'Historic' tax awaits within the details of New York universal health care proposal

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
LOL. Oh, please do. Even in New York this proposal is going to go over like a lead balloon with the public. Sure, when you ask people on its face if they support universal health care you get a decent amount of support, but the moment you show them how "free" it is that number craters.

Their bill calls funding the health-care program through two new taxes. One would be a graduated payroll tax where companies would pay at least 80 percent of the amount. The other would be a progressive levy placed on income, including capital gains.

Citing figures from the RAND Corporation, the first-year cost for the program would be $157 billion, which would be a 133% increase in state tax receipts.


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