. But somehow, it’s impossible for you guys to admit.
Alt Fact. Right now Obama is at 63% and the ratings have Trump at 39 to 42%. The Rasumssen poll is the exception proves the rule that Filthy Donald is disliked by the majority of America.
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

What other President has lost the popular vote by 3 MILLION and still went on to win the Electoral college vote & become President? NONE.

Trump won the electoral college vote on an accumulated vote total of a mere 76K votes coming out of 3 blue states, who apparently aren't voting for him anymore. Because the 18th District in Pennyslvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue in a special election. Connor Lamb won.

To add--everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, by FBI director James Comey and Russian intervention, and along with the 3 million popular vote lead, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

They're going to make up for it this coming November. The anger in this country is palpable.


Cool. Now try reading to my OP and address that
The president is mostly selected by swing states.
This is where most of the attention of presidential campaign is focused. Attention on solid blue or solid red states doesnt get you very far.

Case in point is the flood of twitter/fake news in swing states.
No illegal is STUPID enough to walk into a voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote dumbass.---:auiqs.jpg:

But they did snatch a couple of Trump voters in 2016 trying to vote twice.

Since it was Trump that was campaigning on a rigged election, actually encouraging his supporters to do a mail in ballot and then head to the precinct--(because you don't know if they really count those mail in ballots.) I would check every single Trump voter to see that they didn't do the same and just got away with it.
Since it is standard procedure for Democrats to campaign on a rigged election, loaded with illegal alien voters, I would "check every single voter" of all candidates, for citizenship, especially those who don't speak very good English (if they speak it at all). This will become less important over time, as more and more of the Democrats' foreign imports get deported. Since they still might be able to vote by mail (even from outside the USA), mail voting should be abolished.

That being said, it's no surprise that an information-deprived, know-nothing liberal would be so uninformed and misinformed, that you don't even know that illegal aliens have been voting by the millions in the US, for 70 years. We've all seen them all our lives, voting in the voting halls, and spoke to them (in Spanish of course) when after voting illegally, they openly brag about it. (especially if they've had a couple of beers)

There is virtually nothing to stop illegals from voting. 22 states don't even ask for an ID (of any kind). More still don't ask for photo IDs, and even the few that do, so what ? ANYBODY can have have a photo ID (ex. a job ID). That doesn't show citizenship, and thus eligibility to vote.

The reason why liberals are so misinformed/uniformed, is they watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and other leftist OMMSSION media, and restrict themselves to that.

The ugly New Zealander is back to look down his nose at the richest, most powerful country in the history of man. Go screw yourself if you are just here to be a dick.

Obviously you have no idea what principles our country was founded on and have never read or understood the Constitution. Maybe you should read up on that so you can participate in the discussion with meaningful content based on what the founders thought and why you disagree with it rather than writing vacuous crap about a country with 24 States larger than your entire country, Kiwi Man

A shit system is a shit system.

Typical leftist, you love tyranny of the majority.

Explain what the intent of the founders was in designing our system. You don't know, do you?

It doesn't matter anymore. Their reason for it is moot. It no longer takes months for news to reach rural areas. The founders were afraid of a direct democracy because so many of the masses back then we're uninformed, not by choice. That is no longer the case. You can choose to be uninformed like a Trump voter, but that's your choice.

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” Thomas Jefferson

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