Hillary's Long-Time Aid a Hitman!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Larry Nichols claims Clintons paid him to rough up and then kill those who opposed them. Read the story @ Former Hillary Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man? Admits to Killing for Money : Freedom Outpost and THEN comment.

Oh yeah, he also claims Hillary's a dyke and Chelsea is actually Web Hubble's child.

Will this come out again when she runs for president? And, will the low information voters even care?


So some AM radio whackjob brings on another whackjob who can "confirm" some whackjob shit, and the bigger whackjob goes off script with shit that is even too whacky for the AM radio whackjob.

And you drank and drank and drank and drank that piss, eh? :lol:
Larry Nichols claims Clintons paid him to rough up and then kill those who opposed them. Read the story @ Former Hillary Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man? Admits to Killing for Money : Freedom Outpost and THEN comment.

Oh yeah, he also claims Hillary's a dyke and Chelsea is actually Web Hubble's child.

Will this come out again when she runs for president? And, will the low information voters even care?


Will this come out again before the election? With the MSM in the corner for the dems? Doubtful. Will the low information voters care? Seriously? 90% of these clowns don't know what day of the week it is, let alone who the hell MIGHT even run.

Is Hillary a Dyke? Most likely. Is Chelsea actually Webb Hubble's child? No clue. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Look. When Bill was "president" there were always these rumors. The famous tantrums in the White House by Hillary. The comings and goings of women in the middle of the night for Bill. The mysterious death of Vince Foster. The dealings of the Clintons with Tyson foods in Arkansas. The crap that went on (with the full knowledge of Clinton) at the Mena Airport in Arkansas. The allegations of rape from various women and the subsequent harassment of these women by "persons unknown" claiming to be from "Bill". And, finally, the Lewinsky episode in the Oval Office.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are trailer trash. Always have been and always will be.

With all this going on - and the rumors of Hillary "The Wide" Clinton preparing a run for president - why WOULDN'T Larry Nichols come out with a "tell all" book?

Is it true? If it were anyone else, I would scoff at it. But being the Clintons....I wouldn't doubt it in the least.
If what he says is true, then he wouldn't be spouting off about it. The democrats have long used assassination as a political tool. Look at who obama has had killed! The only reason Edward Snowden is still alive is because he left the country.
HACK: I have with me today Tug McGroin who is going to confirm that our government officials are all alien lizards.

TUG: Not only that, Satan is putting AIDS in breakfast cereal!

HACK: Uhhh. We're going to take a commercial break.

LONGKNIFE: Didja hear that? Satan is putting AIDS in breakfast cereal and the low information voters are going to ignore it.
HACK: I have with me today Tug McGroin who is going to confirm that our government officials are all alien lizards.

TUG: Not only that, Satan is putting AIDS in breakfast cereal!

HACK: Uhhh. We're going to take a commercial break.

LONGKNIFE: Didja hear that? Satan is putting AIDS in breakfast cereal and the low information voters are going to ignore it.
ZOMG, the low information voters won't care. they want free stuff, and the lame soros media are hitlery's slaves.

respect my opinion!!1!!
Hillary sucks. Therefore, anything bad anyone says about her is the gospel truth. Ipso facto, no evidence needed.

Hillary's a dyke mob boss. I heard it on the radio so you know it's true!
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I don't know, but Chelsea does seem to have Webb Hubbles nose. :)


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If you don't believe every made up thing about Hillary, you are a Clinton plant! :mad:
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Larry Nichols claims Clintons paid him to rough up and then kill those who opposed them. Read the story @ Former Hillary Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man? Admits to Killing for Money : Freedom Outpost and THEN comment.

Oh yeah, he also claims Hillary's a dyke and Chelsea is actually Web Hubble's child.

Will this come out again when she runs for president? And, will the low information voters even care?


Will this come out again before the election? With the MSM in the corner for the dems? Doubtful. Will the low information voters care? Seriously? 90% of these clowns don't know what day of the week it is, let alone who the hell MIGHT even run.

Is Hillary a Dyke? Most likely. Is Chelsea actually Webb Hubble's child? No clue. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Look. When Bill was "president" there were always these rumors. The famous tantrums in the White House by Hillary. The comings and goings of women in the middle of the night for Bill. The mysterious death of Vince Foster. The dealings of the Clintons with Tyson foods in Arkansas. The crap that went on (with the full knowledge of Clinton) at the Mena Airport in Arkansas. The allegations of rape from various women and the subsequent harassment of these women by "persons unknown" claiming to be from "Bill". And, finally, the Lewinsky episode in the Oval Office.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are trailer trash. Always have been and always will be.

With all this going on - and the rumors of Hillary "The Wide" Clinton preparing a run for president - why WOULDN'T Larry Nichols come out with a "tell all" book?

Is it true? If it were anyone else, I would scoff at it. But being the Clintons....I wouldn't doubt it in the least.

I agree. I doubt its true. Its just some whackjob who used to work for them trying to sell a book or get his 15 minutes of fame.

But like you, I wouldn't be surprised if it were found to be true.

The Clinton's have loads of baggage and are hardly as pure as the driven snow.

Once a Shyster always a Shyster.
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I lived in Arkansas when the Clinton's ran the gov's house. We all voted for him to be president, so he'd get the hell out of Arkansas, same with Hillary.
That's okay, they're about 20 dollars cheaper than a few years back. I had to get my kid a new one. It was 8 dollars. The same one that i used to buy for 30 bucks, the slimline display key board. It's tough typing on a larger keyboard with very sensitive keys.
That's okay, they're about 20 dollars cheaper than a few years back. I had to get my kid a new one. It was 8 dollars. The same one that i used to buy for 30 bucks, the slimline display key board. It's tough typing on a larger keyboard with very sensitive keys.

That's fine. I'm an old guy. I use that one with the great big yellow, glow in the dark keys....I'll be expecting the UPS man any day now....:lol:

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