History Will Record: Dr. Anthony Faucci, American Hero

The same Prog thinking that ph uked up COVID is as active as ever with the Trump trials. All of those trillions of dollars printed up the first two years of Joe to restock the Prog areas from their draconian shutdowns. There are students who lost a couple of years of school. That is good news for those who did not as they will have less competition. Of course, DEI will really come into play.
He's been ridiculed before and later came out on top.

He's a scientist's scientist.
Yes, he is a scientist. So what? His rep has been so trashed, repeatedly by so many, he will not be remembered as the savior of the country or humanity and as that idiot MTG pointed out, a tidy profit was made by his organization from the drug companies, based on it approvals and sales. Not exactly a pure science motivation. And here we are a couple of years down the road, and they still have no frigging idea who these drugs might help protect vs who these drugs might actually kill. And I freely admit, many probably were helped. But, I cannot believe, these scientific bozos, still don't know who should definitely never take these shots, but could easily believe they know, but now are not saying as some were needlessly harmed, so the majority could see a benefit. That is more about marketing a product generating profits, than pious humanitarian care. And, I can talk. I am one of the lucky ones, whose body did reject the changes injected into them, and possibly benefitted. I only say possibly, because I caught it in January before we knew the disease was spreading by common air carrier travel throughout the country, so whether I benefitted from the vaccine, vs whether I benefitted from surviving an original strain before there was even treatments, or masking, distancing etc, much less, vaccines is debatable, so even I don't know, but I definitely had the antibodies as the local blood service loved adding me to the convalescent plasma donors.
The American left will look at him as a hero, but the American right will not.

If the left turns him into a saint, and builds a statue or a monument for him, it will be on my list of ones I will travel to piss on.
It is clear now that he was largely covering his ass during the entire Covid period, and of course some of his recommendations later proved foolish, but I attribute that to the need of high-level officials to "do something" when it is not clear what should be done.

It has been completely forgotten that neither Dr. Fauci nor President Trump had the legal or Constitutional power to make any policy other than for the Federal government itself, its employees and contractors. The BIG DECISIONS were made by Governors, Mayors, and School Superintendents, based on whatever scientific information they thought reliable.

So don't blame Fauci for the year+ of lost academics...that was the Governors.
He's still standing. He will recover. History will be on his side.
I never said he was facing prosecution or ever will be. But he has backtrack on us involvement, funding, types of research and his organization actually has profited greatly from the Drug manufacturers that made the vaccine, so he and his org are ethically challenged, though I am certain, broke no laws, and maybe for "the greater good" or not, as there really is no way to know for sure anymore. It will be a hundred years before he is viewed with the stature he was viewed when this ride began, difference is, the size of his bank account and portfolio.

You often seem a realist. I am surprised you are serious in this thread.
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
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I never said he was facing prosecution or ever will be. But he has backtrack on us involvement, funding, types of research and his organization actually has profited greatly from the Drug manufacturers that made the vaccine, so he and his org are ethically challenged, though I am certain, broke no laws, and maybe for "the greater good" or not, as there really is no way to know for sure anymore. It will be a hundred years before he is viewed with the stature he was viewed when this ride began, difference is, the size of his bank account and portfolio.

You often seem a realist. I am surprised you are serious in this thread.
Dead serious.
He's still standing. He will recover. History will be on his side.
Why is it you want to support a lying psychopath who's at the center of population control in America since the 80s?

Turns out AIDs was just a test for the COVID pandemic.

All of the people who's lives have been ruined because of vaccine mandates can be blamed directly on Dr Fauci.

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