History Shows Us Where the #ThugsForBiden Are Heading

You snotty little ingrate....I do more for this economy in a week than you produce in your entire carreer.....Without me, you wouldn't have shit....
Tell me more. What is it that you do thats so important?

Oh my God, you are door knob stupid....You couldn't figure it out? I've said what I do for a living more than once on this site as well as others...

I have driven a tractor-trailer for 28 years now...spending approximately 270 plus days a year on the road delivering what you need in your daily life....Including what you need to do your job...

You know, holding the views you do, I am frankly surprised that you do what you do....Being a lacky for the giant auto corporations, getting out there and lying, cheating, stealing from the people you sell to, all to gain favor from your corporate masters...
Do you know what I have noticed? I have yet to see a white man delivering cars. Black men, black women. I sense you are full of shit.
You snotty little ingrate....I do more for this economy in a week than you produce in your entire carreer.....Without me, you wouldn't have shit....
Tell me more. What is it that you do thats so important?

Oh my God, you are door knob stupid....You couldn't figure it out? I've said what I do for a living more than once on this site as well as others...

I have driven a tractor-trailer for 28 years now...spending approximately 270 plus days a year on the road delivering what you need in your daily life....Including what you need to do your job...

You know, holding the views you do, I am frankly surprised that you do what you do....Being a lacky for the giant auto corporations, getting out there and lying, cheating, stealing from the people you sell to, all to gain favor from your corporate masters...
Do you know what I have noticed? I have yet to see a white man delivering cars. Black men, black women. I sense you are full of shit.

I want everyone reading this to notice the pattern of deflection taken on by this troll here....

The initial interest from this poster was due to me posting that a donation to the BLM cause, on their website was redirected to donate to a pac called 'actblue'... Which is a direct funneling of donations to the DNC....

Instead of denying, and showing me where I have it wrong, the poster defended Joe Biden, and tried to deflect from himself saying the ever so stupid statement that I should "take it up with Biden" knowing full well that I have no contact with the former VP....What a dumbass....

Then, he kept up deflecting, by turning the conversation into what we both do for a living, making it personal....And, trying to portray being a car salesman, as totally essential for our economy, knowing full well if he is a car salesman, that technology, and the ability to buy cars completely online is making his job obsolete....

Now, when I tell him what I do for a living, he knows that he can't refute what I told him as to the way he lives his life, and sustains himself on a daily basis would not be possible if it were not for people like myself, and my truck driving brothers and sisters....IOW, he bit off more than he can chew, so what is his fall back?

To, dismiss what I do, and in fact try to say that I am lying about what I do....This is silly....

Look Billy, either address the original statement, or get lost....I have no reason to lie about anything to you, I don't know you, nor do I give the slightest shit about you....As for what you belive or don't, I couldn't care any less about that either....As for what you see as the delivery people that bring your cars to you, well, since that is what you see at your insignificant dealership, in your insigficant town, in your ignsignificant life, well I guess that makes it true for everyone who drives a truck....You are a pardoy of a person...What a stupid thought you offered there....

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