Historical Precedent for use of Deadly Force Against Rioters

I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Government has not not done so. What government entity ordered Floyd to be killed. But if you act like and animals then expect to be treated that way. Mob rule violates the social contract. Madison in Federalist No. 10 stated that the new Constitution was best for dealing with "factions" or mobs like Shay's Rebellion.

The policing of black Americans has done just that. They’ve done so for decades. The justifications aren’t working any more. Not when we can see three men standing on Floyd until he dies.

Show me the government policy that that advocates that? Floyd should not have acted as a violent criminal and he would not have died. What is the justification for a criminal mob burning people's private property and killing police officers? More police officers are shot and killed each year by criminals than blacks are shot by white police.

What policy advocates three men stand on a black man until he dies?

Policies aren’t always enumerated.

Yes, they are. Blacks are not being targeted by police and statistical evidence proved otherwise.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Overwhelming majority consent to our republican form of government and do not agree with the small and lawless faction.

Ironic. If you truly believed in the republic, you wouldn’t care about the majority. A republic is intended to preserve the rights of the minority which are being trampled.

:Boom2: Oh stop it you fucking moron, dear god what an imbecile. You are a democratic fascist, you are as far removed from the concept of republic as the dead felon is from the Mahatma! The democratic party, and its mob, marinate in democracy this, democracy that, we are not a fucking democracy, or at least we are not supposed to be. You want democracy do you, then look no further than those rioting fascist youth, that is the poster for democracy! Democracy is mob rule, which is exactly what the democratic party and its evil fucking leadership are disseminating and have always been disseminating! Republic's are ruled by law, democracies are ruled by the mob, which is exactly who and what you creatures are, the mob! :poke:
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Government has not not done so. What government entity ordered Floyd to be killed. But if you act like and animals then expect to be treated that way. Mob rule violates the social contract. Madison in Federalist No. 10 stated that the new Constitution was best for dealing with "factions" or mobs like Shay's Rebellion.

The policing of black Americans has done just that. They’ve done so for decades. The justifications aren’t working any more. Not when we can see three men standing on Floyd until he dies.

Show me the government policy that that advocates that? Floyd should not have acted as a violent criminal and he would not have died. What is the justification for a criminal mob burning people's private property and killing police officers? More police officers are shot and killed each year by criminals than blacks are shot by white police.

What policy advocates three men stand on a black man until he dies?

Policies aren’t always enumerated.

Yes, they are. Blacks are not being targeted by police and statistical evidence proved otherwise.

Mmm, not so sure about that. For example, stop and frisk in NYC:
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Overwhelming majority consent to our republican form of government and do not agree with the small and lawless faction.

Ironic. If you truly believed in the republic, you wouldn’t care about the majority. A republic is intended to preserve the rights of the minority which are being trampled.

Not s lawless mob. A legitimate minority with an organized and articulate political argument. How are Democrats and other minor party's having their rights "trampled?" Minority rights has nothing to do with race.

A minority is any group that is not in the majority. It can be defined by any characteristic. Not just party. Not just race.

I thought we sorted this out in the 60s but it needs to be restated I guess.

The only place where a majority of support would be relevant is a direct democracy, which we are not.

So what is the platform of the criminal mobs? They have none and they are violating the law. Blacks rights are not being violated. Do they not have the right to vote? Do they not elect black members to Congress and city hall? So in our democratic republic they have no complaint. Instead of burning down neighborhoods they should write their Congressman.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Overwhelming majority consent to our republican form of government and do not agree with the small and lawless faction.

Ironic. If you truly believed in the republic, you wouldn’t care about the majority. A republic is intended to preserve the rights of the minority which are being trampled.

:Boom2: Oh stop it you fucking moron, dear god what an imbecile. You are a democratic fascist, you are as far removed from the concept of republic as the dead felon is from the Mahatma! The democratic party, and its mob, marinate in democracy this, democracy that, we are not a fucking democracy, or at least we are not supposed to be. You want democracy do you, then look no further than those rioting fascist youth, that is the poster for democracy! Democracy is mob rule, which is exactly what the democratic party and its evil fucking leadership are disseminating and have always been disseminating! Republic's are ruled by law, democracies are ruled by the mob, which is exactly who and what you creatures are, the mob! :poke:

So the civil rights movement in the 60s, just another evil fucking mob?
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Government has not not done so. What government entity ordered Floyd to be killed. But if you act like and animals then expect to be treated that way. Mob rule violates the social contract. Madison in Federalist No. 10 stated that the new Constitution was best for dealing with "factions" or mobs like Shay's Rebellion.

The policing of black Americans has done just that. They’ve done so for decades. The justifications aren’t working any more. Not when we can see three men standing on Floyd until he dies.

Show me the government policy that that advocates that? Floyd should not have acted as a violent criminal and he would not have died. What is the justification for a criminal mob burning people's private property and killing police officers? More police officers are shot and killed each year by criminals than blacks are shot by white police.

What policy advocates three men stand on a black man until he dies?

Policies aren’t always enumerated.

Yes, they are. Blacks are not being targeted by police and statistical evidence proved otherwise.

Mmm, not so sure about that. For example, stop and frisk in NYC:

Civil Liberties Union is a leftist biased joke. Stop and frisk was stopped by socialist DeBlasio when he took over years ago. If you live in are rife with criminal activity and drugs expect to see a larger police presence to protect innocent civilians.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Overwhelming majority consent to our republican form of government and do not agree with the small and lawless faction.

Ironic. If you truly believed in the republic, you wouldn’t care about the majority. A republic is intended to preserve the rights of the minority which are being trampled.

Not s lawless mob. A legitimate minority with an organized and articulate political argument. How are Democrats and other minor party's having their rights "trampled?" Minority rights has nothing to do with race.

A minority is any group that is not in the majority. It can be defined by any characteristic. Not just party. Not just race.

I thought we sorted this out in the 60s but it needs to be restated I guess.

The only place where a majority of support would be relevant is a direct democracy, which we are not.

So what is the platform of the criminal mobs? They have none and they are violating the law. Blacks rights are not being violated. Do they not have the right to vote? Do they not elect black members to Congress and city hall? So in our democratic republic they have no complaint. Instead of burning down neighborhoods they should write their Congressman.

It’s funny how your posts exemplify exactly the thing that they’re protesting.

They’re not a criminal mob. Some are, of course. But labeling everyone a criminal is the type of prejudicethat has destroyed their communities.
Yep, and Floyd turned into a common criminal years ago. He died because he was violent and resisting arrest.
We do not execute criminals unless they commit a capital offense. And Floyd didn't commit a capital offense.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Government has not not done so. What government entity ordered Floyd to be killed. But if you act like and animals then expect to be treated that way. Mob rule violates the social contract. Madison in Federalist No. 10 stated that the new Constitution was best for dealing with "factions" or mobs like Shay's Rebellion.

The policing of black Americans has done just that. They’ve done so for decades. The justifications aren’t working any more. Not when we can see three men standing on Floyd until he dies.

Show me the government policy that that advocates that? Floyd should not have acted as a violent criminal and he would not have died. What is the justification for a criminal mob burning people's private property and killing police officers? More police officers are shot and killed each year by criminals than blacks are shot by white police.

What policy advocates three men stand on a black man until he dies?

Policies aren’t always enumerated.

Yes, they are. Blacks are not being targeted by police and statistical evidence proved otherwise.

Mmm, not so sure about that. For example, stop and frisk in NYC:

Civil Liberties Union is a leftist biased joke. Stop and frisk was stopped by socialist DeBlasio when he took over years ago. If you live in are rife with criminal activity and drugs expect to see a larger police presence to protect innocent civilians.

And you’re neglecting to note that the vast majority of stops were of completely innocent. The police are stopping innocent civilians to protect innocent civilians?
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
Consent of the governed
Part of social contract theory and rioting criminals are breaking the social contract. Locke stated that people are to expect to be secure in "Life, liberty and property." People are being murdered by mob rule, this is a violation of their right to live in peace with liberty, and their property is being destroyed and stolen.

Polce have almost total immunity that didn't enjoy pre 80s

Google it

Just happened to come in right after the civil rights act...coudln't even make it 2 decades

I wo
The people feel their rights to life, liberty and property are not being respected by the governing authority. When the government breaks the contract, the people will feel no need to uphold their end.
What government policy resulted in Floyds death? Not one. Looters are breaking social contract by using a man's death as an excuse to loot and steal private property.
Police policy has. Overly aggressive, confrontational, escalating police policy.
Locke would agree with police protecting private property. Man in his natural state is a savages without government or the rule of law. I will let a Yale professor explain it to you:

This is the exact state of mind that leads the government to treat their citizenry like animals.

Hence they lose the consent of the governed.

Government has not not done so. What government entity ordered Floyd to be killed. But if you act like and animals then expect to be treated that way. Mob rule violates the social contract. Madison in Federalist No. 10 stated that the new Constitution was best for dealing with "factions" or mobs like Shay's Rebellion.

The policing of black Americans has done just that. They’ve done so for decades. The justifications aren’t working any more. Not when we can see three men standing on Floyd until he dies.

Show me the government policy that that advocates that? Floyd should not have acted as a violent criminal and he would not have died. What is the justification for a criminal mob burning people's private property and killing police officers? More police officers are shot and killed each year by criminals than blacks are shot by white police.

Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.

How many died before he did that?

Rioting at that time was a bit more of a brutal affair

White america has grown soft since then a little property damage is a riot now. Sad
Police have been murdered and assaulted. Businesses have been destroyed. Constitution gives citizens a right to "peaceably assemble." None of these so-called protest has been peaceful.

0 police have been murdered by protestors.

That's a lie
That is an out right lie. Look up new york city.

I google it and see nothing, show me

all i get is videos of pigs in SUVs running into protestors.
Law enforcement are not "pig's." But thanks for showing your total disrespect for the law. You only see what you want. Idiot. Hope looters attack you and destroy you r property. CNN and MSNBC won't show footage of police officer being ran over and police officers have been killed in New York City as well as St.Louis.

They don't start out that way

But they all end that way unless they work alone or with very few people.

In major cities? yea they're all pigs or ostracized

The internal investigation guys might maybe be alright. Maybe
And protesters are not rioters and looters. But thanks for showing your total disrespect for the 1st amendment.
Nothing wrong with protesting, but now the protesters turn into rioters in a second.
And 4 police officers can turn into "pigs" in just 8 minutes and 42 seconds.
Yep, and Floyd turned into a common criminal years ago. He died because he was violent and resisting arrest.
Like I said earlier, he was a criminal and should've been in jail. If the justice system didn't fail him, he would still be alive.
Exactly. They are rioting and looting under the guise of being "protesters."

Bush in your mind it would just take one guy from the other side politically to do something violent or destructive to start shooting on sight

You'd want to shoot them as soon as it cost the city a penny that wasn't budgeted in
The government has let liberals do whatever they damn well please ever since Kent State.

Trump is right, enough is enough. It's time to get tough and clear the streets, even if it means Trump has to use the Insurrection Act.
Kent State was a justifiable use of deadly force. Students of SDS had looted downtown Kent , burned down the ROTC building, and cut fire hoses the night before. Then they threw dangerous projectiles at Guardsmen the next day.

jesus fucking christ old man you are nuts
As a criminal loving liar, you would say that.

Yea i'm sure all 300 of the kids at kent state were violent

Way to go national guard shoot em all

You're nuts too
And you’re neglecting to note that the vast majority of stops were of completely innocent. The police are stopping innocent civilians to protect innocent civilians?
They were stopping innocent people, in order to protect the constitution, and the 4th amendment that protects people from illegal search and seizure.
The government has let liberals do whatever they damn well please ever since Kent State.

Trump is right, enough is enough. It's time to get tough and clear the streets, even if it means Trump has to use the Insurrection Act.
Kent State was a justifiable use of deadly force. Students of SDS had looted downtown Kent , burned down the ROTC building, and cut fire hoses the night before. Then they threw dangerous projectiles at Guardsmen the next day.

jesus fucking christ old man you are nuts
As a criminal loving liar, you would say that.

Yea i'm sure all 300 of the kids at kent state were violent

Way to go national guard shoot em all

You're nuts too
Yep, shoot all the looters and rioters.
Like I said earlier, he was a criminal and should've been in jail. If the justice system didn't fail him, he would still be alive.
Should've been in jail? Like Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn?

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