Hired as a diversity expert, then fired over his stance on race

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
You can't make this stuff up.........

I've worked in corporate offices at the executive level for over 20 years now. I can tell you for a FACT that "diversity" does NOT mean the same thing to company executives, that it does to "people on the street"!!!

"Diversity" to any businesses, corporations, or organizations corporate level executives, means this:

Hiring enough "colors" to satisfy government regulations, so the company doesn't get fined, and can keep getting government kickbacks for having said "diverse employees". This is why companies are fucked up today. They don't hire who is RIGHT for the job, they hire who is the right COLOR for the job, or the right SEX for the job.

"Diversity" in the workplace has absolutely NOTHING to do with competent employees, and EVERYTHING to do with government regulations.........which the DEMOCRATS put into play back in the 60's and called it "Affirmative Action"!!!

Apparently this guy wasn't the kind of "diverse" that would be working for the hospitals corrupt and narcissistic agenda's.
You can't make this stuff up.........

I've worked in corporate offices at the executive level for over 20 years now. I can tell you for a FACT that "diversity" does NOT mean the same thing to company executives, that it does to "people on the street"!!!

"Diversity" to any businesses, corporations, or organizations corporate level executives, means this:

Hiring enough "colors" to satisfy government regulations, so the company doesn't get fined, and can keep getting government kickbacks for having said "diverse employees". This is why companies are fucked up today. They don't hire who is RIGHT for the job, they hire who is the right COLOR for the job, or the right SEX for the job.

"Diversity" in the workplace has absolutely NOTHING to do with competent employees, and EVERYTHING to do with government regulations.........which the DEMOCRATS put into play back in the 60's and called it "Affirmative Action"!!!

Apparently this guy wasn't the kind of "diverse" that would be working for the hospitals corrupt and narcissistic agenda's.
Those diversity gigs must be pretty cool and pay big bucks. Did you see all those smiling diversity guys in the article? They look really happy to be diversity guys. No Latino diversity guys. No Asian diversity guys. No Native American diversity guys. No diversity women. Nothing says diversity like a smiling upper middle aged black guy. Who knew?
It's always entertaining to watch left terms fight over who is left enough. I have a question though, with exception of the message the Biden & Obama administrations send Americans that people should be hired based on the color of their skin, since when is that okay?

Anything is OK, as long as it serves the Dems corrupt and illegal policies and agendas.
You can't make this stuff up.........

I've worked in corporate offices at the executive level for over 20 years now. I can tell you for a FACT that "diversity" does NOT mean the same thing to company executives, that it does to "people on the street"!!!

"Diversity" to any businesses, corporations, or organizations corporate level executives, means this:

Hiring enough "colors" to satisfy government regulations, so the company doesn't get fined, and can keep getting government kickbacks for having said "diverse employees". This is why companies are fucked up today. They don't hire who is RIGHT for the job, they hire who is the right COLOR for the job, or the right SEX for the job.

"Diversity" in the workplace has absolutely NOTHING to do with competent employees, and EVERYTHING to do with government regulations.........which the DEMOCRATS put into play back in the 60's and called it "Affirmative Action"!!!

Apparently this guy wasn't the kind of "diverse" that would be working for the hospitals corrupt and narcissistic agenda's.
Diversity means hiring folks you normally would avoid hiring.
Not because of their skin color....but because they are unqualified or have something in their background that would make them a bad employee.
Diversity was the first stage of systemic-racism that Obama put into operation.
The second one which was invented after Jan 6th, was an attempt to get rid of Trump Supporters....which was quickly changed to vaccine-mandates.
Vaccine-mandates effect blacks more than whites.....but they tend to avoid asking blacks if they've had a vaccine.
It's just assumed that they had one......even though statistics say only 25% of blacks got the jab.
Course they lied to us and said blacks were getting it more often than whites.....but we all know now that's horse manure. This is why they still wear those stupid masks everywhere.
It's like a sign that says "I'M BLACK"
Not to mention the absolute fact that Biden isn't imposing mandates on illegals.....and now wants to pay them $450,000.00 for each child they claim they were separated from under the Evil Orangeman.

BTW, if you were unlucky enough to have this happen under Obama or Biden you're shit out of luck.
I can only refer and urge all readers to remember what Thomas Jefferson wrote to William Stephens Smith the Son-in-law of John Adams....
It was true during the turbulent times of 1787 and continues to hold true today. I submit a copy of his letter for all to read.....

"I do not know whether it is to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it: and very bad. I do not know which preponderate. What we have lately read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a Chief magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been disposed towards one: and what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. Wonderful is the effect of impudent and persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion.1 The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusets: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in god this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.2"
The fuck does a race expert need with a luxury car? lol. HOw much are they paying this man to be black?

"what they want is people who look different htan them not think different than them"


What the fuck are you expecting here? lol

"someplace where you would play"....? Sounds like he's pointing out there is a golf course. This shit is unhinged.
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
I've worked in corporate offices at the executive level for over 20 years now. I can tell you for a FACT that "diversity" does NOT mean the same thing to company executives, that it does to "people on the street"!!!

Well if you have worked in corporate offices for 20 years then I'm pretty sure you know that most jobs are never advertised

I'm pretty sure you know that

And reliance on networking and connections for obtaining the best jobs massively advantages whites and disadvantages blk ppl irrespective of merit.

The only way to solve that problem is to create policies and practices that push against the exclusivity of networking and connections — like deliberate and targeted outreach to persons not typically in those networks.
Diversity means hiring folks you normally would avoid hiring.
Not because of their skin color....but because they are unqualified or have something in their background that would make them a bad employee.
Diversity was the first stage of systemic-racism that Obama put into operation.
The second one which was invented after Jan 6th, was an attempt to get rid of Trump Supporters....which was quickly changed to vaccine-mandates.
Vaccine-mandates effect blacks more than whites.....but they tend to avoid asking blacks if they've had a vaccine.
It's just assumed that they had one......even though statistics say only 25% of blacks got the jab.
Course they lied to us and said blacks were getting it more often than whites.....but we all know now that's horse manure. This is why they still wear those stupid masks everywhere.
It's like a sign that says "I'M BLACK"
Not to mention the absolute fact that Biden isn't imposing mandates on illegals.....and now wants to pay them $450,000.00 for each child they claim they were separated from under the Evil Orangeman.

BTW, if you were unlucky enough to have this happen under Obama or Biden you're shit out of luck.

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
This is why companies are fucked up today.

How they fked up ? You run everything white man. You own everything white man. Wamart, Apple, Amazon, Berskire Hathaway, Nike, Coke, KFCm Shell, BP, Microsoft, Coscto, Ford, General Motors, Delta Airlines to name but few ? You think blk ppl have any muscle in those companies ? The fk you talking about ?

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
Hiring enough "colors" to satisfy government regulations, so the company doesn't get fined, and can keep getting government kickbacks for having said "diverse employees".

Where dude ? I want to know were are all these good white people that are running around trying to hire all these dumb undeserving blk ppl ahead of you well deserving white people ? Show me ? That's what you are claiming right ?. I mean sure you ain't got the guts to bring it like that....but that's really what you saying

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
They don't hire who is RIGHT for the job, they hire who is the right COLOR for the job, or the right SEX for the job.

Who is right for the job ? Will this person “fit in” with the company? Do they have “enough” experience?All of these evaluations are judgment calls and if you are blk you will be on the wrong end of that judgement calls

As a person who has 20 years experience (again) I'm pretty sure you know that
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
This is why companies are fucked up today.

How they fked up ? You run everything white man. You own everything white man. Wamart, Apple, Amazon, Berskire Hathaway, Nike, Coke, KFCm Shell, BP, Microsoft, Coscto, Ford, General Motors, Delta Airlines to name but few ? You think blk ppl have any muscle in those companies ? The fk you talking about ?

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
Hiring enough "colors" to satisfy government regulations, so the company doesn't get fined, and can keep getting government kickbacks for having said "diverse employees".

Where dude ? I want to know were are all these good white people that are running around trying to hire all these dumb undeserving blk ppl ahead of you well deserving white people ? Show me ? That's what you are claiming right ?. I mean sure you ain't got the guts to bring it like that....but that's really what you saying

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
They don't hire who is RIGHT for the job, they hire who is the right COLOR for the job, or the right SEX for the job.

Who is right for the job ? Will this person “fit in” with the company? Do they have “enough” experience?All of these evaluations are judgment calls and if you are blk you will be on the wrong end of that judgement calls

As a person who has 20 years experience (again) I'm pretty sure you know that

We have been able to prove the average black employee is markedly below their average white peer since I was born

That's what affirmative action specifically sets out to do....?

The fuck?
We have been able to prove the average black employee is markedly below their average white peer since I was born

That's what affirmative action specifically sets out to do....?
A white person would rather hire a white person who was muderering criminal or a white men who was an armed robber than a black man that is clean

So when white people seek admission to a university, apply for a job, or hunt for an apartment almost all of the people evaluating you for those things look like you (they are white)

They see in you a reflection of themselves and in a racist world that is an advantage. You smile. You're white. You're one of them. Even when you get angry, you're cut some slack. After all, you're white.
A white person would rather hire a white person who was muderering criminal or a white men who was an armed robber than a black man that is clean

So when white people seek admission to a university, apply for a job, or hunt for an apartment almost all of the people evaluating you for those things look like you (they are white)

They see in you a reflection of themselves and in a racist world that is an advantage. You smile. You're white. You're one of them. Even when you get angry, you're cut some slack. After all, you're white.

While I don't doubt there is some truth to this....

Affirmative action makes the job market better not worse for blacks than everyone else....And that is again born out by performance metrics, aptitude tests, and just about any other metric you might care about as an employer.

Especially if you're not retarded. Does AA do you any good at mcdonalds? Probably not. Especially if your name is Jaquan and not Martin.

But if you have a name like Will Freeman and a college degree most black Americans will get better positions than their white peers with equivalent resumes WITH EASE. You may not become CEO. But you will move up the chain a lot faster. And god knows if the management felt you were aligned with them ideologically they would love to hand the whole ship to you.

Everyone gets promoted to their level of incompetence, the Peter Principcle. But when you add affirmative action on top of that you get black people getting moved above the rest of us relative to our skills. Which is again why you can consistently measure whites and black peers and see such stark results. The bar is lower for black AMerica because of AA

Yet still here you whine as if our society hasn't done this for again the whole time I've been alive. And certainly the whole time you've been in the labor market, probably your whole life too

Why do Asians tend to over perform white peers on various metrics? Because they have the exact opposite problem of being over represented in fields like accounting or engineering. Cultural assimilation problems too but most AA not working out for them
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Why do Asians tend to over perform white peers on various metrics?

Because whites don't treat Asian like they are better than them otherwise you would agree that.....

1. Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.

2. Hollywood films should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian. They should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people

3. World history and news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news. Others need appear only as tokens or contributors to Asians

4. Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good, carpet-bombing them or sending in drones if necessary. Asians know best.

5. Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. IQ data shows they are the smartest.

6. Asian couples should be portrayed as the most socially desirable couples everywhere.

7. We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.

8. Fashion models should be mainly Asians

9. Asian” nations should colonize by European nations, like Germany, UK, Italy, Spain.

Almost no White person seriously makes this sort of argument.

Even though it follows from the “facts” and style of reasoning that White racists use all the time about how great Asians are. That is because deep down racism is not about fact but feeling and I always find it funny that the people who talk about great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

Dude the old "Look at how great the Asians are doing. There's something wrong with you black" is even Asian are getting tired if it

Because they have the exact opposite problem of being over represented in fields like accounting or engineering. Cultural assimilation problems too but most AA not working out for them

To compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a THOUSAND YEARS and is still INTACT with a people who were enslaved for 500 YEARS and in the process were ROBBED of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land

is just plain STUPID.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,m police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations,

Affirmative action makes the job market better not worse for blacks than everyone else....And that is again born out by performance metrics, aptitude tests, and just about any other metric you might care about as an employer.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Especially if you're not retarded. Does AA do you any good at mcdonalds? Probably not. Especially if your name is Jaquan and not Martin.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

But if you have a name like Will Freeman and a college degree most black Americans will get better positions than their white peers with equivalent resumes WITH EASE.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

You may not become CEO. But you will move up the chain a lot faster. And god knows if the management felt you were aligned with them ideologically they would love to hand the whole ship to you.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Everyone gets promoted to their level of incompetence, the Peter Principcle. But when you add affirmative action on top of that you get black people getting moved above the rest of us relative to our skills.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Which is again why you can consistently measure whites and black peers and see such stark results. The bar is lower for black AMerica because of AA

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Yet still here you whine as if our society hasn't done this for again the whole time I've been alive. And certainly the whole time you've been in the labor market, probably your whole life too

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.
A white person would rather hire a white person who was muderering criminal or a white men who was an armed robber than a black man that is clean

So when white people seek admission to a university, apply for a job, or hunt for an apartment almost all of the people evaluating you for those things look like you (they are white)

They see in you a reflection of themselves and in a racist world that is an advantage. You smile. You're white. You're one of them. Even when you get angry, you're cut some slack. After all, you're white.
So untrue. It’s your imagination to think just because the boss is white that he will hire a white criminal over a black citizen with a clean record. I sure as hell wouldn’t and don’t know of anyone who has.
Why do Asians tend to over perform white peers on various metrics?

Because whites don't treat Asian like they are better than them otherwise you would agree that.....

1. Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.

2. Hollywood films should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian. They should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people

3. World history and news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news. Others need appear only as tokens or contributors to Asians

4. Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good, carpet-bombing them or sending in drones if necessary. Asians know best.

5. Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. IQ data shows they are the smartest.

6. Asian couples should be portrayed as the most socially desirable couples everywhere.

7. We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.

8. Fashion models should be mainly Asians

9. Asian” nations should colonize by European nations, like Germany, UK, Italy, Spain.

Almost no White person seriously makes this sort of argument.

Even though it follows from the “facts” and style of reasoning that White racists use all the time about how great Asians are. That is because deep down racism is not about fact but feeling and I always find it funny that the people who talk about great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

Dude the old "Look at how great the Asians are doing. There's something wrong with you black" is even Asian are getting tired if it

Because they have the exact opposite problem of being over represented in fields like accounting or engineering. Cultural assimilation problems too but most AA not working out for them

To compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a THOUSAND YEARS and is still INTACT with a people who were enslaved for 500 YEARS and in the process were ROBBED of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land

is just plain STUPID.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,m police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations,

Affirmative action makes the job market better not worse for blacks than everyone else....And that is again born out by performance metrics, aptitude tests, and just about any other metric you might care about as an employer.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Especially if you're not retarded. Does AA do you any good at mcdonalds? Probably not. Especially if your name is Jaquan and not Martin.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

But if you have a name like Will Freeman and a college degree most black Americans will get better positions than their white peers with equivalent resumes WITH EASE.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

You may not become CEO. But you will move up the chain a lot faster. And god knows if the management felt you were aligned with them ideologically they would love to hand the whole ship to you.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Everyone gets promoted to their level of incompetence, the Peter Principcle. But when you add affirmative action on top of that you get black people getting moved above the rest of us relative to our skills.

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Which is again why you can consistently measure whites and black peers and see such stark results. The bar is lower for black AMerica because of AA

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Yet still here you whine as if our society hasn't done this for again the whole time I've been alive. And certainly the whole time you've been in the labor market, probably your whole life too

White people do not care about who is best for the job. They think race first. White supremacy is AA for whites.

Preface*- Jews are the primary example of a broken people who have not folded. Discrimination and everything else does not follow with bad behavior. Just because black america did it doesn't make it the only option. That is not how the majority of groups react to discrimination. And it's not that your culture wasn't in tact. It was that you were randomly chosen as slaves. While they are modern self selecting immigrants with IQ's well over the median of where they come from. We have no reason to think ADOS aren't representative of very average West Africans. Modern immigrants are not representative of their home countries. Asian, African, Eastern Euro whatever

And shocker african immigrants do not do as well as teh Asians because the average Asian IQ is 105 and the average African IQ is 85. The only Africans who have a shot at beating the Asians are ones who were breeding themselves into higher IQs like the Ashkenazi.

There are two aspects to this. Asians are modern self selecting immigrants. And thus are the capital/mangerial class. And affirmitive action schemes are implemented by majority white instiutions. THis is not a fight between Asians and blacks from the Asian perspective. They just want the whites to stop discriminating against them. They don't really care what black america does for the most part. Black America isn't openly discriminating against them, maybe they would like to. But they don't have the power

Then there is the second poorer, urban, and often serving poor urban neighborhood Asians who have basically replaced the Jews as the urban vendors. There is obvious tension there. Has been since the LA riots 30 years ago and probably more on the coasts. Blacks still have tensions with Jews for the same reason. Urban only problem. Only reason we hear about it is because that's where reporters are.

Shocker black urban youth dominate all crime metrics.....? lol

Problem with trying to gauge black/asian hate crimes is blacks are so ultra violent relative to the rest of us it could just be very usual overspill of violent people just happening to see asian targets. I'm not convinced, also they are a very high % foreign born and xenophobia is not necessarily racism.

The first problem is one Asians can solve. The second problem isn't something anyone can solve the black youth are just crazy.
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