Hispanics: The Democrats may have put themselves in a bind

Hey, Bud, when you change your name so we don't know it's you, you should probably change your AVI and not engage in the same behavior.

Put down the bottle, it's 6 AM.

Anyway, yes, MOST Americans are fiscally liberal. They want their government cheese. We spend more on middle class entitlements (about 2.5 TRILLION a year) than we do on poverty relief (only about 500 billion a year.) They want public works. They want public services. They really don't want to work harder for less money because the rich are greedy.

They tend to be socially conservative, though. We are generally hung up on sex, we don't feel comfortable with people of other skin tones, and we live in mortal terror that there probably isn't a magic fairy in the sky who listens to your prayers.

It's how the GOP has operated since 1968- using bullshit social issues to get regular Americans (mostly white) to vote against their own economic interests.

It's why the rich ALWAYS get their tax cut, but we are nearly 50 years after Roe v. Wade, and Abortion is still legal.
Your a confused meth head, it's the opposite shit for brains

Most people are socially liberal, fiscally conservative.
The Republican Party has moved much further to the right over the last few decades. Why do you think so many have quit or been RINO’d? Dems are now moving further left as well. There is no party for centrists any more.
Repubs have not moved right. They slow down the move to the left. It seems that way because the movement left is like being on the autobahn when Progs are in power. When Repubs are in power it's like being on a street road, but the movement is still left. Repub highlights are putting judges into office that are questionable in their views. We do not want the 19th Century or other eras. We want the end of the demonization distributed to the real producers of our nation by pure propaganda.
The Republican Party has moved much further to the right over the last few decades. Why do you think so many have quit or been RINO’d? Dems are now moving further left as well. There is no party for centrists any more.
Republicans have moved to moderate.. they have been rinos for 30 years.. The reason why I believe this is because Ann Coulter says that she’s a moderate and when you think about some of the things she believes in.. it was extremely main stream at one point in this country. Immigration, nationalization act, you had to speak English, fiscal responsibility, we are way to the left.. in 1980 I guarantee you there were ranchers putting Latinos in body bags on the border.. that’s considered to mean now lol
Yeah, this may be the wackiest thing JoeB has ever said and that is saying something. He has it exactly backwards. Independants are overwhemingly socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Frankly, only a complete numbskull would be fiscally liberal. Their economic policies are borderline traitorous.
No kidding I drink and did my drugs in my day, I could care less about gay people, blacks and Mexicans in real life and don't care if a woman gets an abortion.

All I care about is stay away from my money
The Republican Party has moved much further to the right over the last few decades. Why do you think so many have quit or been RINO’d? Dems are now moving further left as well. There is no party for centrists any more.
No they haven't, they are just the adults in the room and say wait a second
BLM accomplished a lot of good for this country. You simply do not like that which makes me wonder how many Confederate flags you own.

Their leadership certainly did well for themselves. Did you get a timeshare with your donations?
Their leadership certainly did well for themselves. Did you get a timeshare with your donations?

I donated nothing. I am happy those who are on the side of "law enforcement" get held accountable when they break those laws though.
If Republicans would toe down some of the uglier nativist and anti immigrant rhetoric, they’d have a large portion of the group. But that would go against tbe base.
Don’t you and Mac1958 really mean…. “the GOP better stop valuing America’s right to sovereignty, they better learn to welcome illegal wetbacks….OR ELSE!”
Come on….give it to us straight.
Your a confused meth head, it's the opposite shit for brains

Most people are socially liberal, fiscally conservative.
And yet most people support things like funded day care, most think the rich and corporations do not pay their fair share, etc.

All this stuff is center and center right in any other modern nation. So yes, the right in this country has moved further right. There is no denying it.
BLM accomplished a lot of good for this country. You simply do not like that which makes me wonder how many Confederate flags you own.
“BLM accomplished a lot of good for this country.”

Hahaha…because you say so?
all BLM did was escalate racial tensions and knock blacks down. Outside of Berkeley’s campus the perception of blacks may be at a 50 year low.
Tell us, since all the BLM driven antics have blacks improved themselves…can you show some data?
“BLM accomplished a lot of good for this country.”

Hahaha…because you say so?
all BLM did was escalate racial tensions and knock blacks down. Outside of Berkeley’s campus the perception of blacks may be at a 50 year low.
Tell us, since all the BLM driven antics have blacks improved themselves…can you show some data?

It's not about popularity. It's about a fair justice system. People were pissed at Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges also. Some of you still are.
It's not about popularity. It's about a fair justice system. People were pissed at Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges also. Some of you still are.
By now everybody sane and paying attention knows that BLM and what it stands for was predicated on a lie….The justice is fair and has been for half a century.
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"
So what did BLM do to improve the justice system? Didn’t they force the defunding of police and get a lot of people killed?
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Pretty interesting article below.

We've discussed this many times here, but the Democrats' approach to "minorities" as a whole may end up backfiring on them. It's beginning to look like, generally speaking, American Hispanics may be more conservative than American Blacks. And if that's true, the party's dependence on Identity Politics and other cultural tactics may be wearing thin for them. They may be facing a fork in the political road. And Hispanics represent 18% of the population, Democrats. (For that matter, I do very much wonder how American Blacks feel about some specific cultural issues)

In my half brown family, and my coincidentally half brown extended family (weird how that worked out), that's certainly the case. And I can tell you it would be more so, if it weren't for the current condition of the GOP.


"They want more border security or are staunchly against abortions. They feel their husbands, family members, neighbors and friends that are Border Patrol agents or are in law enforcement are being unfairly villainized by Democrats. They worry Democrats are hostile to the oil and gas industry, which provides many good-paying jobs in the state. They worry the left is forgetting family values and the value of work.

"Broadly, they also argue that Democrats outside of the Valley have miscalculated that Hispanics there are as progressive as Hispanic voters in more liberal strongholds such as California and New York, when in reality, they’re far more moderate."
I've said a bazillion times on this forum that Mexicans are hard working, family oriented, and very religious and that the GOP is missing the boat on this.
Republicans have moved to moderate.. they have been rinos for 30 years.. The reason why I believe this is because Ann Coulter says that she’s a moderate and when you think about some of the things she believes in.. it was extremely main stream at one point in this country. Immigration, nationalization act, you had to speak English, fiscal responsibility, we are way to the left.. in 1980 I guarantee you there were ranchers putting Latinos in body bags on the border.. that’s considered to mean now lol
No, they are anything but moderate..Coulter self identifying as moderate is like NK calling itself a democratic republic.
I've said a bazillion times on this forum that Mexicans are hard working, family oriented, and very religious and that the GOP is missing the boat on this.
They can't shut up the cavemen who think Mexicans are subhuman, as we see on this board, because those folks are the base.

So that's a conundrum right there.
You kinda represent the whole point here...

Just toss the softballs up in the air, and they'll jump in and whack 'em over the fence for you.
You didn’t answer the question. Is that because you can’t without looking stupid?

“Don’t you and Mac1958 really mean…. “the GOP better stop valuing America’s right to sovereignty, they better learn to welcome illegal wetbacks….OR ELSE!”
Come on….give it to us straight.”
. (no, a four percent variance for an incumbent president isn't a shift.)
4% is a start, doesn't seem like it will contract.
Nobody expects a shift to be like 0% to 60% in one election, follow the momentum and you won't look so dumb.

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