Hillary won the popular vote ... so???

What would have happened if the rules in the last election were switched to popular vote?

  • Hillary would still have won by the exact same 3 million popular vote margin

  • Trump would have run a different campaign and won the popular vote

  • It still would have been close, but there's no way to know who would have won

Results are only viewable after voting.
You brought up ISIS dumbfuck.
You brought up immigration dumbfuck.
You brought up ebola dumbfuck.
You brought up gun free zones dumbfuck
You brought up men in women restrooms dumbfuck
You brought up Affirmative Action…dumbfuck.

Sounds like you have trouble focusing. It must be that combat tour you pulled in 2016…took a few shells to the head did you?

PS: Hillary won the PV. GO!
Had a bit too much to drink today ? Yeah I brought up ISIS (and Obama's collusion with them), immigration (Democrats method to try to sway elections), ebola (shows Obama lunacy), gun-free zones (the abominations that have gotten dozens of Americans killed), men in women restrooms (more liberal lunacy), and lastly, anti-white, malicious, illegal, racist, Affirmative action discrimination.

No trouble focusing for me. Any reason for the big empty space in your post ?
No, I won't say it. LOL Don't have to. :icon_rolleyes:

As for the PV, it's demeaning to talk about that, since it includes millions of illegal aliens. Better to talk about the AMERICAN PV, which if course, Trump won by a landslide. :biggrin:
You brought up ISIS dumbfuck.
You brought up immigration dumbfuck.
You brought up ebola dumbfuck.
You brought up gun free zones dumbfuck
You brought up men in women restrooms dumbfuck
You brought up Affirmative Action…dumbfuck.

Sounds like you have trouble focusing. It must be that combat tour you pulled in 2016…took a few shells to the head did you?

PS: Hillary won the PV. GO!
Had a bit too much to drink today ? Yeah I brought up ISIS (and Obama's collusion with them), immigration (Democrats method to try to sway elections), ebola (shows Obama lunacy), gun-free zones (the abominations that have gotten dozens of Americans killed), men in women restrooms (more liberal lunacy), and lastly, anti-white, malicious, illegal, racist, Affirmative action discrimination.

No trouble focusing for me. Any reason for the big empty space in your post ?
No, I won't say it. LOL Don't have to. :icon_rolleyes:

As for the PV, it's demeaning to talk about that, since it includes millions of illegal aliens. Better to talk about the AMERICAN PV, which if course, Trump won by a landslide. :biggrin:

Please tell us the verifiable exact amount of "non" American popular votes that Ms. Clinton received.... how you verified the number, and the same for Trump. And we'll compare them.
How she won it is not the issue. She won it. Which btw, in our country is only symbolic, and carries no measurable value. Don’t whine so much about something that doesn’t matter.

But it does matter, because if enough illegal votes add up to a majority, (maybe in 2020) it could win over the electoral votes of some states, and tip an election the wrong way.

So illegal voting matters, not the popular vote.
No has EVER demonstrated SIGNIFICANT voter fraud.

Nobody ever will.

Still, as I always do (pretty much), I think we should have a common national voting card with picture enclosed to make our elections and electoral process as sterile as possible. Two reasons: 1) the technology exists; its cheap, readily available, and demonstrated to work in other applications. 2)while large elections will never be swung by voter fraud (intentional or not), smaller elections that directly affect Americans' lives can be swung--for school boards, mayors, sheriff, etc...
You hear this from leftists all the time. It's irrelevant because that isn't how Presidential elections are run according to the Constitution. But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about how it's still irrelevant because:

1) Voters know if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules. Many Republicans voted for Gary Johnson (I know many of them) or didn't show up. And many leftists voted for Jill Stein or didn't show up

2) Neither Hillary nor Trump would have run the campaign they did if the election had different rules. That was decisive in this election as Trump won because he focused more on the light blue States in the Midwest than Hillary. Something he'd have never done if the rules were the popular vote

So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?
Hillary did not win the popular vote, because there is no popular vote to win.................

This fact will however not stop the mentally ill from babbling as Hillary can not stop doing itself

She got more popular votes than the cheeto. That makes her the winner in that one metric.
Cold comfort to us who voted for Clinton. But somehow, it’s impossible for you guys to admit.

So Hillary lost to a cheeto..................Glad that you are admitting the truth. In reality if Trump is a cheeto, Hillary would be the bag.

Oh yeah, 11 words and a number is impressive; not! The last time you impressed anyone was when you pulled your lip over your forehead and hid your face.
You know there is a TOPIC for this thread.

You could discuss THAT (or could you ?) :th_Back_2_Topic_2:

You brought up ISIS dumbfuck.
You brought up immigration dumbfuck.
You brought up ebola dumbfuck.
You brought up gun free zones dumbfuck
You brought up men in women restrooms dumbfuck
You brought up Affirmative Action…


Sounds like you have trouble focusing. It must be that combat tour you pulled in 2016…took a few shells to the head did you?

PS: Hillary won the PV. GO!

Go where ?

To the White House.....uh no.
So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

Had Hillary won the election but lost the popular vote, theirs would be the loudest voice of all saying it was after all the law of the land and for us whiners to get over it.

You’re right about that. It will eventually happen to a Dem candidate. All the more reason to amend the Constitution to where the President must win both the EC and the PV.

a). The Electoral Vote is based on the popular vote, state, by state.
b). If you are going to do that, then fix the voting system so we know votes are all legal (no duplicates, illegals or dead people).
c). The two systems work contrary to each other as the first ensures equal representation by the states while the other is based on mob rule, so you would have many elections where no one would win both, then what do you do?

The best system is the one we already have, we just need to clean it up by reforming voting laws that each voter shows his ID to prove it is really him that is voting as a bone fide legal citizen.
So Democrats, are you just lying or are you actually so stupid you really don't grasp this?

Had Hillary won the election but lost the popular vote, theirs would be the loudest voice of all saying it was after all the law of the land and for us whiners to get over it.

You’re right about that. It will eventually happen to a Dem candidate. All the more reason to amend the Constitution to where the President must win both the EC and the PV.

a). The Electoral Vote is based on the popular vote, state, by state.
b). If you are going to do that, then fix the voting system so we know votes are all legal (no duplicates, illegals or dead people).
Which is why I favor a national, standardized voter ID card that is free to the voters with a picture ID. That way, there are no different requirements on what is valid or invalid across state lines; you can vote anywhere in the nation but your vote is counted in your resident state (some people work out of state so this helps them be able to vote, you see), and it can be used for a myriad of other things to eliminate the widely held myth that the Voter Registration Rolls cause you to get jury summons and other things some people find punitive about our current system.

c). The two systems work contrary to each other as the first ensures equal representation by the states while the other is based on mob rule, so you would have many elections where no one would win both, then what do you do?
The current system under the 12th Amendment is adequate. That is why it is there. And, just an FYI, I studied it a few times and found that only once would there likely have been a different President in the 4 (or 5) times the PV and EC were in conflict.

The best system is the one we already have, we just need to clean it up by reforming voting laws that each voter shows his ID to prove it is really him that is voting as a bone fide legal citizen.

That is a valid statement except I cannot for the life of me figure out why someone would want a President who wasn't selected by a plurality of the voters. Because the EC does not guarantee that the elected person gets the plurality of the votes. My addition of the PV being necessary does.

Can you think of any scenario in your life where the majority didn't rule when it came to an election outside of the Presidential election? Arguably, it's the most important job there is in the nation and we leave it to faith that the EC will satisfy us.

One other thing, keep in mind the following... Only about 55% of the registered voters voted in 2016. The state with the lowest percentage turnout was Hawaii at 50% of the eligible citizens (not RV's) casting ballots. Then there were a few small states until you get to 46th place in terms of lowest number of citizens voting. In 46th place was Texas and 38 electoral votes. As I recall, 47-49 are also red states. The historically GOP strongholds are the states that can show the greatest improvement in terms of vote casting.... All the more reason to have bi-partisan support for the idea.
Please tell us the verifiable exact amount of "non" American popular votes that Ms. Clinton received.... how you verified the number, and the same for Trump. And we'll compare them.
1. What for ?

2. I've already posted how I verified the number (millions) of popular votes, earlier in the thread. Have you read it ?
Please tell us the verifiable exact amount of "non" American popular votes that Ms. Clinton received.... how you verified the number, and the same for Trump. And we'll compare them.
1. What for ?

2. I've already posted how I verified the number (millions) of popular votes, earlier in the thread. Have you read it ?

No. How many did she get vs Trump?
The acid washed Hillary Clinton emails might still exist. I would love to get my hands on those. And if you think they are actually about yoga then I have a brand new Rembrandt I'd like to sell you
No has EVER demonstrated SIGNIFICANT voter fraud.
FALSE! I demonstrated it repeatedly, in USMB for years. And denying it, is like denying that fish can swim. Has anyone ever proved that ? Sure, just by seeing them doing it, all across America. :biggrin:
Nobody ever will.

Still, as I always do (pretty much), I think we should have a common national voting card with picture enclosed to make our elections and electoral process as sterile as possible. Two reasons: 1) the technology exists; its cheap, readily available, and demonstrated to work in other applications. 2)while large elections will never be swung by voter fraud (intentional or not), smaller elections that directly affect Americans' lives can be swung--for school boards, mayors, sheriff, etc...
1. The card you suggest would be not much better than ordinary ID cards, if they don't prove CITIZENSHIP.

2. The presidential election is a large election, but it is composed of smaller elections (states)
The acid washed Hillary Clinton emails might still exist. I would love to get my hands on those. And if you think they are actually about yoga then I have a brand new Rembrandt I'd like to sell you
The NSA has every one of them, this is a really sad fact as the NSA does not work for America or her people. This is what Snowden pointed out

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