Hillary won the popular vote ... so???

What would have happened if the rules in the last election were switched to popular vote?

  • Hillary would still have won by the exact same 3 million popular vote margin

  • Trump would have run a different campaign and won the popular vote

  • It still would have been close, but there's no way to know who would have won

Results are only viewable after voting.
Oops, there you are failing to deflect how much less popular than Obama was Trump.
And here you are to remind us how illiterate you are. lol

Like I said earlier... you people are dumb. :)
poor tycho

Too damn funny. One would think you'd come up with something more recent than 5 years ago if it were truly an obsession. Obama won both the PV and the EC vote. Not since Bush 41 has a republican taken the oval with victories in both columns. I guess when you're universally thought of as warmongers and womanizers all you can do is complain about 5 year old posts?

Psst. They have Presidential elections every four years.

You're whining that I'm comparing your reaction to Trump to Obama's second term? The last election to the one before that because four years is an eternity to you and you can't be expected to stand behind what you said four years ago? How old are you? 12? Now that's funny.

I'm candycorn and I'm not responsible for what I post ...

And for Obama you laughed at anyone talking about PV and said EV EV EV EV EV ...

How you're EV? Doesn't matter.


I don’t deny I wrote it. I’m proud to have voted for Obama twice over he inferior Republicans he bested. Not sure why you’re so riled up about it. I could have cited Obama’ superior pv numbers as well. Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention both in the future and really give you snowflakes a hard time….will that make you any less miserable? I’m guessing it’s a permanent condition.
The ugly New Zealander is back to look down his nose at the richest, most powerful country in the history of man. Go screw yourself if you are just here to be a dick.

Obviously you have no idea what principles our country was founded on and have never read or understood the Constitution. Maybe you should read up on that so you can participate in the discussion with meaningful content based on what the founders thought and why you disagree with it rather than writing vacuous crap about a country with 24 States larger than your entire country, Kiwi Man

A shit system is a shit system.
The popular vote?
The popular vote that saw one Detroit voting precinct report 200 votes for Hillary, but could only produce 50 ballots from out of the ballot box upon Jill Stein recount. If Detroit is like this what are Chicago and New York like?
Then there's that little incident out of the 2012 election that saw 175,000 registered voters in Florida's St Lucie County cast 250,000 ballots.
Debbie Wasserman Schulz really, really did not want Col Allen West representing the state of Florida alongside her in the House of Representatives.
In this coming civil war, those missing ballots will not be able to load, shoulder, aim or fire a rifle and those will be the only ballots that count.

Credible links to this please, Mr Conspiracy Theory Whackadoodle...
I don’t deny I wrote it. I’m proud to have voted for Obama twice over he inferior Republicans he bested. Not sure why you’re so riled up about it. I could have cited Obama’ superior pv numbers as well. Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention both in the future and really give you snowflakes a hard time….will that make you any less miserable? I’m guessing it’s a permanent condition.
So you support ISIS and the al Baghdadi collusion, foreigners taking jobs away from Americans, Muslim loonies flocking into the US, allowing Ebola in, helping Americans to be massacred in "gun-free" zones, Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, men in womens' restrooms, and a 1.2 GDP growth rate (that he dumped on Trump in Jan. 2017).

We got it.
The popular vote?
The popular vote that saw one Detroit voting precinct report 200 votes for Hillary, but could only produce 50 ballots from out of the ballot box upon Jill Stein recount. If Detroit is like this what are Chicago and New York like?
Then there's that little incident out of the 2012 election that saw 175,000 registered voters in Florida's St Lucie County cast 250,000 ballots.
Debbie Wasserman Schulz really, really did not want Col Allen West representing the state of Florida alongside her in the House of Representatives.
In this coming civil war, those missing ballots will not be able to load, shoulder, aim or fire a rifle and those will be the only ballots that count.

Credible links to this please, Mr Conspiracy Theory Whackadoodle...
In Detroit, it was mistakes by poll workers rather than voter fraud.

In St. Lucie County Florida: baseless accusation of voter fraud

Bailey McCaughey voter for Trump twice.
The popular vote?
The popular vote that saw one Detroit voting precinct report 200 votes for Hillary, but could only produce 50 ballots from out of the ballot box upon Jill Stein recount. If Detroit is like this what are Chicago and New York like?
Then there's that little incident out of the 2012 election that saw 175,000 registered voters in Florida's St Lucie County cast 250,000 ballots.
Debbie Wasserman Schulz really, really did not want Col Allen West representing the state of Florida alongside her in the House of Representatives.
In this coming civil war, those missing ballots will not be able to load, shoulder, aim or fire a rifle and those will be the only ballots that count.

Credible links to this please, Mr Conspiracy Theory Whackadoodle...
In Detroit, it was mistakes by poll workers rather than voter fraud.

In St. Lucie County Florida: baseless accusation of voter fraud

Bailey McCaughey voter for Trump twice.

Hmmm...guess you forgot to include "accidently"...dumbass.
Calling me a liar when you can't prove me wrong only serves to paint you as the liar.
Of course I proved you wrong. You didn't know the disabled reporter TV ad was a hoax.......and when you laughably claimed you weren't wrong, you were lying. And you still are now.

You know once, a scientist who claimed the earth was flat was proven wrong. Everybody soon came to know he was wrong. And he still insisted he was right. Only thing he accomplished from that, was making a fool out of himself. :rolleyes:
She lost even though she received three million more votes. If the Republicans want to pretend that the EC vote gives them some kind of mandate, right in the face of the popular vote, that's up to them. You'd think they would realize that losing the popular vote should at least be a mitigating consideration, but that has not happened.

The next elections are coming up, and we'll see how that worked out for them.

I agree that Trumps victory was short of a mandate in part because of the popular vote. However on the other hand, this next election is not an indictment of the last election. The party which controls both houses and the presidency rarely holds them more than 2 years, and thus loosing congress while controlling the White House does not necessarily mean doom for the president. Ask Bill Clinton. The republicans had a majority the last 6 years of his presidency.
Calling me a liar when you can't prove me wrong only serves to paint you as the liar.
Of course I proved you wrong. You didn't know the disabled reporter TV ad was a hoax.......and when you laughably claimed you weren't wrong, you were lying. And you still are now.

You know once, a scientist who claimed the earth was flat was proven wrong. Everybody soon came to know he was wrong. And he still insisted he was right. Only thing he accomplished from that, was making a fool out of himself. :rolleyes:

You don't prove something wrong by merely saying it.

Crazy Donald mocked him. Of that, there is no doubt...

Trump: "You gotta see this guy!"


Maybe you're just overly sensitive because you're so old? Shit, you're sooo old, the candles on your birthday cake cost more than the cake itself.
I agree that Trumps victory was short of a mandate in part because of the popular vote. However on the other hand, this next election is not an indictment of the last election. The party which controls both houses and the presidency rarely holds them more than 2 years, and thus loosing congress while controlling the White House does not necessarily mean doom for the president. Ask Bill Clinton. The republicans had a majority the last 6 years of his presidency.
You are among many others who are brainwashed into thinking that Hillary won the popular vote. She did only with about half of Mexico voting for her.
You don't prove something wrong by merely saying it.

Crazy Donald mocked him. Of that, there is no doubt...

Trump: "You gotta see this guy!"

Maybe you're just overly sensitive because you're so old? Shit, you're sooo old, the candles on your birthday cake cost more than the cake itself.
Yes, Trump mocked him, as he should have because Kovaleski DESERVED that, since he lied about his Sept. 2001 Washington Post article (which you initially knew nothing about)

You simply picked up on Hillary's distortion of the video, making it appear to be about a disability, and you fell for it.
I agree that Trumps victory was short of a mandate in part because of the popular vote. However on the other hand, this next election is not an indictment of the last election. The party which controls both houses and the presidency rarely holds them more than 2 years, and thus loosing congress while controlling the White House does not necessarily mean doom for the president. Ask Bill Clinton. The republicans had a majority the last 6 years of his presidency.
You are among many others who are brainwashed into thinking that Hillary won the popular vote. She did only with about half of Mexico voting for her.
Still a figment of your conservative imagination.
You don't prove something wrong by merely saying it.

Crazy Donald mocked him. Of that, there is no doubt...

Trump: "You gotta see this guy!"

Maybe you're just overly sensitive because you're so old? Shit, you're sooo old, the candles on your birthday cake cost more than the cake itself.
Yes, Trump mocked him, as he should have because Kovaleski DESERVED that, since he lied about his Sept. 2001 Washington Post article (which you initially knew nothing about)

You simply picked up on Hillary's distortion of the video, making it appear to be about a disability, and you fell for it.
Kovaleski did not lie about his original article. There is something seriously wrong with you, gramps. :eusa_doh:
I agree that Trumps victory was short of a mandate in part because of the popular vote. However on the other hand, this next election is not an indictment of the last election. The party which controls both houses and the presidency rarely holds them more than 2 years, and thus loosing congress while controlling the White House does not necessarily mean doom for the president. Ask Bill Clinton. The republicans had a majority the last 6 years of his presidency.
You are among many others who are brainwashed into thinking that Hillary won the popular vote. She did only with about half of Mexico voting for her.

How she won it is not the issue. She won it. Which btw, in our country is only symbolic, and carries no measurable value. Don’t whine so much about something that doesn’t matter.
Kovaleski did not lie about his original article. There is something seriously wrong with you, gramps. :eusa_doh:
Are you deranged ? Of course he did, and everyone in America has known that for more than a year,(except you)

So now you try to wiggle out of your laughingstock sig. Too late,.... how long have you been running it now ? You just got caught doing something stupid. Let it be a lesson to you. Never listen to or believe lying liberals (like Hillary Clinton)

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