Hiroshima vs Detroit 64 years latter

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Any questions?

If America had dropped blacks on Hiroshima, they would have never recovered
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If America had dropped blacks on Hiroshima, they would have never recovered
It was the whites which helped destroy Detroit financially, but we will leave them out of it....
Lack of family values and crime did. Dumbass
Really?? It was exacerbated by a sharp decline in US auto production...smartass
Uncle Surgar, just makes everything worse...
Just the brown sugar...
This of course has nothing do with the crappy trade "deals" and eliminating tariffs on goods sent to this country, our politicians have subjected the American worker to. Don't any of you remember reading about the japanese and other countries dumping their government subsidized products into this country to drive entire US manufacturing sectors out business? There used to be discussions about this in newsprint before the laws were changed to allow a handful of billionaires to control all the news in this country. I'll bet the TPP won't be included in any of the debates. this is another shitty, top secret trade pact obama and his republican buddies are pushing on us. Trump does discuss these issues. No others are allowed to. Certainly, the guy with the Canadian birth certificate won't discuss it. He's been bought and paid for by the corporations same as motor mouth rubio , jeb etc.
This of course has nothing do with the crappy trade "deals" and eliminating tariffs on goods sent to this country, our politicians have subjected the American worker to. Don't any of you remember reading about the japanese and other countries dumping their government subsidized products into this country to drive entire US manufacturing sectors out business? There used to be discussions about this in newsprint before the laws were changed to allow a handful of billionaires to control all the news in this country. I'll bet the TPP won't be included in any of the debates. this is another shitty, top secret trade pact obama and his republican buddies are pushing on us. Trump does discuss these issues. No others are allowed to. Certainly, the guy with the Canadian birth certificate won't discuss it. He's been bought and paid for by the corporations same as motor mouth rubio , jeb etc.
Detroit auto industry was beaten by the Japanese in the 1970's.....

Kind of shows what happens to places when a town with one main business loses that business and the govt doesn't bother to do anything about putting something else in its place.

All the happens is each individual congressman will do backhanded deals to make sure businesses move to already prosperous areas and places like Detroit will just go downhill. No one cares. govt isn't run for the people.
People went to Detroit for jobs, not welfare; then many of the jobs left and the people are still there. It happened to a lot of mill towns and other industry centers.
We simply have a large work force and too few jobs. Of course when VW brought over its little compact, Detroit's answer was to enlarge the size of the fender fins on its massive cars.
If America had dropped blacks on Hiroshima, they would have never recovered
It was the whites which helped destroy Detroit financially, but we will leave them out of it....
Lack of family values and crime did. Dumbass
Really?? It was exacerbated by a sharp decline in US auto production...smartass

Detroit started it's decline in the late 50s and was fully down by the late 60s. The auto industry was doing fine at that time.
You guys don't know what you are talking about. Detroit's decline had little to do with the auto industry. It had a nasty race riot in....1967!!! White flight from the city was already in full bloom, but after the riot it accelerated greatly. In the late 60s, the auto industry was booming.

It's decline had to do with a lot of things. Mostly government failure and incompetence. Poor schools, busing, crime, lack of police protection, new expressways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools and no crime... HUD selling homes for $1 and race also played a big part.
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You guys don't know what you are talking about. Detroit's decline had little to do with the auto industry. It had a nasty race riot in....1967!!! White fight from the city was already in fully in place, but after the riot it accelerated. In the late 60s, the auto industry was booming.

It's decline had to do with a lot of things. Mostly government failure. Poor schools, busing, crime, lack of police protection, new expressways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools and no crime... HUD selling homes for $1 and race also was a big part.

You make some good points. I grew up in Detroit and the suburbs, I was young at the time but the thing I remember was busing prompting a lot of families to move into the suburbs. I think Detroit's problem is simple geography, it's about 140 square miles and doesn't have the tax base to support public services across that whole area.
You guys don't know what you are talking about. Detroit's decline had little to do with the auto industry. It had a nasty race riot in....1967!!! White fight from the city was already in fully in place, but after the riot it accelerated. In the late 60s, the auto industry was booming.

It's decline had to do with a lot of things. Mostly government failure. Poor schools, busing, crime, lack of police protection, new expressways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools and no crime... HUD selling homes for $1 and race also was a big part.

You make some good points. I grew up in Detroit and the suburbs, I was young at the time but the thing I remember was busing prompting a lot of families to move into the suburbs. I think Detroit's problem is simple geography, it's about 140 square miles and doesn't have the tax base to support public services across that whole area.
I also grew up there and saw it's demise first hand. Busing was huge and was the reason my parents decided to depart. My older sister was to be bussed across town to a high school that was in a predominantly black area, yet we had a high school two blocks from our home...she would have had to get up at 5am to catch the bus on time. My parents smartly said F that.

I do not believe it's geographic size had anything to do with it. Many American cities are larger and Detroit was a great city for many decades prior to it's collapse.
Lost of auto jobs, Grand Rapids
If America had dropped blacks on Hiroshima, they would have never recovered
It was the whites which helped destroy Detroit financially, but we will leave them out of it....

Interesting it was a black / white thing, those white evangelicals remind me of the Bundy's of today.


The gang that killed Poole was part of the Black Legion, and the triggerman was Dayton Dean, an employee of the Detroit Public Lighting Department and, by all accounts, a man who simply lived for violence. As such, Dean fit the profile of the Black Legion, whose propensity for violence, as one contemporary observed, made the Ku Klux Klan look like a cream puff.

The Black Legion was founded in the mid-1920s as the Black Guards, a security force for the officers of the Ohio Ku Klux Klan. A Michigan regiment was established in 1931, with Arthur Lupp of Highland Park as its major general. Organized along military lines, the Michigan Legion had five brigades, 16 regiments, 64 batallions, and 256 companies. Although its members boasted that there were one million legionaires in Michigan, it probably had only between 20,000 and 30,000 members in the state in the 1930s, one third of whom lived in Detroit. (white evangelicals)

The legion had various fronts to cover its activities, such as the Wayne County Rifle and Pistol Club, whose members frequented a downtown Detroit sporting goods store with a backroom firing range. It also had a political front as well, the Wolverine Republican Club. The legion's political objectives were broad and, at the same time, narrowly specific. As one of its promotional pieces stated, "we will fight political Romanism [the Catholic Church], Judaism, Communism, and all 'isms' which our forefathers came to this country to avoid."

detnews.com | Michigan History

The unions, segregation, suburbia (for affluent whites) to get away from inner city crime and blacks, to the oil problems of OPEC in the 70's and on and on.

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