Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ‘shocked by misinformation’

i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................

/----/Well, it looks like the hysterics that there is a "crisis" at the border are unfounded. Looks perfectly calm and orderly to me.

they ain't gonna have much strength given the circumstances.

inadequate water
inadequate food
illness' due to hygienic reasons
lights on 24/7
etc etc etc.

answer me this WHY won't they allow the press in? WHY won't they allow congressional members in with cameras? WHY won't they allow VOLUNTEER DOCTORS AND NURSES IN?

because they are hiding their outright abuse. so fuck you.
/——-/ Oh boo hoo hoo. They need to go back to their 3rd world socialist shythole.

lol... yep. you guzzle trump's load with every stroke.
AOC lives in the heads of RW's -

thats ok, theres plenty of room, they're brainless.

This little lying, piece of shit ABNORMAL is causing more problems than the cost of powder to blow her to hell....What has happened to our country when it is MORE IMPORTANT to the DemonRATS to have political unrest instead of working for a better country.....pathetic and beyond shamefull....

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez was "full of indignation" when he saw the reports and heard from politicians about the deplorable and inhumane conditions for illegal immigrants at an El Paso County, Texas migrant detention center. But what he saw at the same facility toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. with a group of pastors was "drastically different."

The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world's largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento shared his firsthand experience touring a migrant detention center during a press briefing Monday.

“I read the reports, saw the news clips. I just wanted to see what was actually happening in order to better enable our efforts to find a fair and a just solution to our broken immigration system," Rodriguez, who has advised President Trump and both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush on immigration reform, noted. “To my surprise, I saw something drastically different from the stories I’ve been hearing in our national discourse. Even as a veteran of immigration advocacy in the U.S., I was shocked at the misinformation of the crisis at the border."

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

Who you gonna believe?

A lying PROVEN piece of human debris, AOC or a group of ministers of God?.........
/——/ here is the offending toilet as described by the woman who never heard of a kitchen garbage disposal.
Photo shows hybrid of toilet and drinking fountain in migrant detention centers
View attachment 267432

So the DHS report which called the conditions "dangerous" to both the inmates and the guards, are also lying? And the guards carrying their own person weapons because they feared riots, all are politically motivated liars?
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................


You moron, everyone agrees that the facilities are overburdened. Only the democrats have huge difficulty giving funds to securing the border. That's because they want these people in the country - illegally.

Apparently "their best" are now renting children in order to get into the country. The democrat traitors are complicit.

uh-huh.... that's bullshit. if donny can steal $ from the national parks service to help fund his ridiculous military parade that is TENS of MILLIONS of dollars over the original estimate --- then you don't get to say shit about ' funding' .

they aren't even accepting fucking donations.

The "for-profit" facilities turned away donations saying they're fully stocked, which leads you to believe that depriving these children of food, diapers, soap and clean clothing is a policy decision. This is child abuse and abuse of refugees as government policy.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................


You moron, everyone agrees that the facilities are overburdened. Only the democrats have huge difficulty giving funds to securing the border. That's because they want these people in the country - illegally.

Apparently "their best" are now renting children in order to get into the country. The democrat traitors are complicit.

uh-huh.... that's bullshit. if donny can steal $ from the national parks service to help fund his ridiculous military parade that is TENS of MILLIONS of dollars over the original estimate --- then you don't get to say shit about ' funding' .

they aren't even accepting fucking donations.

The "for-profit" facilities turned away donations saying they're fully stocked, which leads you to believe that depriving these children of food, diapers, soap and clean clothing is a policy decision. This is child abuse and abuse of refugees as government policy.
Get your azz down there and help them then. You ph ukn parasite. We need chemicals dropped on you to end this. You lesbians molest younger girls and get away with it because your female and gay. If you work in the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom it is even worse. There was one down here who in the military did that in a city up North on South Street. Can't convict rumors though. Unless privileged. Gerber baby food I tell you.
This little lying, piece of shit ABNORMAL is causing more problems than the cost of powder to blow her to hell....What has happened to our country when it is MORE IMPORTANT to the DemonRATS to have political unrest instead of working for a better country.....pathetic and beyond shamefull........

I feel your pain. I think she will be a one-termer.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................


You moron, everyone agrees that the facilities are overburdened. Only the democrats have huge difficulty giving funds to securing the border. That's because they want these people in the country - illegally.

Apparently "their best" are now renting children in order to get into the country. The democrat traitors are complicit.

uh-huh.... that's bullshit. if donny can steal $ from the national parks service to help fund his ridiculous military parade that is TENS of MILLIONS of dollars over the original estimate --- then you don't get to say shit about ' funding' .

they aren't even accepting fucking donations.

The "for-profit" facilities turned away donations saying they're fully stocked, which leads you to believe that depriving these children of food, diapers, soap and clean clothing is a policy decision. This is child abuse and abuse of refugees as government policy.
Get your azz down there and help them then. You ph ukn parasite. We need chemicals dropped on you to end this. You lesbians molest younger girls and get away with it because your female and gay. If you work in the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom it is even worse. There was one down here who in the military did that in a city up North on South Street. Can't convict rumors though. Unless privileged. Gerber baby food I tell you.

^ triggered.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................


You moron, everyone agrees that the facilities are overburdened. Only the democrats have huge difficulty giving funds to securing the border. That's because they want these people in the country - illegally.

Apparently "their best" are now renting children in order to get into the country. The democrat traitors are complicit.

uh-huh.... that's bullshit. if donny can steal $ from the national parks service to help fund his ridiculous military parade that is TENS of MILLIONS of dollars over the original estimate --- then you don't get to say shit about ' funding' .

they aren't even accepting fucking donations.

The "for-profit" facilities turned away donations saying they're fully stocked, which leads you to believe that depriving these children of food, diapers, soap and clean clothing is a policy decision. This is child abuse and abuse of refugees as government policy.
Get your azz down there and help them then. You ph ukn parasite. We need chemicals dropped on you to end this. You lesbians molest younger girls and get away with it because your female and gay. If you work in the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom it is even worse. There was one down here who in the military did that in a city up North on South Street. Can't convict rumors though. Unless privileged. Gerber baby food I tell you.

Once again one of you clueless wonders decides they know who or what I am and they get it entirely wrong.

I'm not an American and I'm not going anywhere to help anyone. You broke it, you fix it. I am not and have never been a lesbian, not that there's anything wrong with being a lesbian.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................

The report says exactly what the Trump administration has been saying. The Democrats are the ones who insisted that it's not an emergency.
Democrats encourage illegal immigration in order to skew our elections. For example, California is apportioned 6 extra electoral votes and congressional seats because of it's huge population of people who are not Americans. That's more than some states are apportioned in total.

And I seriously doubt that the timing of these massive caravans, just in time to be counted in the 2020 census, is merely coincidental.

Democrats are anti-American scum.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................

The report says exactly what the Trump administration has been saying. The Democrats are the ones who insisted that it's not an emergency.

uh - no. you be lying ... per usual.

just days b4 that report came out - the 'acting' DHS mouthpiece/trump sycophant was DENYING the congress critters' accounts of what they saw & heard.

DHS chief denied mistreatment of migrants while his own agency found otherwise
By anne flaherty
Jul 4, 2019, 8:48 AM ET

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan stood before news cameras and reporters last Friday and unequivocally denounced allegations of mistreatment and neglect of children at a U.S. Border Patrol facility as "unsubstantiated."

He also praised Border Patrol officers.

"The real story I would submit to you on the border crisis and our response is about our Border Patrol agents who have chosen a career about protecting others," he said.

But McAleenan's remarks are now under scrutiny following two separate bombshell reports -- one by his own agency detailing massive overcrowding and unsanitary conditions at several border facilities, and another report by the investigative news outlet ProPublica exposing the existence of a secret Facebook account in which current and former Border Patrol agents joked about migrants dying.
DHS chief denied mistreatment of migrants while his own agency found otherwise
Democrats encourage illegal immigration in order to skew our elections. For example, California is apportioned 6 extra electoral votes and congressional seats because of it's huge population of people who are not Americans. That's more than some states are apportioned in total.

And I seriously doubt that the timing of these massive caravans, just in time to be counted in the 2020 census, is merely coincidental.

Democrats are anti-American scum.

(D)s want to get rid of the EC & tally the winner based on the popular vote. had it been that way in 2016, your dear leader would have lost bigley.
Trump and DHS have been begging the Democrats to attend meetings and briefings since December last year, wanting them to just do something.....anything.....but to no avail.
The Democrats told us this was a manufactured crisis.
Now that it's gotten out of hand they offer no solutions. They literally created this crisis....intentionally.

So anyone who bitches about overcrowding in detention centers when they have chosen to do nothing for close to year has no room to complain.
i'm going to believe the DHS inspector general who just released the report today & it's confirming the reps who said conditions are deplorable.... not trump's propaganda machine.


^^^ that's only one of several pics contained in the report.

happy reading................

I saw similar pictures in 2014.
When were these taken?

what date does the report say they were taken, lenny? did you bother to even read it? of course not or you would have known already. i'll give you a clue - it & several more taken by the IG are only weeks old.
Trump and DHS have been begging the Democrats to attend meetings and briefings since December last year, wanting them to just do something.....anything.....but to no avail.
The Democrats told us this was a manufactured crisis.
Now that it's gotten out of hand they offer no solutions. They literally created this crisis....intentionally.

So anyone who bitches about overcrowding in detention centers when they have chosen to do nothing for close to year has no room to complain.

just how brown ARE your eyes, leonard?

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